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Josh's POV

Have you ever help your head under water long enough to notice how disorienting it is?
You can't hear or see. You can't exactly smell or breathe.

You're just caught between two worlds. Dead and alive.

The bad part is you can't shut your brain off.

Leaving the venue was the hardest thing we've ever had to do. Somehow it felt like a betrayal.

Don't we owe it to this girl to at least speak to her?

We can't just leave and go pretend life carries on. Like this never happened.

This girl will never be the same. I know Tyler and I won't be?

How will we play shows again knowing someone could get hurt? This is scarier than when we see the fans that have passed out get pulled out of the pit. And they all look dead.

I need my meds.

I walk out of the shower completely naked. We've reached a point where I'm sure everyone knows each other's dick by heart. Even Jenna.

I leave the shower and walk over to my bunk. Jenna and Tyler are on the couch. Comforting each other I guess.

I wonder if it helps?

Throwing my clothes on, I hear Jenna calling my name.

I walk into the room to see Jenna motioning for me to sit. She gives me her shoulder as Tyler has her lap.

Even when we are all devastated Jenna remains strong. The day she married Tyler she basically married the band too. I love her as much as I love Ashley. She's perfect for Tyler. And the perfect edition to our family.

"Josh" Jenna asks.

I mumble into her shoulder not bothering to try and be audible.

"You know you don't have to hide your feelings from us. We are all upset and we're going to need each other to heal.

You haven't said a word since Mark told us. Please don't shut us out. Talk to me. Talk to Tyler. Someone. Anybody"

Tyler sits up and pulls himself together. He looks at me and nods.
"Josh do you need your pills?"
"I need mine again"

I shake my head and Tyler is up  to get them. I look at Jenna and she smiles at me. I try to return.

Tyler is back with the bottles and a can of Red Bull. We both take a swig and look at our scripts. I haven't needed this in almost a year. Tyler takes his basically everyday but he also has something for when it's really bad.

We swallow and join each other on the couch. Me Tyler and Jenna. The dream team. And the only ones on the tour bus. Ashley stayed with Mark for awhile. He needs someone.

We all sit silently staring off into space. Nothing really feels right. Our phones, the tv, and the Xbox all are irrelevant.

"Maybe we should check social media. See if this is trending.

I'm sure she wants her privacy"

Jenna and Tyler nod each opening Twitter.

We spend about 10 minutes looking through #twentyonepilots #bridgestonearenashow
#twentyonepilotsconcert #banditostour


So no one knows. I wonder what that means. Don't we owe it to her to keep her privacy? But what about our other fans?
Do we owe it to them to warn them of what's going on?

I find my voice again

Jenna and Tyler look up at me, relieved that I'm speaking but worried by my tone.
"Yeah Josh?" They respond.

"What's our next date? Is the break after this show or next?" I ask.

Tyler looks at his phone to get our schedule
"We have two shows more scheduled and then we break for two months before we head overseas"

I nod. We'll have to have some sort of team meeting soon to discuss the plan. How we move forward.


We all look up
"Where the hell is that coming from?" I ask

Jenna looks out the window and points. Tyler and I join her to see...... the last girl from the meet & greet. She's wrapped in a large blanket and a fireman's jacket. It was her. She's the one.

I can't believe I forgot about her.

The girl living with ghosts

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