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it has been 2 weeks since me and finn kissed. we have been a bit distant. i think i fucked up everything like i always do but fingers crossed i guess.

god i miss him. i mean we still talk and all. we aren't mad at each other as far as i know. i just want the taste of his perfect lips back onto mine.

"millie..." sadie snapped her fingers in my face. i flinched in shock at the sudden movement in my vision. "yeah, sorry i zoned out." i held out a long yawn.

"anyways i can't watch lydia for you this weekend i have to go pennsylvania to look at a college with my mom. sorry for the inconvenience." i shook my head understandingly.

"it's fine, really." i held out my hand and rested it on her forearm. god when she leaves for college i'm truly going to have no one.

"hey schnipper!" i see noah while approaching my locker. "can you do me a favor?" he nodded his head as a signal for me to continue.

"could you watch lydia this weekend i'll drop her off at your house on friday night pick her up sunday morning?" this weekend is the weekend. i have to study for my finals all weekend. do extra credit. and any missing work. i do it ever school. i dedicate a whole weekend to school. usually sadie watches lydia.

"yeah that would be fine. is this weekend your big school weekend?" i nod vigorously excited to study oddly enough. "thank you so much noah i love you to pieces!" i pulled noah into my arms tightly. "anything for you millster." he hugs me back even tighter.

"okay i have to get to art see you guys at lunch?" noah and sadie nod with large smiles on their faces. i love them so much it makes my hurt.

"hello millie." i looked up at miss.dyer. she gave a warm genuine smile. "hey miss. dyer." i shot her a smile back and walked over to my table. "hey millie." finn gave me a small awkward smile before going back to drawing.

"hey finn." i said while putting my bag next to my stool. "so what are your plans for the weekend?" he asked seeming more interested in his drawing than our conversation. "i am doing my big school weekend. basically i study and catch up on anything i need done." i said.

then i said something i probably shouldn't have said.

"do you want to come over on friday we can study together?" finn finally looked up at me. "i c-can't sorry." it seemed like he wanted to be really couldn't. i just left it alone not wanting to pry or anything.

-friday night 8:00pm-
"wait if this number is supposed to be multiplied by this number and then this number is finding the root value then what the fuck does this number do. wait am i even on the right question?" i threw my pencil onto my kitchen counter frustrated with this math problem.

i walked over to my counter pick up my pencil and go back to my work. as i was sitting down i heard a knock on my door.

"finn? what are you doing here," i was quickly cut off by him pressing his whole body and lips against mine. that feeling i have been craving since our first kiss; satisfaction. "wait what the hell is going on i thought you couldn't come over?"

finn looked down at me. he looked like at any given moment he was going to break down into tears. "wait finn what's wrong? please tell me why haven't you talked to me?" i held both the sides of his face in my hands.

i was starting to get cold since the front door was still open but i shook the feeling off more focused on finn. "my d-dad got mad at me he caught me smoking. mil-millie he kicked me out for the whole month. i have no where to go." finn pulled me into a tight embrace i could smell the stench of cigarettes on his army green bomber jacket.

"finn you can stay with me. i really don't mind and neither will lydia." finn pulled away and gave a look. a look of confusion then happiness.

"you really would let me stay?" he asked raising his left eyebrow. i nodded, he scooped me up, holding me now while giving me the toughest hug i think i have ever encountered.

"thank you so much mills you're amazing." he gave me a slight peck, but i could tell he craved for more just like me.

i quickly shut the front door pushing his back up against it in the process. i set my hands on his chest, while his hands rested on my waist. he was the first one to disconnect our lips. he lips traveled down my neck. he kissed one spot that made my breath hitch. he noticed and kept kissed the same spot over and over again.

my hands traveled to his hair pulling at it slightly. he pushed his body off the door and pushing me onto it now. i felt his hands go to my middle off my thigh. it felt weird at first but i actually licked. "w-wait what about lydia?"
finn asked me trying to catch his breath.

"she's staying with noah for the weekend so i can catch up on some school work." finn gave me nod. i yawned slightly forgetting how fucking tired i was. "i'm going to go to bed. where are you going to sleep?" he looked over at the couch. i instantly felt bad.

"come on dork you can sleep in my bed with me. but no funny business." he let out a low chuckle while following me up stairs.

i brushed my teeth and combed through my hair.

"alright can i turn off the light." finn nodded in response, while getting under my yellow sunflower blanket. "goodnight millie." finn kisses the top of my head sending shivers down my spine. "goodnight finn."

-saturday morning-
"good morning sunshine!" finn said happy and chipper, as he was putting eggs and bacon on plates. the aroma of coffee instantly made me crave for some.

i rub the tiredness out of my eyes while opening up the blinds sending sunshine into my red brick kitchen. i sat down on a stool at the island grabbing the coffee finn made for me. i took a long sip feeling awake instantly.

"thank you!" i said while raising the mug up. "anything for you!" he sang out in a british accent. "are you mocking me?" i ask holding back i smile. "are you mocking me?" finn responded to me, causing me to let out a small giggle.

"so what do you want to do?" he asked flipping through a random magazine. "well i have to study but that'll only take an hour. oh but i have to go to the grocery store." his face lit up.

"i love going grocery shopping!" he sang out again. "of course you do, dork." i said ruffling his hair.

today is going to be fun.

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long ass chapter i'm so excited for this book and the next chapter! vote and comment!

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