Back at the T.A.R.D.I.S., the pirates had walked in, only to find a certain ginger wielding a sword.
"Back off. Leave her alone."
"Aye, pretty lady, get out."
Kat scowled. "You're a pathetic excuse for a pirate." She muttered, pointing the sword at the guy's chest. "And I suppose it'll be even more pathetic if I kill you..."
Back in the room, both were a mess.
"Okay, so, I suppose we have to do something," the Doctor tried to reason.
"Is Kat capable of doing anything to help us?"
"Well, seeing as I did leave a few things in my study, she has something. I doubt she'll find those though. There's a sword though. She has a sonic, right? It's like mine!" He went to pull it out of his pocket but ended up with Kat's sonic. He tried his other pocket and found his. He turned to Lila with both sonics in hand and said, "Oops."
"We're dead."
Kat stared a the guy. "Hey, I tried, at least. Do I get any points for trying?" The man tightened his grip on his her wrist, pointing a dagger at her throat.
"That's not exactly polite," Kat grumbled at him.
When the door to the room opened, Lila screeched.
"Heyyyy..." Kat greeted, not able to wave as she was being held by the old dude and a knife was at her throat. She glanced up at the guy. "You can drop the dagger, idiot."
The guy did so.
"Glad to see you've joined us!"
"You know, if this guy hadn't been so sneaky I would've killed him like I killed all the others." She snapped. The guy dropped her, slamming the door shut.
"Nice going."
"Hey, at least I got them out of the damn box..." she retorted with a grin.
"Well good job there," he said laughing.
"Problem," Lila pointed at the door.
"Sir?" the man at the door said.
"Yes?" the Doctor asked.
"Please follow me, sir. Or would you prefer king?"
"God is good, actually."
"I would hold your tongue if you'll be like that, King." He growled, grabbing The Doctor's wrist and dragging him to his feet.
"Well, that's a bit rude. I should have your head for this!"
"If Livia doesn't chop yours off first." He retorted.
"Feisty," he said growling.
"Preferences of what should be done with your friends?"
"Oh, they could come with me. Or you could just let Jerk swim."
"Hey!" Kat screeched, standing up. Lila stood as well.
"Fine, follow."
"Hello, King." Livia greeted from her seat on her throne.
"Hello, madame." He bowed and then walked towards her.
"Kneel." She demanded.
"Uhhhhh, no. I need you to stand so I can measure this. I think you may be slightly... deframed." He smiled. "I made up that word," he whispered to Kat.
"I said kneel!" The woman screeched loudly, bang in her staff on the ground. It echoed.
"I said kneel," he mimicked, stomping his feet on the ground.
The pirate guy pushed him to his knees, going back to holding Kat and Lila.
"Oi!" The Doctor stood up and walked to stand next to the supposed queen. "You are an arse."
"I am the Queen of Owl Topia. You are a supposed King. Who are the pieces of trash you've dragged along with Arnold?" Livia questioned.
"Oh, they are my new minions! This one likes to destroy cookies," he pointed to Kat, " and this one is willing to do anything. I thought you'd like her as an owl." He pointed to Lila.
"Dad!" Kat scowled at him. "You could say companions. Or family."
"I'd be rather horrible as an owl." Lila said quietly to herself.
"These people are pathetic. Family? Are they?" She looked expectantly at him.
"Precisely. This is being forced."
"What is, my dear?"
"What is what? I can assure you, I'm alright today."
"What is being forced?" Livia demanded with an irritated tone.
"I like her." Kat smiled sarcastically.
The Doctor smiled, acting genuine. "Isn't she just lovely!"
Livia stood from her throne, carefully making her way to The Doctor. She walked in front of him and mumbled, "I need your help."
"And what is it you need?"
"I need the T.A.R.D.I.S.'s power. It's the only thing that'll save us."
"Save you from what?"
"Them." She nodded in the direction of the two pirates holding Kat and Lila.
"Why don't we make a deal? You let us go, we all leave in the T.A.R.D.I.S. She won't let you in alone."
"I can't leave my people."
"You're people are owls!"
"But they aren't."
"If you can round up all the owls, then they can all come too. You must know how bloody spacious she is."
"There are only four left. And if we don't leave soon, the curse will never break and my kingdom will crumble and... well... I'll have the blood of a thousand people on my hands within hours."
"Will I have to kill you then?"
"We'll save that question for another time, eh, Doctor?"
"I take that as a yes then! Kat?"
"What?" Kat asked cluelessly.
"You have the thing? The pointy black shiny terror thing?"
"The toaster?"
"It's deadly and fires projectiles sometimes."
"So the toaster..." Kat repeated, shaking her heading.
Livia jumped back.
"Why would I have a gun?" Kat inquired.
"WHY DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE!" He pulled out his sonic and pointed it all around the room, locking the exits.
Kat pulled out the gun and shot at the ceiling. The pirates backed away. "Yay, terror thing!"
Kat purses her lips and held it at Livia. "No..."
"Then please, don't shoot unless it's at Livia."
"Please, don't shoot, Kat!"
Kat turned to The Doctor, "How does she know my name?"
"I don't know..."
"Whatever. Lila, care to hand me that thing I handed you this morning?"
Lila smiled and extended her hand which held a dagger. Kat grabbed it.
The Doctor gave her a strange look and just disregarded it. Kat threw it at the wall behind Livia.
"You should've hit her..." he stated under his breath.
"I just want your help! Please, don't hurt me," Livia exclaimed.
"Then don't threaten me."
"I never threatened you!"
"You threatened the people of this universe. That's threatening me."
"I did neither of those. Just help me. Get me off this planet with the remaining people, and I'll give you anything you want."
The Doctor gave an exasperated with and looked at Kat. He raised his eyebrows.
"Potatoes! Potatoes! Potatoes!" she sang.
"You are no help. None."
"Take her hostage!" Kat screamed, moving closer with the gun.
"I got the door!" The Doctor ran to the T.A.R.D.I.S. and shoved Lila through the door.
"Lila, you're gonna get yourself shot. You're girlfriend is crazy."
"Stand up!" Kat poked Livia with her foot. Livia stumbled to her feet, holding her hands up.
"Move slowly to the T.A.R.D.I.S.," she continued to instruct. Livia glared.
"What are you-"
"Shut up and go inside! Don't try anything!" Kat pushed her inside the door, slamming it shut without going inside herself.
The Doctor stared at the closed. door from inside the T.A.R.D.I.S. for a second.
"Kat, what are you doing?"
"Nothing!" she called to him, aiming the gun at the two pirates. She spoke to them this time:
"It's just a tranquilizer, don't worry!" She smiled sweetly and shot the two. She ran back inside.
"Kat what the hell did you just do! I know for a FACT that the gun was NOT a tranquilizer!"
"But the bullets were."
"What? I made it so that they wouldn't kill them! They'll wake up eventually."
"I cannot believe you!"
"Just... ugh!"
"I was just doing what had to be done!"
"That was not what had to be done! When you fly with me, we do not accomplish things in such a way!"
"We never established this, though." Kat whined.
"Yes we did! Many times! I tell you every time we do anything, I tell you to never shoot anyone or do anything close to that!"
Kat stayed silent.
"Don't you dare look at me like that! What do you think this is?"
"Where'd Livia go?" Lila asked suddenly.
"You were in charge of this!"
"No! It's your T.A.R.D.I.S.!"
"Don't you sass me!"
"Well, while you were busy yelling at Kat, she snuck down the hall. And now Kat snuck away too, so..." Lila shook her head.
"I'm so done."
"But the thing is, you're really easy to fool!" Kat ran up behind him, hugging him.
"Don't hug me!" he pushed her off and grumpy walked to the other side of the T.A.R.D.I.S.
"Would you wake up?" Kat yelled, poking The Doctor's face as he layed on the couch in Kat's apartment.
The Doctor shot up and grabbed Kat's arm. "I still can't believe you bloody shot them!" he yelled.
"What are you talking about?" Kat asked with confusion etched into her features.
"I am talking about... something..."
"Crazy dream?" She suggested.
He didn't acknowledge her. He stood up and went to the kitchen.
Kat shook her head. "I have a date today, so I'll be leaving in like ten minutes to meet up with him."
"Him? What do you mean him? Where's Lila? LILA!" The Doctor yelled in confusion.
"Doctor! Stop yelling!" Kat whined, sitting down at the counter. "And yes, him. My boyfriend, Leo. The guy I've been dating for two years? And who's Lila?"
"What did you just say?"
"Um... 'Doctor! Stop yelling! And yes him-"
"Not the whole thing! You just called me 'Doctor'..."
"Yeah? That's your name, weirdo."
"No, no! I'm your dad. Father? And since when are you straight! No! You're my gay daughter! Lila!"
Kat paused and stared at him in horror. "No... we're friends. I'm just your companion. And I have never ever been gay. What the hell?"
"We're done here." The Doctor left the room and tried to walk into the T.A.R.D.I.S. "Where's my baby!" he screamed, running into the apartment.
"She's gone! The T.A.R.D.I.S. is gone!"
"What's a T.A.R.D.I.S.?" she stumbled over the word.
The Doctor stared at her with an open mouth.
"Anyway, I have to go meet Leo. Bye, Doctor!" Kat beamed, skipping to the door.
"DAD!" Kat screamed, running into the apartment out of breath, terrified.
The Doctor bolted up. "What?!"
She was shaking. "L-Lila!" She cried out, whimpering.
"What happened to Lila? Where is she?" he yelled.
Kat ran up to him, wrapping her arms around his torso. "I... she's dead..." Tears fell down Kat's cheeks, soaking his shirt.
He stood completely still, letting it sink in.
"It's my fault," Kat whispered.
"No. It is not your fault," he told her, wrapping his arms around her.
"I could have saved her, though."
He held her closer.
"Doctor?" Lila tapped his shoulder.
"Lila! You're alive!"
"I've been alive since I was born," she laughed in response. Kat walked over, throwing a bag of chips at a The Doctor.
"Eat. We're leaving in five minutes," she said through a mouthful of food.
"Where?" He rolled off the couch.
"Wherever you want, but I suggest Germany!" She said excitedly, grabbing Lila's hand.
"Germany it is." He laughed and stood up, striding into the T.A.R.D.I.S.
Kat and Lila ran in behind him, holding onto the railing.
The Doctor walked to the console and started toying with it.
"Going to the bathroom, be right back!" Lila called as she ran down the hall.
"Okee dokee!" Kat grinned. "Dad?"
"What would you say to me proposing to Lila?"
"Are you being serious?" he laughed. "Yeah, right. As if anyone would ever love you."
"Lila does, though. I'm being serious." Kat stared at him blankly.
He raised his eyebrows. "I wouldn't. Do you really believe that?"
"I... I... yeah," she tried to force confidence.
"Trust me. You don't want to do that. Nobody would ever think of you that way."
"Whatever," Kat mumbled, going up to the controls and going to pull down the one lever.
"Don't touch that!"
"But, you always let me help fly."
"You'll probably just screw it up like everything else."
"I don't screw up everything," Kat laughed, "Only some things."
"Check again."
"What's up with you today?"
"Today? Maybe I'm just realising how shit my daughter really is."
Kat frowned at him. "Have you been possessed or something? You love me! I'm your daughter."
"Can I even call you my daughter? You are no help and I would do better without you."
Lila entered the control room once again, "Ready to go?"
"Kat! It's time to go!" The Doctor exclaimed.
She sat up from the couch, rubbing her eyes. "Go where? I thought we were in Germany."
"Since when?"
"I have no clue. Where's Lila?"
"Who's Lila?"
"My bloody girlfriend, ya idiot!"
"You don't have a girlfriend..." he stated slowly.
"I do to! She's blonde and nice!"
"I think you were dreaming..."
"I was not! Where the hell is Lila?" Kat stood from the couch and started walking around.
"Shut up, I have a girlfriend!"
"She's not real, then."
"This isn't a joke!"
"And I'm not joking."
Kat whimpered, becoming nervous.
"I don't know what you hit your head on, but Lila isn't a real person."
"She is! I know because she's one of the only things that makes me proud of myself!"
"Well she's not real..."
"Well I have no worth then."
"Oh, come on, Kat."
"What?" She snapped. "She's everything to me."

The Doctor and Kat [5]
Fiksi PenggemarThe adventures get darker and darker... just like our souls.