Chapter 16

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Tom had to go home.

His parents were expecting him home for a big family meal on his mother's side... Needless to say, Tom was dreading it, but he also couldn't stand waiting outside the hospital doors with an increasingly inpatient and stressed Star.

Star had been sitting against the door for three hours straight when he left. Tom reached down and placed a hand on her shivering shoulder.

"Star," he said quietly. "I gotta go."

"Mmm?" Star didn't even look up from her knees.

"Erm- can you let me know any updates on the ol' Diaz?" He asked nervously.

"Totally..." Star said to her lap.

Tom hoped she would be okay.


"Star! What on Mewni are you doing here?"

Two and a half hours after Tom left, Moon and River Butterfly were passing the infirmary and saw Star sitting hunched over against the doors, staring blankly at her knees with her hands on her head.

She looked up with unfocused eyes.

"Hey Mum," she said sleepily. "Dad."

"Star, what are you doing here?" River asked her kindly.

"Waiting," Star muttered unhelpfully.

"Waiting for what, exactly?" Moon asked sharply.

"Marco," Star whispered, returning to staring at her knees.

Moon and River looked at each other. They had never seen their daughter so cut up over someone before- let alone a human.

"Star, dear, what happened?" River asked, bending down and putting a hand on her shoulder.

But it was clear that Star wasn't in a state to answer any more questions. She just closed her eyes and shook her head, mumbling to herself. After a while the king stood up again and turned to look worriedly at his wife.

"Er- shall we leave you to it, then?" He said uncertainly.

"Totally. Totally," Star muttered distractedly.


Star stared at her knees until her eyes watered. Her insides felt like they were filled with bricks. She felt like her mind ought to be racing, but it was oddly still and calm. All she was aware of were the floor beneath her, the door behind her, and much time it was taking for Marco's condition to become 'stable'.

Star suddenly let out a choking sob. It had only just properly hit her.

He could die.

He could already be dead.

She put her face in her hands.

What was she going to do without him?


Another hour passed and Star was barely able to keep her eyes open. Finally, she couldn't fight sleep any longer, and she allowed her leaden lids to slide closed, falling into a light, fitful sleep. Just as she began to snore gently, the doors she was lying against opened abruptly and Doctor Tina stood in the doorway. Star promptly fell backwards and smacked her head painfully on the cold stone floor of the hospital. She swore loudly and got to her feet, rubbing her eyes and the back of her head.

"Princess Butterfly?" Tina said uncertainly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm bloody fine," Star snapped. "How's Marco?"

Tina looked shifty.

"...Er- perhaps you should sit down," she said gently. "This... this may not be easy."

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