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Jenna's POV

This girl can't be older than 16. She's just a child. Rape is terrible enough. But who rapes a child? It's just pure evil.

I walk out of the bus with Tyler and Josh on my toes. She hears us but keeps walking quickly.

Before I can think of something to say she screams "GO AWAY I JUST WANT TO GO HOME"

I turn around and motion for Tyler and Josh to wait. They obey and I run to catch up to her. I'm walking beside her close enough to hear her crying.
"Hey look. I just want to speak with you. We can talk about anything you want or nothing at all but please. Just hear me out"

She stops running and lets me catch up to her. Her breathing quickens as she turns to look me in the eye. She may be a little older than I thought. She's just very small.

Carefully I smile at her and open my arms saying
"Im here for you if you need anything"

Surprisingly she lets me hold her. She cries in my arms and I lead her over to the sidewalk. Tyler and Josh come a bit closer but give us some privacy.

I do my best to calm her while she sobs. I can tell she's relaxing a bit
"Hey. My name is Jenna. What's yours?"

She wipes her eyes looks up at me and says
"My name is Caroline but I go by Carrie. I guess you know what happened"

I nod, "none of the details but yes I heard. I'm so sorry we had to meet this way. If there's anything I can do please tell me and I'll try my best."

She sighs and sits up. I let go of her sensing she wants some air.
"Is there any chance you can ask someone to find me some pants? I kind of ran out when they started talking about hospitals and police."

"Of course" I respond. Carefully, I continue with
" I can't begin to understand what this must be like for you. But I think you might want to go to the hospital. I know it's scary but they just want to make sure you're okay. I mean that black eye alone should be looked at."

She begins to stand again and I grab her hand "NO. IM NOT GOING AND NONE OF YOU CAN MAKE ME. FORGET THE PANTS GOODBYE"

I stand up with her and yell "wait. Please. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to force or push you to do anything. Whatever you want to do is what will happen. No one can force you. I just want you to know that while it's ultimately your choice and you have your own reasoning. You may benefit in the long run from it."

She keeps walking away towards her car I presume.

"Ok. Ok I'll stop. I'm sorry. Please at least let me drive you home." I plead.

Maybe it's the desperation in my voice. Maybe she's just scared to be alone. But she stops looks at me and nods.

"Alright" she says, "but I can't go home. Home is 4 hours away. I'm going to have to find a hotel or something."

"That's fine. I can probably help you with that if you let me" I ask.
She nods and hands me her keys. We walk to her car and hop in. Blue Chevy Malibu. 2013. Cute. It suits her.

I adjust the seat and mirrors as she turns the radio. She only put it on low. Must be just so she doesn't have to think too much.

"I'll have to drive back to my bus before we leave. I'll need to get my purse and my phone. Someone is going to follow us so I'll have a ride back. Unless you want me to stay with you? I don't mind at all"

Carrie shrugs. "I don't know. I barely know you. But I don't have anyone else. I don't want to be alone tonight. Ok. Yes please. I would appreciate that." She decides

I pull up to the car and before I hop out I ask, "do you want to stay here or come inside with me. No one else should be inside besides possibly Tyler and Josh"

She shakes her head, "I'll be ok right here"

"I won't be long I promise"

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