Chapter Seven: Coming Clean

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     The dark night gave way, to a bright and sunny day! [I'm sorry, I had to.] There were little streaks of gold spreading across the blue ombré in the sky. The half-sphere of the sun shined perfectly on the ocean, making it look like liquid gold. It was an all too beautiful morning, except for me.

     I had stayed at the beach all night, cleaning, and it was finally spotless. The newly cleaned beach matched perfectly with today's sunrise. On the other hand, I stuck out like a sore thumb. I was sweaty, dirty, stinky, tired, you name it, but I was done. I was finally done!

     I dropped to the ground and sighed, nap time! I fell asleep for what seemed like two seconds, only to be awoken by All Might.

"Why has thou disturbed my great slumber, sir?" I asked in a daze.

"What?" Was all I heard out of All Might's mouth.

"What?" I said sleepily.

"Can you stand up please?"

"No thank you, I'mma sleep some more."

"You'll miss the entrance exam..."

"What exam, I ain't got no exam."

"Don't you wanna be a hero?"

"Right now it's between sleep and being a hero... What will I choose?"


"I choose sleep." I said curling into a ball on the sand.

"Then you're not gonna take the entrance exam, therefore no U.A.?"

"No exam, no U.A., BUT sleep."

"Jeez, what am I gonna do with this kid?"

"Simple, let me sleep."

I thanked the lord that he stopped talking for a few minutes and I went into hibernation mode.



"That's it!"

"Huh? Whaaaa...?"

The next I knew, I was sling across All Might's shoulder and he was carrying me somewhere. I was surprised, but I went back to sleep.

I was woken up by a thud and pain. I was on the ground while All Might, in his hero form, towered over me. "Young Midoriya, I have something to tell you."

"What?" I said angrily, he disturbed my sleep toooooo much.

"It's about my quirk."

"...I'm listening."

"I am able to pass my quirk to other people. I was originally quirk-less and my master trained me to inherit her quirk. I have done the same with you. For the past couple of months, I've been training your mind and body to be a suitable vessel for this quirk."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Let me finish. My quirk is known as One For All, it gets passed down from generation to generation, and I think you are the next person in line."

My jaw dropped to the floor, I've always admired All Might and his awesome quirk, but possessing it is a different story. I have also been lying to All Might the past couple of months, I'm not quirk-less. I think it's time to come clean.

"A-All Might, before you pass your quirk onto me, I have a confession to make."

"What is it, Young Midoriya?"

"I'm not quirk-less." I whispered.

"What was that?"

I was quiet for a few moments before answering speaking again, "I'm not quirk-less."

He was silent for a while and then sighed.

"So, you've been lying?"

"Y-yes." I answered hesitantly.

"Can I ask why?"

"You can, but I might not give a suitable answer."

"Just give an answer."

"The reason I hid my quirk is..."


"This is hard to admit."

"I'm sure it is, but why lie in the first place?"

"I-I can't say..." I finally stated.

"I see. But I believe you are the next successor of One For All. You have proven that you have a hero's will through your actions, plus I trained your body to be the perfect vessel. You show no hesitation when you set your mind to something and that's something that a quirk can't buy, it's character. I believe your character is fit for the title 'hero'."

I'll be honest, I was crying, "A-All Might! But why? Even though I lied?"

"You lied, you made a mistake. A mistake that lasted for a while, but you're gonna learn from this."

"You still have this much faith in me?"

"Haha, of course young man. Let me tell you something, everyone makes mistakes, and that's how you grow. So learn from this opportunity and come clean, before you regret it."

"Wow, you're so understanding." I was stunned by his lack of anger and his extreme kindness.

"Thank you, but I'm still punishing you."

"Understandable. Thank you so much All Might!"

"You're very welcome. Now eat my hair."


"Eat my hair so you can inherit the power and go run to the exam!"


He plucked a peace of hair out of his head and handed it to me. I started at it for a while before struggling to swallow it.

"Good boy." All Might said.

"Thank you." I gagged.

"Now go! And meet me back here at five in the evening."

I had already started running, but I quickly turned around to give him two enthusiastic thumbs ups and then continued to my destination.

I had made it just in time, a moment later and I wouldn't have made it! Okay, this is the moment my entire life depends on, I can't mess this up. Deep breaths, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Alright, I'm gonna head in now.

There was a stone on the ground and me being me, I stepped on it and fell, except I didn't fall, I hung in midair. I heard a sweet, girly voice say 'careful' and I was put on the ground.

I turned around to see a girl, damn she cute (Ka-Chan is hotter though). She smiled brightly and continued to walk.

What just happened?

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