Chapter 31

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"Wow, Star, you look rough. When was the last time you got a full night's sleep?"

"Shut up, Tom."

"Want me to come over?" His three eyes were anxious.

"Nah- I just need to talk to you," Star said, running a hand through her hair and looking at Tom a little feverishly through the phone.

"Alright, what's up? It's like, two in the morning. I'm guessing it's Marco?"

"Yeah," she sighed. "It was weird..."

And she explained the whole story to him- how Marco, being Star's new source of magic, had channelled her powers through her wand to communicate with her. How Toffee had spoken through him, delivered the message and then gone for good. How he had told her about the Demon in Marco's system, and how it was Star's magic that had to be flushed out of him for him to recover... and how even if he survived all that, he would still have to battle the human injuries.

When she was done, Tom was ashen faced.

"So... what's the plan?" He asked.

"Well, I want to find out what this demon stuff is. Toffee said it wasn't important, which just makes me even more worried about what it could be. Do you know anything about it?"

Tom thought.

"Mmm... no, I don't think so."

"We're you ever alone with him, or..?"

"Well, yeah, I was," Tom said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I gave him the 'essence of Toffee'. I asked Mina if I could have a moment alone with him... I hadn't spoken to him properly in a while." Tom was blushing.

"Oh. Tom," Star murmured.

"Maybe... maybe something happened that I didn't realise. Maybe..." he racked his brains. "Oh no..." he whispered after a moment.

"What is it?" Asked Star.

"My tears!" Tom exclaimed.

"What? What about them?"

"My tears! My bloody tears! Oh, Jesus!"

"Tom, what is it?" Star asked, worried. "So you cried over him? So what?"

"No, Star, you don't get it. Demon's tears have a great effect on humans if they get into their bloodstream." Tom had his head in his hands and he was sweating. "Oh NO!" He moaned.

"Calm down, Tom, I'm sure whatever it is can't be as bad as what Toffee did to him, or...or what I did to him," Star muttered.

"Well, I don't think we'll have to wait long to find out." said Tom darkly.

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