Chapter 22: Making Peace

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*2 Months later*

-Yoongis POV-

Its finally done! The building is complete and our home is just perfect. Im so excited to show Jungkook "our new business." We always talked about a family restaurant and how Soju can work there when shes older. And now its complete, well almost. The still have to finish putting the name on it. "We apologize for the delay. But we will have the name finished within the hour Sir." I turned to see a group of workers bowing apologetically and I just smiled. "I may be a Min but that doesnt make me this scary rich guy. Lighten up, as long as its perfect. And its the way we all envisioned it to look like, Im perfectly happy. Now go and do your best." They all smiled and went on their way. I left to go and check the houses progress. The house not too far from yhe restaurant and it was at lrast half the size of our current house. It was perfect.

I was inspecting the place when I got a call from Jungkook. Since he began showing I grew more protective. "Whats wrong? Where are you?" I said as I ran to my car. "Calm down Im fine. I jist wanted to know when you will be home? I miss you." I smiled as I began to relax again. "Right now actually. Ill cuddle you as soon as I get there. Okay sweetheart?" I said softly. "O-okay. Hyung I want to see my parents today. Will you go with me?" He asked in a soft voice. "Of course, get dressed and Ill pick you both up soon." I said earning a giggle. "Hyung? I love you so much." I blushed a bit before responding. "Dont make me bust an UWU while driving." I whined. "If you were here I could easily make you bust a nut." He said lowly causing me to gulp. "Okay you horny man. I love you too." I said before hanging up before he could tease me further.

-Jungkooks POV-

I finished getting Soju dressed and we sat on the couch talking until Yoongi arrived. "Have I told you how much I love coming home to see you both all cuddly. It hits my feels." I giggled at his dramatic behavior and pulled on his collar connecting our lips. "Ewwww Mommy! Daddy! Gross." We broke apart as she covered her eyes. "Sorry Angel. Are we ready?" He carried Soju and helped me onto my feet. I really love how he is with me now. Hes always been loving towards me but its been amplified since Ive been pregnant. I truly truly love this man. And I cant wait to have our child. "Daddy where are we going?" Yoongi smiled and kissed my hand before turning to face her. "Well we are going to meet Jungkooks parents." She squealed for a bit but remained quiet. Im really nervous seeing them, even if its just their grave site.

Once out of the car I immediately grabbed his hand as I grew more nervous. "I-I want a minute alone with them. B-But dont be too far from me." He nodded and kissed my cheeks. "Im so proud of you. Your so brave sweetheart." I blushed at the sudden praise and pecked his lips before leading the way. I bowed awkwardly at my parents before sitting in front of their tombstone. "Hi Mom. Hi Dad, its Jungkook. Your son. Sorry its taken me so long to see you." I said as I traced the letters. "I forgive you both. I really do and Im sorry I couldnt make you proud. But Im happy with this life. If it wasnt for you, I wouldnt have met my Fiance. He makes me really happy. He saw me, for who I am. I love him. And he has a daughter named Soju. I love her so much as if she was my own. But Hyung tells me to consider her as my own, which is very easy to do. I want you yo meet my family." I said feeling more relieved.

I motioned them to come over and Soju broke free from Yoongis hold and ran to me. They both sat beside and Yoongi let me lean against him. "Hello Mr and Mrs Jeon. Its a pleasure meeting you, Im Min Yoongi. And this is our daughter, Min Soju." Soju and Yoongi both bowed politely. "Hi Papa and Grannie!" She said as as she waved. We sat for awhile talking about our engagement, and of course our baby on the way. "Well we should get going, but we will visit again soon. Bye!" I said before we got up to leave. I felt more happier after talking to them. I hope they can feel proud knowing Im happy. "Thanks for this Hyung. Im sure they wouldve loved you both." I said as we drove away. "Anything for you baby. Im glad we met them. Do you feel better? About them?" I laced our fingers together feeling content. "I do. I really do." I said before watching out my window. Im glad I went to see them. I really do miss them, I wish they were here.

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