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•Jungkooks POV•

One year ago..

"Im sorry Mr. Jeon. Your parents wont allow it. Please return home." This  was my life. Jeon Jungkook, the son of one of the wealthiest families in Korea. But in reality, I was never allowed on their property. Unless they had parties, or important clients. Had to keep up appearances. I nodded at the guard and walked back to my home. It was actually for the maids that worked for my family. Im just a stranger to my parents. Since I refuse to study business and take over the company after they are gone. "Hello Mr. Jeon, would you like breakfast?" Ji-Hye, one of the maids asked. "Noona please. Im not even welcomed in my home, your not obligated to refer to me that way. But yes please." She giggled and went back to the kitchen.

It was a week later when I walked into the living room to find the maids crying. "Noona? Whats wrong?" I asked Ji-Hye. She stood and motioned the other woman out. "I-its your parents. They died Jungkook. But i-it means we all are out of business." I honestly had no emotion, they really never were around, is it bad that I feel nothing? "Your brother is coming in an hour to pick you up. Your parents Will is going to be read to you both." I groaned at the thought of my perfect brother. "Well Ill get dressed. Let me know when he arrives please." I ran to my room and grabbed the nicest clothes I had. "Well well brother. You ready to go?" I turn to see Ji-Hyun, my brother in a suit. I nodded and followed him to the car.

I sat through an embarassing 20 minutes just listening to the will. "All our money and properties will be given to our son, Ji-Hyun. He may only distribute the money to the house staff." I looked over and the Judge hesistated to read on. "We leave $60 to our other son, Jungkook. But we make it known that he has no legal right to anything besides the $60. He will no longer be allowed in the Maids Home or the home given to his brother." My parents have always neglected me, I just thought they would at least have some love left for me. I grabbed the money and followed my brother outside.

He drove in the opposite direction of the house. "Where we going?" I asked as we entered the highway. "Im taking you to Seoul. Theres a nice place we picked out for you." I dont know anyone there. Who is he taking me to? "Hyung please. Dont send me away! Im only 17." I said as I began to cry. "You lost all family rights when you chose to go against our parents wishes. So, now take responsibility of yourself. Ah, your new home." I turn to look out the window. Seouls Homeless Shelter. Ji-Hyun was already walking inside, so I had no choice. "That would be $60 please." I heard the lady say. They planned this. They really thought that lowly of me..

Now I was alone. I had no one anymore. At least I had my own room. Maybe my life will get better. I went from living a semi-High class life to having nothing. No money. No family. Im now apart of the low class world. I guess I should be used to this treatment by now, I was always looked at like I was the help. Maybe this is where I truly belong.


Alittle sad background on Jungkooks life...

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