Chapter Thirty-Seven: Its Over

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I woke up after a few minutes, I think. It didn't feel like too long.

"Finally awake." A raspy voice said.

"Are you sure?" Another feminine voice asked.

"His eyes are fluttering."

"Yeah bu-"

"Be quiet."


"He's actually awake!"


I felt two figures walk up to me, even though my eyes were closed, I could feel the intense stares.

"See? He's asleep." The feminine voice said.

"He's not, he's pretending."

"How do you know?"

"I just do. Open your eyes Midoriya, I know your up."

"No I'm not..." I responded. I gotta keep my mouth shut.

"Open your damn eyes, I have a proposition for you. One that won't require you to be a villain."

That peeked my interest, I slowly opened my eyes to see... Shigaraki. The idiot with hands all over his body, and next to him was a female, no idea who though.

"I'm listening." I responded nonchalantly, I have to hide my nerves.

"You have two choices."

"Which are?" I asked impatiently

"Well, now I don't feel like telling you." He said stubbornly.

I groaned in annoyance, "Just tell me, I don't wanna do your fucking villain bidding for the rest of my life." Not the smartest move on my part.

"Watch it, that sass is only gonna get you in trouble, one more peep and you'll have to do my 'villain bidding.'"

I nodded.

"Goo boy. Now for your options..." he took an ominous pause that sent shivers down my spine. What exactly did he have planned? "You can either be a good little boy and follow our orders or jump off a cliff."

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" He couldn't possibly have said that.

"Damn brat! Join us or die. You have twenty four hours to decide. Oh and one more thing..." He came impossibly close to me, so close that his breath fanned out on my face and continued, "If you tell anyone, well, let's just say you don't want to find out." He pulled back and let out a menacing laugh. "Good luck Izuku, I trust you'll make the right choice."


"You better be back here or dead in twenty four hours." He said his last words and walked away with the female close behind him.

"What I wonderful night." I fucking spat. "I got kidnapped, my mom died, now I have to die or join the villains." I let out a sadistic laugh, "How fucking peachy." I grabbed my hair and yanked, letting out a bloodcurdling scream. I brought my hands down, looking at the green hair I pulled out of my head. "Doesn't fucking matter, I'll be dead by the end of the day." I unclenched my fist, allowing my hair to fall on my lap, on the chair, and all over the ground. The contrast created between my white pants, maroon blood, and green hair was absolutely mesmerizing. A blank canvas that I painted with pain. I slowly stood up, dusting myself off, and walking outside. I took a deep breath, this'll probably be the last time I get to smell the cool air.

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