The Untouchable Woman

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The Shelby brothers and other associates stood on the street of Watery Lane on a fine morning. The skies were clear which was odd for a day in Birmingham.
Arthur and John Shelby leaned against the worn bricked wall behind them. Arthur drank and shared a smoke with his brother. The other simply kept company and enjoyed themselves.

Meanwhile, Thomas Shelby was business as usual. He took long strode as he moved from one place to the next to set his business in order. Civilians on the streets dodged his way and bowed down in apologies if their paths crossed with his. Tommy had a mission, as the patriarch of the Shelby, it was his duty to not only grow the family. He was also responsible for the city, for his city.

"Oi! Tommy," Arthur called out to his brother.
"Come over here and have a drink with us." He nodded his head in the direction of the group as he took a sip of his whiskey.
The group all grinned and nodded. However, Thomas didn't stop. Unsatisfied, Arthur reached out for his younger brother and literally dragged him to the group.
"I've got stuff to do," Thomas mumbled irked as he was robbed from his daily routine.
"Don't be ridiculous. Sun's out Tommy. Let's enjoy a pint," Arthur said casually slapping him in the back gently and pouring him a mug of fine scotch whiskey. The group of men talked about the usual subjects. Other gangs, the business, horses, and of course, a popular topic, the local women in town.

"-Like that Lizzie Stark, eh?" One of the men elbowed another as he referenced to one of the city's most well-known prostitute.
"That's nothing new! Is there a man in this town that hasn't porked Lizzie Stark?" The other laughed as they mocked the woman. (Not as if they were any better). It was then that an abrupt silence consumed the group.
From a distance, they saw that pious woman. She walked quietly with her small purse tucked at her side. Her (hair/color) hair was neatly combed. She kept to herself as she walked in straight strides. Her head held high. She avoided the prying gazes of the other people in town. Especially the men's.
She dressed in light colors and was known to be kind and soft-spoken when addressed. A stylish hat aided in the shy nature of hiding her face.

"Well, will you look at that," One of the men licked his lips and let out a low whistle. "Now that's somebody nobody's been with. Not even a somebody like you Arthur!" One laughed as he slapped the oldest Shelby in the back roughly. Arthur' s pride ached. Deep inside he knew there was no chance.
(Name) was untouchable. She was considered by the other civilians to be a good Catholic girl. Every mother-in-law's wet dream.
She didn't have many friends in the city and worked at the local clinic as a medic. She would spend her nights praying in church, even on weekends. The woman had never even set foot in a pub. To be frank, It was a very dull way of living. However, she was devoted to her faith and content with her simple life. The woman didn't bother in giving the cat calling men her time of the day.

Unnoticed by the Peaky Blinders- Thomas Shelby's grip tightened the mug he had been handed.

Tommy pictured what the weight of her frame would feel under his own...

Arthur Shelby fixed his bowtie. His hand brushed over his moustache lip before he headed out on his search for conquest. Arthur realized that his brother looked particularly upset.
"Watch this Tommy," he winked at his brother in an attempt to lighten up his mood.
The men cheered and pump their fist up in the air as Arthur made way towards the woman. They wondered if today would be the day someone finally conquered (Name)' s heart. Arthur approached her. He stopped her engaging in conversion.

He could still feel her heat. He saw the blush that reddened her face and stretched all the way down to her neck. He could feel her feathery kisses on his chest...

Tommy didn't dare look away. His eyes were glued to the scene. His jaw clenched at the sight of her brother intruding on the pious woman's innocence.

He could hear her moaning for his mercy... As she called out her God's name...

From the distance, the men witnessed Arthur's petty attempt at seducing the town's prude. The man took off his hat and slightly bowed down to greet her like the true gentleman he was. She didn't even bother stopping in her tracks. She simply nodded politely and continued off on her day trip. She wouldn't stop. Not even for a Shelby. The men began hollering and laughing at Arthur's public rejection. The woman didn't stop. Her head turned to see the gang of men on the corner of the lane.

When suddenly, her eyes locked with Thomas Shelby's deathly gaze. Her heart jumped to her throat, its pace rapidly increasing. She sucked in her breath and with a crimson face rushed out of the scene. Tommy didn't smile back. The grip on his mug softened. His jaw unclenched.

He could still remember.

He could still remember what she felt like. What it was like, having her...

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