Chapter 20: Something Strange

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*Time Skip*

-Yoongis POV-

Its been a few weeks since Jungkook started getting sick. And it doesnt go away, he just stays in bed. I climbed into bed to check on him but still felt hot. "Whats going on with you baby? I hate seeing you suffer. I feel so useless." I said softly stroking his hair. "Morning Hyung." He mumbled as he snuggled into my side. "How do you feel today love?" I said as I pecked his forehead and cheek. "Alittle better. Sorry Ive kept you away from work. I could take care of myself you know. Ive done it before." He mumbled quietly. "Sweetheart, you have me now. I will take care of you no matter what. Now, rest Im going to make you soup." He nodded and closed his eyes again. I made his chicken soup and thankfully he ate it all. But thats half the better. I just hope he can hold it down this time.

I went to wake Soju up and got her dressed for school with ease. "Mommy still sick?" She asked as I carriied her to the stairs. "Yes Angel. Want to say goodbye?" She nodded and I placed her on the floor. "Remember only kiss his cheeks, not the lips." I reminded earning a quick yes before she disappeared into the room. "Okay Daddy Im ready now." I smiled and picked her up again and set her in the car. "Morning Son! Good morning princess!" I turned to see my Mother getting out of her car. "Good your here. Would you mind watching out for Jungkook? Hes still sick." She nodded and gave me and Soju a quick kiss before we left the house.

-Jungkooks POV-

I looked up at the sound Mrs. Mins voice echoing in the hallway. Its nice to actually have a decent relationship with her now. Shes a sweet lady under all the coldness she builds up. I sat up trying to greet her but it proved to be a bad move when I fept the need to vomit again. I rushed passed her and into the bathroom. "S-sorry you had to see that Mrs. Min. I dont know whats going on. I was fine a month ago." I said as I rinsed my face. "A month? Ah I used to be a nurse back in the day. How about you fill this cup for me, and Ill see what I come up with. Okay?" I didnt know she was a nurse. But I grabbed the cup and did as I was told. After Yoongi got back she left again. "What happened? My Mom seemed startled." He asked to which I shrugged. "Well she took a pee sample from me. You never mentioned she was a nurse before. Thats pretty cool Hyung." I said as he carried me back to our room.

As we laid there in silence I felt at peace. I didnt feel any pain. "Wait. My Mom was never a nurse. I wouldve remembered that happening. She made that up." He randomly said. Oh well. "Oh okay. Well lets sleep Hyung." I suggested kissing his chest. "Want a massage?" I nodded eagerly and I felt him lightly rub my sides. "I just cant wait to get over this sickness. I can get your kisses and it sucks!" I pouted as I turned to face him. "Your such a baby sometimes." He teased. "Your baby." I giggled as he had a proud smile form on his face. "Forever and always my baby boy." He said as he connected our lips. "Y-you will get s-." I was cut off by another kiss. "Im already sick. Sick of not kissing you." I laughed at his cheesiness and enjoyed his kisses.

The next morning I woke up to see a missed call and text from Mrs. Min. The photo was of a pregnancy test. Why is she sending me this? I texted back a quick congratulations before grabbing something to eat. Honestly feel like eating a truck loads of burgers. And fries. Ooh and those yummy cakes that Yoongi makes. But I just settled for the left over chicken. "What does she want now?" I whined as his Mom called me. "Hello Mrs. Min." I said as I found the jar of pickles. "J-Jungkook? Are you alone?" She said quietly and I just hummed a response. "I dont know how you will take this. And I tested it 3 times to be sure. Y-you are uh..sweetheart your carrying his child. Your pregnant." O froze. How could that be? Im a guy? I know Im a guy. "Ill leave you to your thoughts. Tell Yoongi." She said before hanging up.

I immediately got in the car and drove to Jihyuns house. I was so confused. Guys can be pregnant!? What if Yoongi leaves me? I cant lose them. Not because Im a freak. Im so confused. "Oh Jungkookie. Come in, Ji is making lunch." I bowed at his girlfriend avoiding to look at her stomache. Shes showing. Im going to become like that too. "Hyung. I need to ask a serious question and I want a serious answer. Please." I said catching him off guard. "I was born as a boy right? Mom and Dad didnt surgically make me one right?" I asked as I stared at him. I knew I sounded ridiculous. "Are you drunk right now?" He asked with a stern look on his face. "What? No. Im not, Im being serious. I was born a boy? Yes or no." I pressed. "Kooks, of course. I was there I saw everything." I just groaned in frustration.

Both of them knelt beside me just waiting for me to speak. "H-hyung..Noona..I-Im pregnant. Im not sure how its possible. But Im carrying Yoongis child. Our child." I said as I rubbed my belly. "Does he know?" Jieun asked softly. "Im scared. What if he freaks out and leaves me? I cant handle that Noona." I said and she just smiled taking my hands. "I was scared too. But your brother proved me wrong. He embraced me and instantly began talking to my belly. He loves me enough to stay by my side to raise our family together. And I know that Yoongi will do the same. He loves you Kooks. Trust in that love. Hes not going anywhere." I looked at my brother and he just held my belly. "Go to him. Everything will be okay. I promise." He said before kissing my forehead.

I climbed back in the car and drove him feeling anxious. He loves me. He tells me this everyday. We will be married one day. He wants this with me. I thought about this over and over again before I pulled into the driveway. I looked over to see Yoongi and Soju heading inside. Here goes nothing. "Mommy!" I scooped her up kissing her cheeks. "How is my princess today?" She giggled and told me about her day and that she won an award at school. "Well then you can have ice cream. Hows that?" Yoongi said as he pulled a popsicle out for her. She took and went to watch her shows. Yoongi walked over connecting our lips. I pulled as tears formed in my eyes. "I-Im scared Hyungie..Im so scared." I said quietly.

Yoongi pulled me into our room sbutting the door. "My love, what is it? Ill protect you." I only cried harder as I nuzzled my face in his chest. "D-dont leave me. No matter what. S-stay with me." I pleaded looking in his eyes. "Always. You know this. I love you my Jungkookie~" He said softly. Its now or never. "Hyung I-I uh Im pregnant." I whispered as I avoided his gaze. "Y-your what? Seriously? Oh my goodness. Were going to have another baby!?" I flinched at his sudden excitement and gummy smile. "Why the face? This is exciting news. We need to tell my parents. A-and when your ready our friends. And your brother." I smiled and pecked his cheeks.

I intertwined our fingers together as he smiled at me. "I was afraid you would leave when you knew. But your proved our love is stronger." I said as he leaned down to kiss and hug my stomache. "Kooks, my love. We are creating a family together. I would be a complete idiot to walk away from this. I love you." That night we decided to tell Soju in the morning and to just enjoy this moment to ourselves. "Hey little one. Its your Daddy, Im so happy. I cant wait to meet you." I giggled as he kissed my belly. "Now listen well. Dont give your Mommy too much trouble. Okay? We both are so excited to meet you. Our baby. And your going to have a great older Sister to watch over you." He pecked my belly again before moving up to me. "Sleep well Kookie." O nodded and kissed his cheek. "I love you so much Min Yoongi." I whispered before shutting the lights off. I was beyond happy.


Soft hours at the end lol :)

If you dont like Mpreg, sorry. If you dont understand how it works, google it. Or just allow it to happened haha :):)

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