Chapter 5: Keep the Distance

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-Yoongis POV-

That kid. I felt so angry with him, I just wanted to hang out. I bet he said no because of that guy. Whatever I dont care. "Daddy 'm ready now."  Soju called out to me. I smiled at her before scooping her up. "You look beautiful today Angel. Lets get you into the car and off to school now." She nodded cutely and climbed out of my hold and ran out to the car. The car ride was silent since Soju was occupied with the beads on her dress. "Bye bye Daddy!" She said once I brought her out. "Angel what are you forgetting?" I said as she was about to run off. "Daddy my friends will see." She whispered. "Screw them. Give me my kissies." She giggled and pecked my cheek before running to her friends.

I arrived at work to see Hoseok with Jimin. "Hello Mr. Min." Jimin greeted with a blush. "Hey whats going on here?" I asked as I approached them. "Y-you should go to your office." Hoseok mumbled. Oh I get it, they finally grow some and confessed. Hopefully. I left them and went to my office. "H-hyung?" I froze seeing Jungkook here. And in his sweats. "Damn it Jungkook! Your going to get worse if you arent resting. Here sit down." He seriously looked worse than last night. His eyes were puffy too. "Im alright. Just alittle lightheaded." I nod understandingly completely forgetting that I was mad at him. "Let me get you some water, then we can talk." I made my way to the vending machine when Hoseok came up. He followed me silently and sat at his desk.

Jungkook fell asleep after drinking the whole water bottle. Why was he here? I couldve gone to him if he was this sick. "Hyung? Uh is there something going between you two?" I looked at before glancing at Jungkook. "I-I uh no. We are just friends." I answered quickly. What is between us? After an hour Hoseok went to go buy us lunch. "Hyung? Im so sorry about this. I-I didnt sleep well last night." I couldnt help but feel responsible, was it because I shouted at him? "I-I wanted to apologize. I had just started seeing someone and I didnt wont there to be any confusions." He said softly. "Confusion?" I questioned. "Well when you left the first time yesterday, Yugyeom basically asked if there was something more going on between us. B-but I assured him that we were j-just friends. And if I go on this date with you, it will confuse him. I didnt mean to come off as disgusted, I promise." This was suppose to comfort me, but I couldnt help but feel upset.

I looked at him. "Is that what you really want?" Jungkook just looked more confused. "I mean we have hung out for nearly two months now. You onky just got with that guy." Jungkook just scoffed and sat up."You know its the right thing to do. I deserve just one moment of happiness. It would b-." I lightly pressed a soft peck to his lips. "Now, is that what you want. You are free to hang with whoever you wa-." I began but was shoved on the ground. "What the fucks the matter with you?" He yelled. "I just told you Im trying to be a good boyfriend. Then you kiss me! I-I cant do this. Dont talk to me. Ever!" And then he was gone.

-Jungkooks POV-

The nerve of that guy seriously. I ran out of there as fast as I could. How could he be like that? "Bunny!" I looked up to see Soju and a woman. "Hey Soju." I said as she ran up to me. "You were with Daddy? Are you going to stay longer?" She asked as I held her. I glanced at the woman she was with and noticed that Soju sort of looked like her. Minus the judging eyes. "Hello Im Rose. Soju sweety, say goodbye now." She said with a fake voice. She obviously didnt like me. "Nu uh, Bunny can take me to Daddy. Right?" I placed her on the floor and motioned her to Rose. "Bunny has to go, I need more magic noodles." I winked at her.

I was about to walk away when she called out again. "Okay Ill have Daddy bring to you then! Bye bye Bunny!" I smiled and I turned and ran home. I collapsed onto my bed once I got home. What was that all about? Why did he kiss me? "Jungkookie? You home, I bought you some food." I lift my head up to see Jin Hyung. "I saw you earlier. You really should be resting, okay? No more adventures." I giggled a bit and nodded. "Hyung? Can I ask you something?" I said as he laid with me. "Sure Kooks, Im always here for you." I nodded and scooted closer to him.

I told him about what happened last night and about the kiss. I know how he felt about my involvement with Yoongi, but I knew he wasnt bad. He was kind, funny and sweet. "Jungkook, I just want you to be careful. We both know what people in power are capable of. They use and abuse those that are lesser than them. I think its safe to just keep your distance. For now at least." I knew he was right. I knew what happened today proved his point. Yoongi tried to manipulate me. Maybe its for the best. Im happy now, Im with Yugyeom. "Ill keep my distance then." I said to Jin before cuddling closer to him.

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