Chapter 5: Ahhhhhh

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[I would highly suggest to listen to the song while you read, I mean you should do it every chapter, but especially this one.]

     He finally closed the distance between us, by placing his lips onto mine.

I was in complete awe, what the hell is this kid doing? I didn't bother returning the kiss, but I didn't turn away either. It felt good, but bizarre. Maybe because it was my first kiss? I felt heat rising up to my cheeks as my arms went limp. Ka-Chan pulled away, a little confused and hella red!

I couldn't muster up the strength to move, and Ka-Chan nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Just then, my phone rang, it was my alarm to meet All Might!

"Deku, what the hell is that?"

"Nothing, just my alarm," I mumbled.

"About what?" He pressed.

"Just to meet someone."


"S-someone." I said nervously, I can't tell him I'm meeting All Might.

"Deku, look up."

I hadn't noticed, but I had dropped my gaze to the ground in embarrassment. It was too much too look Ka-Chan in the eye.

"N-no." I said.

"Come on Deku, look at me."

I slowly lifted my head to look at Ka-Chan, and to my surprise he looked completely normal. He was as calm as can be, although his blush still remained.

"Aww Ka-Chan! You look so cute when you blush!" What the hell am I saying?

He chuckled, "I could say the same about you."

An awkward silence quietly seeped in, I didn't know if I should break it.

[Idk how to break the silence so just imagine it's been a while. Thank you!]

"So, um.." I started, "I should really get going."

"Why?" He demanded, "Stay with me."

"Haha, I wish. But I can't." I said curtly.

"Pwease, Deeeekuuuuu!" He whined.


"Don't judge." He muttered.

I laughed, "Never, Ka-Chan."


"I really have to go, Ka-Chan."

"Tch, fiiiiiiiiiine."

"Byeeeeee." I said as I waved. I turned around and started to walk away, but I decided I have to do something before I leave .

     I turned around to face Ka-Chan, and sighed. He looked a little happy that I turned around and a little perplexed. I walked up to him and pecked his lips. I smiled widely and then started to walk back.

     All of a sudden, I felt a tug on my shirt, "Don't go." Ka-Chan whispered in a low, husky voice, which caused me to bite my lip.

[Ka-Chan's POV]

     This boy does something to me... First, he rejects my kiss and then comes back and kisses me! Weirdo...

     He had his back turned towards me which made it quite easy to whisper into his ear. I was trying to sound seductive and said, "Don't go." Hopefully, my seductive charms worked on Deku, truth be told, I've never had feelings like this and I've never done anything like this.

     I may be constantly surrounded by people, but they only hung out with me because I was powerful. I suffered a different kind of loneliness, one were no one wanted me for me. People are mesmerized by power and someone like me had power. I quickly became a people magnet, but what I took for affection, turned out to be something totally fucking different. People hated me, but hung out with me and that turned me into the monster that I am today. However there was this one person... This one tiny little being that was constantly following me, constantly admiring me, constantly loving me. This person was Midoriya Izuku. I don't wanna let him go again. He slipped through my fingers once, I'm not gonna let this buffoon go. He's mine now.

     His flustered voice filled the air as he said, "Ka-Chan?" That only made me smile and want more, more of him. His voice, his smell, his freckles, his body, his personality, I wanted it all, and I always get what I want. I moved my hands to his waistband and untucked his shirt, I let my hands caress his soft body.

"Ahh, Ka-Chan."

"What is it?"


     I cut him off by placing my lips on his neck and biting down.

"If you are gonna leave, I'm gonna mark you as mine," I whispered.

"T-then I-I g-get to m-mark you too." He stuttered.

A smile spread across my face, "Do I mean that much to you, Deku?"

"You mean much more..."

      He's pretty good at sweet talking, was not expecting that.

     He turned himself around to face me. He bit his lip and started unbuttoning my shirt, within seconds my shirt was on the ground. He then pushed me onto the ground and sat on top of me. He kissed my lips, my cheeks, my jaw and eventually found his way to my neck. He started sucking and biting.

"Mmm, Deku..." I couldn't hold my moans in.

He smiled against my neck, he seemed to be enjoying the fact that he is making me moan. He started going lower and kissing my chest. He continued to bite and leave marks, then all of a sudden he pulled away.

He looked down and smiled, "Ok, I'm done! Now everyone knows you're mine!" He fixed his shirt, gathered his things and left me on the ground, panting.

     Did he really just do that? While I left one tiny, little mark on his neck, he literally turned me purple. Damn, I never knew Deku was so dominant. I wonder what'll happen next time.......



Did you guys enjoy that? Idk about you, but I was biting my lip the entire time I was writing this chapter. Anyway, I wanted to thank you guys for giving me about a hundred reads in three days! I never could've imagined that, I thought I'd get to a hundred in like five years! So thank you! And keep reading, I'll actually get to a story line lol.

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