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we are walking through the woods,but where are we going? I'm not sure if this is the right time to ask so I just keep on walking next to BEN. nobody spoke for a while,until we came to a clearing in the forest. he stopped walking,crouching down behind the bushes, motioning for me to come. I crawled next to him,and heard a twig snap. a boy with a large smile carved into his cheeks walked out from the trees. he had another boy with him that was twitching every now and then. I noticed they both had weapons and were bloody,so I assumed they had just gotten into a fight. "who are they?"I whispered.

"nobody. you'll meet them later,just be very quiet,and try not to get stuck."he said. the two boys walked to the middle of the clearing and disappeared. like,the walked through a door or portal. BEN stood up and walked to where they disappeared and grabbed my hand. my heart skipped a beat as his small,cold hand touched mine. dammit Alice! why do you feel this way! he just killed your parents and your starting to like him! I thought,but I was being pulled slightly as he disappeared and the only thing I could see was his hand.

his head popped out and said"are you coming?" that familiar grin...I was just so...gah! stop it Alice!! I walked forward and everything went black. I heard BENs voice as I opened my eyes. I was In a green room with video game posters everywhere. I saw several game systems,games scattered throughout the floor,and a few shirts. I felt quite at home as someone tapped on my shoulder.

I turned around and was shocked to see a little girl in a pink dress,holding a stuffed animal. "Hi,could you tell me where I am?"I asked. she smiled then grinned evilly. I was confused,but she jumped on top of me and and bit my arm."AHHHH! GET OFF!!"I jumped up,frantically trying to get the little girl that was eating my arm,off. BEN ran in and saw me,my eyes wide with terror,and fell down laughing. "ahahahaha oh wow!! it seems you've met Sally!!" he started to laugh even more until he got the hiccups. "Sally,you (hiccup) know not to bite(hiccup) strangers unless you are told(hiccup)to."he gets up and grabs her, pulling her mouth away from my arm,ripping a bit of skin off.

after he convinced Sally I was nice,he started over to the bed,which I was sitting on,bleeding. he sat down next to me with a first aid kit and grabbed some alcohol wipes,starting to clean my arm. I flinched a bit as the alcohol started to burn and fizz. "Sorry 'bout that...she is going through a stage..."he said,wrapping my arm.

"a phase? more like crazy!!"I laughed.

he laughed a bit. it made me God dammit Alice!! stop fucking being like that!! he'll think you forgave him!! "how did I get here?" I asked.

"Oh,the protective field has an effect on people that aren't used to it,causing you to fall asleep. I had to carry you through the back door so no one would see you."

"huh? there's other people here? What do they do?" I asked,little did I know I had many things in common with the strange people that I was about to meet.


sorry for the late update. sneak peek at the next chapter.

I walked through the kitchen at three in the morning,surprised to find a boy eating...cheesecake? who eats cheesecake at three in the morning?

that's the sneak peek!! keep reading to find out which cheesecake loving boy it is!!

Alice Genocide~

It Just Wasn't Your Game Over... (BEN x My Oc)Where stories live. Discover now