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a/n: sry for such a short chapter it is short but externally important for the next chapter which will be the normal length:) ALSO THANK U FOR 3K!! I LUUUV ALL 3K OF U<3

i worked today so finn was going to come in on my break so we could talk. which i for one am completely nervous about.

i dropped lydia off at her friend carley's house from school for a sleepover, then continued to drive to work. i feel like throwing up, i don't want to be that crazy clingy girlfriend. i just feel so uncomfortable thinking about finn and veronica.

-2 hours passed-
"hey goophead can you cover me for a few minutes?" i asked grace while nudging her shoulder. finn walked in smiling at me walking over to the counter.

grace nodded giving me a quiet sure. i walked over to finn smiling. he quickly pulled me into a long kiss, it was almost like he was guilty or something.

"let's sit." i walked with finn over to a booth that was placed in a bay window. "so," finn was fidgeting with his fingers looking me straight in the eye.

"okay let me start." i finally said. "that new girl, veronica, she was flirting with you all day yesterday and you did nothing to stop her. at lunch when she took my seat, you just let her have it. and on top of all that you took her to save-a-lot." i rambled on and on feeling as if i was never going to stop.

finn furrowed his eyebrows, "you followed me?" he seemed a bit annoyed but i didn't really care. i nodded slowly not looking him in the eye.

"yeah." i said so quiet finn just barely heard me. he shifted his position.

"finn i'm sorry. i was just worried that you were starting to fall for veronica, we have been distance. i'm so sorry i can't help the way i feel when we get all; you know, spicy. i just can't, not now."  finn's facial expression changed from annoyed to guilty. really guilty.

"don't be sorry millie. i shouldn't have let her drool all over me, i am a guy with needs and you completely fulfill them i just, it felt good." my heart felt like i was punched with an iron fist.

"i'm so sorry i'm not enough." i let a few tears fall from my eyes. i quickly wiped them away, i didn't want finn to see me cry.

"millie you are more than enough, you are everything i need and more. i love you." i could still sense the guilt in his voice. it was much more distinct than before.

but? there is going to be a but i can feel it.

finn took in a long breath and slowly exhaled, "veronica, yesterday, after i took her home, well, she um—kissed me. i; and i swear only for a few seconds, kissed back." i closed my eyes suddenly everything felt heavy.

i kept telling myself he wouldn't cheat. but here we are. god damnit.

we sat in silence for what seemed like and eternity until i spoke,

"you know, i told myself over and over again you wouldn't cheat because you aren't that type of guy." i stopped to let out a heartbroken sigh.

"but boy! was i fucking wrong?" i stood up from my seat a bit louder than intended. "and! and, i was going to ask you on a date yesterday. i see that you had plans with roni though." i ran a hand through my hair. grace shot me a look and nudged her chin to the door.

i took finn's hand into mine taking him to the back ally of the coffee shop.

"i was being a tad bit to loud so i'll finish out here. sound good? good." i started to back up from finn beginning to speak once more.

"you want to know the even stupider thing? i opened up to you. i let you into mine and my daughter's life! i invited you to stay with me when your own father kicked you out. i have been nothing but understanding and kind to you. i don't deserve this, and you don't deserve me. i thought a good guy actually liked me for once. but i was so wrong i just got another scumbag." i released the air that was being held captive in my lungs once i was finished yelling.

i could feel tears run down my cheeks. finn walked up to me taking my hands into his. i practically threw his hands off me.

"don't touch me!" i yelled choking on air and tears in the process.

"god, fuck you finn wolfhard."

i spit on the pavement below our feet before walking away into the door that lead to the work area of the small coffee house.

finn kept yelling things at me, but i just kept walking until his words were inaudible.

"what happened?" grace asked shoveling ice into a cup. "it's over, so over." i rolled my eyes pulling my apron on getting back to my shift.

"mills!" sadie said once i walked into the front door of my cozy house covered in halloween decorations. "hey." i said lazily. lydia was at her friend's house so it was just me and sades.

"how was work." i instantly started to sob. i miss him already. "oh god sadie! he cheated. we are done. i hate him so much! no, no i love him. fuck!!" i was lazily hanging around sadie's arms sobbing into her shoulder.

"oh no. it's okay. don't worry babygirl." sadie was softly petting my hair as i cried.

"no! nothing about this is okay. nothing about his is okay!" i yelled out. "it's okay, calm down, it's okay." sadie tried shushing me.

"no you kept saying it is okay but it isn't! it fucking isn't. god sadie can't you for once just be sad with me." i yelled once more.

"i have nothing to be upset over. and it will be okay, you're a mess right now so get a hold of yourself right now. don't waste anymore tears on the loser." sadie pulled me away from her arms. her tone was stern.

"no! let me be a depressed teenager. i'm so tired of always having to be a fucking adult." i sobbed out.

"millie you don't have a choice! you're a mom you will always be an adult. you're not a little girl anymore!" i rolled my eyes

"sadie i really loved him." i whispered. "i know." she said pulling me closer.

"but he doesn't deserve you." i smiled trying to find happiness in the whole situation but found non.

all my happiness was slowly fading away. thank god lydia will always love me.

{1109 words}you're welcome:))) this chapter was just full of happiness righttttt?! it's fine if you hate me bc in the end u will luv me<3 soph

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