Chapter Nine: Trouble

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     My eyes fluttered open to a room, it took me a while to adjust to the harsh lighting. When I was able to see properly, I saw I was in a white room that was fairly empty. I could feel other people in the room but I didn't wanna turn my head to see them. I just wanted to sleep some more. Sleep is #life #love.

"I think he'll be awake soon." One voice said.

"Oh good!" A familiar voice said. I think it was the girl from before. I couldn't be bothered to look.

"In fact, I think he's up now!"

"Awesome, I'll thank him properly."

"Alright you do that, but after I check him."

"Of course! Of course!"

I groaned, I just wanna go home, it's been too long. I need to see my mom. MY MOTHER!!! I stayed all night without telling her and now I'm here! Oh she gonna kill me. On second thought, I'll stay here and relaaaaaaaax.

"Can you turn this way please?" I heard a voice say.

I sighed and slowly turned my head to be see a tiny old lady. She was so cute.

   "Hi there! I'm Recovery Girl

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"Hi there! I'm Recovery Girl."

"Hi." I mumbled.

"I healed you before so you should be able to move. I'm just gonna do a check up to make sure you are okay."

"Uh huh." I nodded.

She was done fairly quickly, "Ok, that's it! You are free to leave."

"Thank you." I responded.

She smiled brightly and walked out of the room.

I groaned loudly when she left, I really need to get out of here, need to talk to ma. This is gonna be great. Note the sarcasm.

I started to get out of bed when I noticed something, the girl was still here! Why? Does she need something?

"Glad you're okay!" She said.

"Thanks." I responded.

"Hey, listen."


"Thank you for saving me!"

"You're welcome."

"I hope we get into U.A. together."

"That's unlikely." I said with a sad grin.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't kill any monsters except that big one and it was worth zero."

"I'm sure you'll get in!"

"I highly doubt it, but whatever. It's ok." I said flashing her a smile. No need to burden her with my problems.

She looked dumbfounded, unable to say anything else. I didn't really care at this point, I just wanted to get home before I started crying.
I gathered all my things and started to walk but before I left I told her it was nice to meet her and left.

     I decided to walk home and gather my thoughts, I really just wanted to think. It finally set in, I failed. I failed the exam, I failed to get into my dream school, I failed the first step to becoming a top hero. I'm done. How am I gonna face anyone now? I'm horrible, I got my hopes up, and I failed. I was looking straight at the ground and a few water droplets fall, is it raining? I looked up to see a clean and clear sky, so where did the water come from? I realized I was crying. Great....

I was a mess by the time I got home, but it's only my mom. I'm gonna make her worry too, I'm just terrible. I took a deep breath and walked into the house. I didn't see my mom, which was strange, where is she?

When she leaves the house, she usually leaves a note on the fridge, let me go check. I walked into the kitchen and saw a note. Thank God she's ok! She just went to get something. And that gives me time to bawl my eyes out without worrying her.

I ran to my room and slammed the door. I leaned against it and let out a strangled sob, it was somewhere between a whale's mating call and a strangled cat. I slid down the door and just cried. I let it all out right there and then. It was too much for me, I can't believe I failed. My dream isn't going to come true now. I'm a pitiful loser with an unreachable goal and unrealistic ideals.

     I don't know how long I stayed there, but I finally moved when I heard the door open. Mom's home, I have to clean myself up. I ran to the bathroom and washed my face. I was about to come out but I heard muffled voices. One was definitely my ma, but the other sounded like a gruff male voice. Who the hell is here? I slowly opened the door and went downstairs.

    I looked around and saw the weirdest thing, you're not gonna believe this buuuuut,
Ka-Chan was in my house! I was stunned, he hasn't visited since we were kids. My jaw was literally on the floor.

"Oi Deku, what are you staring at?"

I wasn't able to produce sound.

A steaming Ka-Chan walked towards me and grabbed the hem of my shirt, "I'll ask again, what are you staring at?"

"Boys, boys. Play nice." My nervous mother butt in.

"Tch." Ka-Chan sounded.

I finally mustered the strength to ask a question, "What's Ka-Chan doing here?"

"He's living here." My mom said, very calmly.

"WHAT?!" I screamed.

"Calm down, Izuku."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked.

"I would've, but you weren't here."

"...sorry..." I mumbled.

"It's okay! Now boys, I have some rules. Simple rules, but rules nonetheless."

"Okay mom."

"Firstly, no fighting. Second, follow curfew. That's it."

"Got it. Where's my room." Ka-Chan asked impatiently.

"Since we don't have a guest bedroom, you and Izuku will share a room."

"WHAT?!?" We both said simultaneously.

"I can't share a room with him." I stated blatantly.

"For once, I agree with Deku." Ka-Chan added.

"I expected as much, but you have to share boys. I'm sure it will be fun! Now Izuku, help me set up a place for Ka-Chan in your room."

I reluctantly followed her, I didn't like this. Ka-Chan and I haven't talked since then, I don't wanna deal with him right now.

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