Go time

22 1 0

Tyler's POV

"Josh?" I begin

Josh looks up at me from the couch. He looks about as good as I feel. His hands are by his side shaking. His eyes are piercing with a small glint of fear.

"Yeah man?" He responds standing to be at my side

I look into his eyes take a deep breath, saying " what if they don't come?"

He looks at me with a reassuring glance. But I can tell he feels the same way deep down.It's funny how anxiety works. Josh and I are on our 4th or I guess 5th album's tour. We've made it to a bus and an area.

Yet we still have that fear.

We sold out the last three shows and we've been told this one is nearly sold out too. But it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter how big we get. How long we do this and how much wiser we grow.

Every show we always worry no one will come.

"Tyler?" Josh asks

I focus back on him.

He smiles, grabs my hand and squeezes it slightly

"Somone will come. Even if there's only one person. It'll be perfect"

I smile at my best friend who always knows what to say. I then close my eyes and relax to match his even breathing. He's right. Someone will be there. Someone always is.

Josh and I hug as always before we split off to our own routines.
Josh usually takes a walk around the venue before all the fans arrive. But they're arriving earlier and earlier these days. They camp out and for whatever they love it. We somehow make sleeping on the sidewalk all night worth it.

What have we done? Who are we to have inspired and reached so many people? 

What's so special about us?

At the end of the day I'm just a guy who used sound to describe what I was feeling. A weird guy  met a sweet punk loving dude with that same passion, who wanted to show the world what he could say without speaking.

This nervous energy and doubt, It's like  fuel. It stinks, and it can burn, but it keeps us going

Knock knock knock

Time slows down when the most beautiful human being walks through the door. 

"Hey babe did you want me to go grab you a-"

"Jenna. "

She stops smiles and looks at me.
"Yeah Tyler?" She asks walking over to sit with me

Immediately I'm lost in her eyes. I kiss her gently but sweetly. This woman is truly the one and only person who can take all pain and fear from out of me with one glance my direction.
I love her. More than I can ever truly describe. I can't even write songs about it because they never fully get it. She's my everything. For whatever reason I was put here to be her guy. How blessed I am for that.

I look deeply into her eyes and smile. Holding her hand I say.

" Jenna my love. Thank you for being absolutely beautiful in every single way"

She blushes and kisses my forehead. "So honey? How about that water? I know you forget to hydrate when you get like this"

She really does know everything. She can even sense when I'm down.  "Josh told you?" I ask

She shakes her head saying
" not quite. I saw his face when he walked out of here. I knew it was the two of you's daily panic. He's taking his walk now."

She hops up off my lap and walks over to the door. 
"and babe?" She questions

I look up saying "yes my love?"

Jenna smiles again "josh'll be back soon. Make sure you help him, and let him help you too. I love you. "

Then she's gone. Leaving me back to my head. I do feel calmer but sometimes I can't help but wonder what it's like for Josh.

Jenna may be the whole team's ray of sunshine, but it can't be easy for him....

He knows I love him though so for now I hope that's enough.

Buzz buzz buzz

I look down at my phone

Notifications: TEXT FROM MARK

meet n greet in 10. be dressed and security will meet you n 5

Well, panic time is over. Josh enters with a water in one hand and his phone in another.

"Here man, Jenna sent this" he says while chucking me the drink.

Suddenly I'm reminded of how thirsty I am. I down the water as Josh throws his shirt on.

Security arrives  and we are ready.

I look at Josh with a smile and he returns the look, nodding his head saying

"Let's do this"

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