Chapter Twenty: Let the Games Begin

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The sun was shining, the crowds were cheering, Present Mic was screaming, and Midnight was lookin' like one hell of snack. Wait, what? I'm speaking for the rest of the guys here, I'm already with Ka-Chan. Ugh Katsuki, I hate him at the moment.

"It's time for the representative of class 1-A to come up! Drum roll please! It's........" Midnight took a huge pause for continuing "BAKUGO KATSUKI!"

Katsuki walked up to the stage, with his hands in his pockets, looking like he didn't give a fuck.

"Say something." Midnight urged.

"Tch, I pledge to be number one." And just like that he walked off.

"Well, that was something. Bakugo for you everybody!" She said nervously.

     That kid is waaaaay to confident, like what if somebody else wins? I think Todoroki-Kun could win. Even though I'm the one who challenged him, I can't win against him. He is way too powerful and he knows it. Therefore I only challenged him in the first event because I know what it is. We were told about the first and last events, but not the middle one. That's weird, but whatever. I might have a chance in the first event, definitely not in the last, maybe the middle one, but you never know, plus only the last one really determines the winner.

     Soon, everyone was heading to the starting line for the obstacle course race. There were about two hundred people competing, but only the top forty-two would be allowed to move onto the next round. And I had challenged Katsuki AND promised All Might that I will move on. Great, the pressure rolls on. I'm sooooooooooooo gonna fail.




     Almost instantaneously, Todoroki-Kun freezes like a million robots and runs. He apparently missed one and blew it to smithereens, quickly running to the next obstacle. Katsuki followed by using his explosions to give him a boost over the robots as followed after Todoroki-Kun.

     The rest of us were clearly fazed by the first obstacle and hadn't moved an inch! Suddenly, Kirishima-Kun burst out of a frozen robot, followed by someone from class 1-B. They screamed about something and also ran.

     Something snapped in the rest of us and we started moving, everyone used their quirks, but me. I can't use my quirk already, I'll break a bone... Bleh. I didn't have too much time to dwell on it because a robot was heading right towards me. Gah, think, think, think! FUCKING THINK!!!!!

     Aha! My eyes landed on a piece of metal. Okay so my plan is, the robot will come at me at full force, so when it's about to hit me, it will be in full momentum and BAM! I'll hit it and it will stop, hopefully. Okay, les do this!

"Come at me bro!"

     He quickly turned around and started charging toward me, wait for it... NOW! I hit with full force, causing it to shatter. YASSS, I hit it! I grabbed the hunk of metal and ran, it may help me in the following obstacles.

"Wooo, Go Midoriya-Kun!" I heard Ururaka-San in the distance.

I put my hand in the air and waved, "MEET YOU AT THE NEXT EVENT!"


     I smiled to myself and ran to the next obstacle, a horrid side indeed. There was a canyon, with wires running through it. I assume we have to cross using those things. Sigh, here goes. I mean, I don't need a plan for this, I just latch on and move forward. Ugh, I really don't wanna, but I have to be quick! Katsuki is flying over and Todoroki-Kun is sliding across the ice, and I have to beat Katsuki! Welp, I just wanted to say: Ma, I love you. Don't forget about me." And jump!

     I luckily made it across, all limbs intact, but a very shaky heart. Okay, the last obstacle is my last chance to get ahead. They were already about half-way, but this next obstacle will help me. It was a mine field, so they have to be careful and go slowly, while I can think of something and jump ahead of them both! I CAN DO THIS!! I MUST BELIEVEEEEE!!! But how? I'll just cause boom boom and be first. Translation: I'm gonna use a whole bunch of mines and gather them, jump on them using the scrap of metal, and hopefully be first! It'll work like a charm.

     I got to work. Firstly, I dug up all the mines then I put them in a ditch and JUMP! And dare I say, I flew. I flew like a pretty little fairy child, no jk, more like a cheetah in the air! I was quickly able to catch up to Katsuki and Todoroki-Kun and even overtaking them! I was now in first, I just need to keep it that way! And I was able to do just that!

     I entered the blinding stadium to be greeted by cheers and screams.


     Todoroki-Kun came next and Katsuki followed. I beat him! I won!?! I WON AGAINST KA-CHAN! WHOOOP!

"Alright kids, gather round." Midnight announced after the forty-two people came.

"Okay, time for the next event! Which is......"


"Now, you will form teams of two to four and fight. One person will be on top with headbands that have points on them. Point value of each person will be determined by your place in the first event. First place will have the most, last place will have the least. The rest of the team will support the one sitting on top. Your goal is to have enough points by either, keeping your headbands or stealing others. The top four teams will move on. First place as ten million points, second has ten thousand...."

     T-ten million! I'm worth ten million! I could feel the cold stares of everyone around me, they'll all be after me. Great, I'm dead.

[Kay, it's almost 12 am where I live but I finished before! I got the chapter y'all. You proud?]

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