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Tyler's POV

The door opens. In walks Jenna. Josh and I immediately rush over.

"Well? " I ask

She has a weird look on her face
"She trusts me. I can't leave her. I'm going to take her to a hotel tonight. Maybe we can talk to her tomorrow. I'll let you know where we are and try to convince her to speak with us all. How about you? Is there any news about a plan?"

Josh sighs "yeah. We are staying put. The police are almost done interviewing and taking samples. They said there won't be much they can do if she doesn't cooperate. But they're searching the crime scene and venue for evidence. Hopefully they can find her clothes. Maybe try and convince her not to shower in case she changes her mind about the hospital?

Anyways. The whole crew is a suspect. I don't believe that any of us would've done this but Tyler and I think it best you me him Mark and the tour manager meet tomorrow to decide the best way to handle this. We are meeting at 7. Since you'll be with Caroline I guess we can meet up at the hotel. And then we can try to talk to her."

Wow. He's definitely feeling better.
"Wow ugh you've definitely improved" Jenna says

Yeah he has. I don't know why he doesn't just take the meds daily. If only he would stop trying to be tough and start being responsible.

Josh shrugs "good meds"

"I think we need to cancel the rest of the tour" I whisper

Josh and Jenna look up at me. Saddened but they don't object.

Jenna continues to grab her things and walks over to me when she's done.

She gently kisses my head. Then Josh's too

"We will figure it all out. I'll text you before I go to bed. I love you." She says

And then she's gone

"Tyler it'll be okay"

I turn around and look at Josh. There's a sincerity in his eyes. I run my hands through my hair and walk to my bunk. I get a drink. This is going to be a long week.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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