Chapter 3: The spontaneous date

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•Jungkooks POV•

Im really loving it being a barista. I still have a trainer, but hes really cool. And hes quite attractive as well. "Hey Jungkookie, your off in an hour right?" Yugyeom, my cute trainer asked. "Y-yeah, are you heading out?" I said back shyly as I organized the coffee beans. "Yeah. Do you want to go and grab dinner? When you finish." Is he asking me on a date? Oh my goodness. "I-I mean as friends. Like not that your not attractive b-but dinner as two friends. Eating at the same time at the same table." Even though it sounds like a rejection, it was still adorable. "Id like to eat at the same table as you later." I giggled before turning to greet the incoming customer. "Heres the address." Yugyeom said before heading out. Walking past a Min Yoongi.

 Walking past a Min Yoongi

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I tried to regain composure, he looked etheral. "H-hello Mr. Min. The u-usual?" I stuttered. "Yes, minus the muffin. I have a date in a little bit." He said as he handed me the money. I couldnt help but feel alittle hurt that hes going on a date. But I brushed it aside because why would an adult like him even look my way. I silently made his drink and brought it over. "So a date huh? Is she pretty?" I said casually. Likely it was closing, so it was basically empty. "Do you want to sit? I have time to talk for a bit." I nodded and sat across from him. "Actually its a blind date. My Mother, bless her heart. Wants me to find someone and settle down. For Sojus sake. At least now, shes somewhat on board with my preferences. So thats a plus." He said and tilted my head abit. "Preferences? Like ideal types?" I questioned.

•Yoongis POV•

He was honestly too adorable. I couldnt help but laugh at his question. "No, I mean my sexuality. Im gay. She came to terms of my choices when I was in college. My date is the son of the CEO of the Daegu Business company. His name is Choi Minho." I stated and he didnt seem fazed. "I-I hope it doesnt change anything knowing Im gay." Jungkook just giggled. "Im Bi, so its not a big deal to me." We talked for another hour or so I thought. It was 7 PM. "Shit. I guess Ill have to reschedule that date." I said after noticing that we sat there for 2 hours. "We both blow of our initial dates then. Well mine was a friendly dinner." Jungkook said as he went to close up the kitchen.

I excused myself and went to my car. But I couldnt help but look back to see Jungkook looking the building up. "Hey Jungkook, we should end this off right. Dont you think?" I said cheekily. "End what?" He said as he walked closer to me. "Our spontaneous date together. Anyways, would you like to change before we go and eat? Or are you okay in your uniform?" I couldnt help but smile at his flustered behavior. "C-can I change?" He said quietly. "Of course. Hop in." I drove to his place, both of us in silence. "Ill be fast." Jungkook before running up to his apartment. What are you doing Yoongi? Hes a kid. Well, hes basically an adult. But still. I was brought out of my thoughts when Jungkook came back in. He looked beautiful.

(His out minus the hat and the pikachus)

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(His out minus the hat and the pikachus)

I must have been staring because Jungkook began to ramble on about his outfit. "I-Is it too much? Jin Hyung put this outfit together. I-I told him the jacket was alittle much. B-but I wan-." I cut him off with a chuckle. "Breathe. You look beautiful. Now uh lets go have dinner." I said as I started the car. We drove in silence, but it wasnt the awakward kind. "Alright, I know its a bit out of the way. But this is the best restaurant on this side of town." I said as I led him out of the car.

•Jungkooks POV•

I recognized the name of this place. My parents and their friends always had meals here. I was always coincidentally busy so I never came here. I couldnt help but feel uncomfortable. And extremely under dressed. "Good evening sir. A table for how many?" The waiter said. And of course, he gave me a sideway glance, completely disregarding my presence. "Two, obviously." Yoongi said. I hesitantly followed behind him. "Hey you okay?" Yoongi asked as we sat down. "Y-yeah Im fine."  I said giving my best smile. I could feel people glaring at me and I couldnt help but hear the comments they made. "Isnt that the Jeons boy? Hm, seems they were right to disown him." "Who allowed the help to sit in here?" I excused myself and ran outside.

I sat on the sidewalk as the tears began to fall. "Jungkook! Oh hey. Im so sorry. Its just people in my world, can be so evil." He said softly. "Do I really look like a low class? Even to you?" I said weakly. "Im not like that Jungkook. I cant help that labels exist, but I dont follow that way of thinking." I nodded. "I-I was born into this lifestyle, but my parents when I was like 15 mentally disowned me." I began. "I didnt want to be a CEO, so they gave the title to my brother. When they died they made it clear that I will spend my life in the low class, officially. And thats how I ended up here." I continued and he sat there listening. It felt good to talk about my messed up family knowing it was safe between us.

Yoongi stood and took my hand to lead ne down the street. "Theres a food caet that makes great cheeseburgers. Come on, and we can eat at the park next to it." I giggled and followed him happily. Hes very sweet. And definitely is total Daddy material..but I wont get ahead of myself. We were half way through our food when his phone rang. "Hoseok? Whats the matter?" He said quickly after giving me an apologetic look. "Man, I have to get going. My daughter is pulling one of her acts when Im gone too long. Sorry." I waved him off and lead the way back to his car.

Its been a long time since I felt important. Even if feelings may not be involved.

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