Chapter Thirty-Six:

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     I had somehow made it. I just followed the screams in my head, and the timorous feeling in my gut, no big deal! Heh, it's quite a big deal...

The large metal doors creaked as I pushed them open, being greeted by freezing air. It was colder in here than outside. I was half ready to hear some large, metallic voice boom over my head and say some shit like "We've been expecting you," but thankfully nothing like that happened, but that just made it scarier. I believe this is the villain's lair, and there are multiple of them, so why is it so silent in here? The eerie quiet was occasionally disrupted by my uneven footsteps or hitched breath or the thumping of my heart, basically, I was very nervous and very clumsy.

I walked deeper into the layer, still no idea where I was going. I felt a slight stir in the environment around me, maybe they finally wanna show their disgusting faces. Then, utter darkness enveloped me.


"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I bellowed. A bead of sweat rolled down my spine as I thought about the crash I just heard.

"Midoriya, you should probably open the door." I heard the bastard say.

"Fuck it." I said and charged at the door. It flew right of its hinges and smashed against the back wall.

"Great job explody, probably killed the poor child."

I examined the room, the empty room. "You don't actually think..?"

"No comment."

"Deku?" I felt a sudden gust of wind, and I looked up to see the god damn bathroom window open.

"Can he actually fit through there?" Halfy asked.

"Considering that he's not here, what do you think?"

"He's not that tiny."

"He's a fucking weasel."

"He's not that tiny, he's probably behind the door."

"Yeah, no."

"Then where the hell could he be?"

"I don't fucking know!"

"Then let's figure it out."

"Where could he go at a time like this?! That fucking idiot!"

"Where does he usually go when he's upset?"

I was quiet for a moment, "His room." I mumbled.


"His room!"

"Then let's check."

I nodded slowly and bolted out the door. Icy-hot was right behind me. We needed to get to Deku, god knows what's happening right now. Ignoring safety protocol, we used our quirks to get to him as fast as we could. We arrived not a moment too soon at the dreary house.

"It looks completely deserted," Halfy said.

"Well, this is one of three places he usually goes when he's upset, so we can check the other's later." I stated.

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