Chapter 15: Another Chance

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-Jins POV-

I got up late in the afternoon and Namjoon was already gone. But looking over at Jungkool made me sad. He hasnt moved since last night. I got up and decided to go and find Yoongi. I dialed his number. I called multiple times and I got no answer. Where is he? Maybe hes at work? Taking a deep breathe I drove downtown to his workplace. I didnt even bother changing my clothes, I walked in baggy sweats and all. "Jin Hyung? What brings you here?" I smiled walking over to Jimin. "Is Yoongi here. I need to see him." I asked him. "No, hes on personal leave. Hes not taking the break up with Jungkook well." Hes at home? Why didnt he answer? "Oh then Ill go to his home. Jungkook is in the hospital. Hes not taking it well either." I turned to leave but Jimin ran after me.

Together we drove to Yoongis house while Jimin tried to call and text him. But still no answer. "Maybe hes still sleeping." Jimin said after 10 minutes of knocking. "Seriously. Jungkook nearly dies and he is nowhere to be found." I said feeling frustrated. The silence was broken by the sound of Jimins phone ringing. "Hyung? Where the h-." But it wasnt him. "Hi? Is this Jimin? My name is Chan. Could you come to the bar downtown to get your friend." We both sighed and rushed back downtown.

-No ones POV-

Yoongi was drunk out of his mind. He had been at the bar for an hour now. And poor Chan was forced to listen to Yoongis sob story. "I wish I was with my y-you know where to find him?" He slurred out to the man beside him. "He was my whole life. B-but my work keeps me from him. We shouldve stayed in Japan. N-no one cares there. Oh my Kookie would have still been here. B-but my demon Mother ruined everything." The man sighed and turned to Yoongi. "Listen, give me your phone. Im going to call someone to come get you. Okay?" Yoongi nodded though he didnt really listen to Chan. "Maybe I should quit. Take him and Soju far far away. Oh cant go to America. Jungkook is a teenager there. M-my sweet baby. Have you met my boyfriend? Have you seen my bunny?" He hiccupped.

After reaching Jimin on the phone Chan began leading a drunk Yoongi outside. "Why do I ruin everyone I try to love? First Jennie. Now Jungkook? I just want my Jungkook back. Ill be happier I p-promise." He sighed dropping to the ground. Not long after Jin and Jimin pulled up. "Jimin! Hey do you want to drink w-with me?" Jimin just pulled him into the car ignoring his question. They tried explaining Jungkooks situation to Yoongi but it was no use. He wasnt really listen and he couldnt understand why Jungkook was in the hospital. They arrived at the hospital and already Yoongi seemed to be a tad sober than before.

-Yoongis POV-

I followed the other two to the room Jungkook was in. Why was he here? He never said anything about being sickly to me. He was healthy. I know Jin Hyung told me the reason but everything is fuzzy right now. "Oh hes still asleep. We will give you a minite with him." I nodded at them and went into his room. I saw bandages all around his arms. I lightly tugged at a bandage to reveal a cut mark. Oh no. "Baby? Im here now. Why would you do this? What about me and Soju? Please." I cried as I caressed the bandages on his arm. I knew without being told that I caused this. I hurt him this bad. If I get him back, I will cherish him more. I will love him better. Come back to me my love.

I ended up on the other bed after wheeling it closer to Jungkook waiting for him to wake up. I stared up at the ceiling, out the window and occassional glances at Jungkook while I waited. "Mm Jin Hyung?" I looked over to see him barely open his eyes. "Hey, your up. How are you feeling?" I asked softly getting his attention. "H-hyung? W-wha-how did you know?" He seemed scared seeing me. "Jin and Jimin came to find me. Your safe now. The doctors took good care of you." I smiled trying to reassure him. "I-I just didnt want you of all people. To see m-me like this." Tears began to form in his eyes and I understood. But it was too late, I knew I caused him to cut himself.

-Jungkooks POV-

I sat quietly as he held my hand. Waiting for him to say something. Anything. "Jungkook? You know I didnt mean what I said right? I was such an idiot for allowing it to get that far. I screwed up. Im sorry I allowed myself to be harsh. I never meant them." I sighed turning to face him. "I love you Jungkook. I really really do. And Im willing to do anything to prove that to you. Give me a chance. Please." I stared at him watching as tears began to fall. Instantly out of habit I kissed them away. "I know you are. But if we get back to together, things need to change. And I need to know where I stand with you and Soju. I dont want to find out I overstepped too late again." I said with a slight pout.

We both talked for hours about our relationship. I was glad, I just wanted us to be our happy selves again. I missed that. I also didnt agree for us to be official again just yet. We agreed to take it slow this time and Yoongi wants to work this out. I wont lie and say that Yoongi isnt a romantic. Because he is and I know hes going to pull out all the sappyness he got for me. Which I wont complain. I love him. "Well Ill let you sleep. But call me if you need anything. Okay?" He said suddenly getting up. "Wait, can you stay? Stay the night with me please." I pleaded him to which he pulled the extra bed closer to mine. I hummed him a song as he caressed my hand.

I felt extremely happy again. I regret cutting myself, because I am loved. He loves me. "Jungkook? Promise me something please?" I shifted my gaze to him and he had a serious expression. "Anything." I said quietly. "Dont cut yourself. Please. If you ever feel low, come to me. Ill remind you how special you are to me and the world. Promise me." I smiled and leaned over to peck his cheek. "I promise. I have no reason to anymore. Im happy now." I said softly. "I love you Jungkook. Remember that." I heard him whisper causing me to blush to myself. "I love you too Hyung. Sleep well." I reached over and dimmed the lights down. I pecked his hand one more time before falling asleep.


Yay an update:) It will be happy from now on!

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