Chapter 15

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Doctor Tina swore loudly.

She had jumped violently and spilled hot tea all over her paper work as a rip in the dimension opened and through it stepped Princess Star Butterfly, Prince Tom Lucitor, and what looked like Marco Diaz, who was bleeding profusely all over the floor in Tom's arms.

Doctor Tina lept to her feet and sprinted to them.

"What's going on?" She asked sharply. "What happened?"

"Toffee," Star said simply. "It's Marco- he's been starved, stabbed and infected with dark magic."

Tina swore again.

"Well, quickly, get him over to a bed," she shooed urgently, pushing Tom. He laid Marco down on the nearest empty bed and blood instantly stained the crisp white sheets.

"Oh Jesus," Tina groaned. "I'm going to need some backup."

She yelled loudly for help and five or six doctors and nurses ran in. Star and Tom were buffeted out of the way as she crowded around Marco, and they watched as life support and clean material were brought in. They saw through a sea of arms all working frantically, Marco being undressed and a thick wad of material being pushed down hard on his stab wound, to try and stop the bleeding. Doctor Tina came over to them and said, kindly but urgently,

"I think it would be better if you two waited outside, gave us some space to work. We'll let you know what's happening as soon as he's stable."

"But- no, wait, I don't want-" Star protested as they were gently pushed outside.

"Come on, Star, they need room to work," Tom said. Tina smiled sardonicly at them, then shut the door in their faces.

Star leaned against it, then slid down to the floor and put her hands over her face.

Tom sighed deeply and ran a hand over his hair. He tried and failed to once again keep the tears at bay. He wanted to appear strong for Star. One of them had to be strong.

For Marco's sake.

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