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Jeff's POV

It was almost five and Slender was making a welcome party for Alice,so it was my job to keep her in the house. The original plan was regular dinner at 5 but we decided for a party. I was sitting on the couch playing video games with Alice,and for the millionth time,she won. I sighed and threw down the controller checking the time. 4:50. I had to tell her to get dressed. "Hey Alice,wanna go out for a drink?" I asked,thinking she would get dressed in something nice.

"I'm only 17 Jeff. Unless you can sneak me in." She said smirking.

"Haha sure,now go get dressed! It's kinda fancy so yeah."I got up and walked upstairs to get dressed myself,I mean,even a killer has to look nice sometimes!

Alice's POV

I smiled and watched him go upstairs,then I played one last round of SSB. I shut down the system,ran upstairs,and opened the door to my room (I mean it had my name on the front!) but then realized my clothes are at my house,but it wouldn't hurt to check. I walked over to the closet and opened,and my mouth dropped. All my clothes were there,plus some new ones! I saw a really nice blue dress with black leggings with it,and the dress had an awesome lace over it! I grabbed it,found my curling iron on the shelf,and went into the bathroom to get dressed and ready.


Jeff's POV

I was dressed in a white suit with a red tie,my knife in my pocket. I was waiting downstairs by the door and heard footsteps,they sounded light,like Alice's. I saw her and my jaw dropped,she was gorgeous! But never mind that,BEN likes her. I smiled...why does the author keep writing that...smiled more and took her hand. "I have a surprise for you before we go." I said,my voice filled with excitement.

"What is it Jeff?" She asked,walking towards the front door.

"Ah ah ah,close your eyes!"I said turning her towards the backdoor and covering her eyes with my hands.

"Jeff,what're you doing?"she asked giggling a bit.

"Something." I smirked.

Alice's POV

His hands were cold,sending a chill down my spine. He led me to another door and opened it,and I instantly smelled pine trees. "Are we going outside?"I asked.

"Yup,now I'm going to walk you outside,be careful not to trip."he said and led me further out,the soft grass brushing against my ankles. I heard whispers but they were friendly so it didn't bother me. "Ok,on the count of three,open your eyes. One,two,th--OH MY ZALGO!!" My eyes shot open and I glanced around frantically only to see Jeff laughing his ass off on the ground. I narrowed my eyes and glared at him,but smiled. "Nice one Jeff." I looked up and saw what looked like a...party? I saw a tall man with a polka dot suit holding a cake,another man with a bouquet of roses,Slenderman,a man with a vest and a large present,Sally,EJ,everybody! They were all dressed so nice,even BEN was wearing a green suit and damn was he hot--I mean,never mind there's no reason to cover it...


Sorry for a short chapter I wrote this in school xD well,I'm also grounded and A/N I am not a bad person....my grades just suck. Well bye for now my misfit army!

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