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Josh and I are lifted back on stage by security. We walk over to center stage together. I smile. We've done it again. They're all so happy to be here.

We've put on a decent show. Good enough that we're both exhausted. And now it's time to say goodbye.

Josh and I meet up shoulder to shoulder. Look at each other smile and then bow. Together we say "We're Twenty One Pilots and so are you"

As I gaze out into the crowd one last time I can't help but feel love. Love for my career and love for them.

Backstage I rush to find my towel. Josh and I are basically covered in sweat search show. The first thing we both do is dry off and drink water.

"We did it again dude. Great job singing tonight"

I smile and respond with "yeah. You too dude. I'm really glad I have you to play drums with. "

I'm the midst of our congratulations Jenna joins us along with Ashley.

"Hey Ashely, hello my love. What did you guys think?"

Jenna walks over and kisses my cheek. "You did great babe"

I really do have the best wife in the world.

We all sit down at chat about the show. What went well, what didn't go so well. We do this almost every show. Usually solo but we are still getting used to playing arenas.

"So I like the set list very well but I think we might want to incorporate some more of the old old songs" I say

The three of them nod in agreement. Josh adds
"Yeah I think the last few tours people have heard enough of vessel and maybe even blurryface. I think we should focus on trench and self titled. Maybe even throw in glowing eyes?"

I nod taking all that in. Sounds like a good idea. We wouldn't have the backing track so it would have to strictly be piano and drums. I still don't know how people got some of those songs.

The door opens slowly. Mark walks in silent with a horrified look on his face.

Suddenly our pleasant conversation is hushed. I look at Jenna and she looks as worried as I am. That's never good. Jenna's definitely the chillest person here.

Mark walks over to a chair and sits, putting his head in his hands. Josh and I walk over and sit by his feet. We each grab a hand.

"Mark what's wrong buddy?"

Mark remains silent. I look at Josh. We both know this isn't good.

Josh gently says "hey man. Whatever it is it can't be that bad. We can deal with it together. But you gotta get it out."

Jenna and Ashely join when there's no answer. Ashely stands behind Mark gently rubbing his shoulder. Jenna leans on me ready to support whoever needs it.

After a minute or two mark looks is in the eye. He's been crying. "I don't know how to say this" Mark begins.

"I have horrible news"

Immediately I am filled with fear. When was the last time I spoke to my dad? My mom?  He wouldn't wait to tell me something like this would he? Wouldn't he tell josh or Jenna first and then let them tell me?

I take a deep breath
"Just try to say a little ok? We can take it Mark" I reassure

Jenna rubs my shoulders slightly. I guess she can sense my fear.

Mark swallows and fights a cough.
" there was an attack. Here. Right after the show"

We all look up instantly worried. We all know what happened at Manchester

"What kind of attack?" Josh asks.

Mark wipes a tear from his eye again. He takes a deep breath and responds

"A rape. A girl was raped"

Time stops. I don't know if I'm angry disappointed devastated or all the above. I cannot believe someone would do this. Why today? Why here? And how?

Jenna is the first of us to speak after the deafening silence.
"Do we know who it was?"

Mark nods and sighs
"it was a fan. We don't know her name but she was found on the floor of the men's room crying and"

An awful choking noise leaves his mouth. Ashely rubs his back for comfort. Mark stops again and takes a minute to breathe
He continues,
"and naked. The bastard didn't even let her keep her own pants"

The four of us all react differently. Jenna is sad and worried. Mark is holding back tears. Ashley is confused and shocked. Josh looks devastated. And me? I can barely wrap my head around it.
How did this happen? How could something so awful happen at one of our shows. To one of our fans? How did we let this happen?

"Where did we go wrong?" I ask. Everyone looks up at me shocked. Jenna squeezes my arm and responds

"Tyler. You can't. There's no way that you're re-"

Angrily I stand up and push her away.

"DONT SAY IT. Don't you dare finish that sentence. It's our job to make sure everyone's saftey is at the utmost concern. Maybe there should be more security. Maybe we should only play at venues that screen their workers, or have better protection, or patrol the area better o- ". I fall to my knees.
I don't have the strength for this.

"What happens now?" I ask Mark.

Mark rises. He's mostly pulled himself together.
"Well you Josh and all the females are pretty much free to leave. But all of security and our crew had to stay behind for questions. They aren't sure if it was planned or an inside job but the police want to secure all the people here that they can. I think they're hoping it was an inside job rather than a spur of the moment thing. Since tracking all the fans is nearly impossible. "

"Tyler? Josh? Are you two ok?" Mark asks.

Neither one of us is but I look over at Josh anyway. We both stand, shake our heads, and walk silently to the tour bus. Jenna and Ashley follow.

Josh immediately heads to the shower. He doesn't like crying in public so I'm sure he just wants some privacy.
I just lie facedown on the couch thinking. Jenna pulls off my shoes and sits in front of me. Eventually pulling my head into her lap. She rubs my head which is actually helping a little. I just lie there getting it all out.

"I just want to help her in any way we can. I feel like we've failed her. I just want her to know how sorry we are. How much we care."

Jenna my partner in crime just keeps rubbing my head. And my back.

"It'll all work out Ty. I know it will. We will help her"

Who would I be? What would I do about Jenna. She's the only one that could say that and have me believe it.

Shattered (twenty one pilots)Where stories live. Discover now