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Carrie's POV

I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is so surreal .......

,......................I'm actually here

I've been waiting for this day to come forever. The day I get to see Tyler and Josh in person.

I. I I don't know what to think or say or do o-

"Hello excuse me ma'am can I ask you something?"

I turn around to see a staff member smiling at me.

Trying to find the words,
"ugh umm yeah sure is something wrong?"

She smiles big. She's tall with dark eyes and a beautiful smile. Trustworthy.

"No not at all" she says
" we saw you come in and we want to offer you official passes to a meet & greet before the show with the band. Would you be interested?"

I start to shake I can't believe my ears.
"Y ye ye yes. Of course I'm so so excited!" I squeal

The lady smiles again and hands me a pass from her bag. "Alrighty so all you need to do is go inside and show this to security and when the entire group is ready you'll all be ushered to the meet & greet location"

And then she's gone. I grab my pass and run up to the door. This day can't possibly get any better.

A century (5 min) later a group of 50 walks inside the venue. Eager and anxious. This is a dream we all share.

What will they be like up close?
Will they be happy to see us?
Are they tired? Do they miss home?

.........Do they want to be here?

Of course they do. Tyler and Josh are not only the sweetest guys in the world but you can tell from their interviews that truly appreciate their fans.

The group huddles up behind a door waiting for the go ahead. We are all so excited and so eager. This is the thing I love about the clique. We all come together to celebrate the music and band we love. Our huddle isn't chaos. It's pure happiness pure joy.

I've never been happier

Pause. Everything freezes

........... There's a strange feeling inside me.The feel of the crows changes. I'm not safe here.
Something isn't right . A large hand reaches down my shorts squeezing my ass.

That's. Not ok.
This is wrong.
Why is this happening to me.

Why am I so small.

Something. Some

Violating my personal space.
I don't have the words.
A sheer feeling of pure terror washes over my body.

I can't move. I can't even process what's going on.

A raspy sickening voice meets my ear. The cold breath whispers "nice ass sweetie "

And then it's gone.
It's over.

            my heart


Everything is emptiness

My heart goes numb

That joy I felt is nothing but confusion and pain.

Who would've known your mood could flop in an instant?

I look around and no one is here. No one suspicious. Everyone is still super eager to go in. I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder. Someone is touching me.

Flinching I quickly whip around and jerk out of their grasp.

It's a little girl.

Just a little girl.

Only a little girl. I'm

A girl only about 12 looks up at me "excuse me. I didn't mean to scare you. Do you see a bathroom up front? I'm too short "

Catching my breath I forcibly smile. It's just a little girl. No harm here. I'm fine.

"Yeah sweetie. There's one on the right." I respond pointing her in the direction.

I step out of the huddle and move to the back. I'll be damned if anyone is behind me again. No way.

Fuck. My tickets are in the pit.

Whatever. Nothing happened.

Nothing will come between me and this show. I just have to forget and then it's not real.
Nothing could've happened if I don't remember right?

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