chapter 1

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it's been a month. and everything has been going great.

carl and i moved back into our bunk together. we liked sharing it. and throughout this past month, we've gotten even closer. he's basically my other half.

rick has been letting me 'participate' more. like in the groups decisions and stuff. i truly am his right hand man now.

dad and i got back to hunting. we supply a lot of food for the group. i'm usually with him all the time now days. well, if i'm not with rick or carl. basically every run dad goes on, i go on. unless he's with a big group. i occasionally stay behind then. but we're stronger together.

also another thing about dad and i... we're basically famous among the people that came from woodbury. we can't go anywhere without getting stopped to talk to.

"morning daryl, reagan" dr.s called out as we walked towards the 'food station' where carol is. "what's up dr.s?" dad replied for the both of us. as we approached carol there was "hey daryl" and "hey reagan" coming from everywhere. i try to ignore it the best i can.

"smells good" dad said to carol once we reached her. then carol started playing around about them liking eachother. "stop" dad said putting a piece of meat in his mouth. i chuckled. dad and carol are hilarious when you put them together.

i rolled my eyes when people started saying hey to us again. "reagan, if we're gonna be bringing people in, giving them shelter, and keeping them fed you're gonna have to live with the love" carol said. i sighed.

and she smiled. "come on, i have to show you something. patrick, can you take over?" carol asked. "yes ma'am" he said clearly caught off guard. as dad and i started digging into the food carol gave us, carol handed patrick the spatula. "um mr. and ms.dixon?" he asked stopping us. i looked up at him and dad just continued to eat. "i just want to thank you two for bringing back that deer yesterday. it was a real treat. and i'd be honored to shake your hands" patrick said holding out his hand. dad looked at it for a second, then licked his fingers and shook it. patrick then turned to me with a smile. dad nudged me with his elbow. i then hesitantly shook his hand. he seemed very accomplished that he shook both of our hands.

we then followed carol who started to walk off. "about today, i don't know if we're gonna be able to spare people for the run" carol said walking. "that place is good to go. we're gonna move on it." dad said. then carol stopped and looked out over the prison field and gate. "yeah. but the thing is, we had a pretty big build up last night." carol said.

us three looked out at all the walkers that were lined up along the fences. there had to be close to 100 in all. they talked for a few more minutes as i just looked out at all the walkers.

"rae, come on" dad muttered. i turned around and walked off with him. "am i goin' with you today? or am i staying?" i asked shoving food into my mouth. "stay. you've been doin' too much lately. take a day off, hang out with carl." dad said continuing to eat. "you should take a day off too. everything i do, you do too" i said looking up at him. he shook his head.

"i'll be fine" he said finishing off his food. "go find carl. i need to get everything ready for the run. i'll find ya before i leave" dad said. i nodded and then ran off.

carl was down at the field with his dad. "hey rae!" rick called out. i gave him a small smile and waved. i then jogged over to where him and carl were. "you going on the run today?" rick asked. "nah, dad wanted me to stay here. take a break" i said. "so we can hang out today?" carl asked clearly excited. i nodded. he then put a huge smile on his face. rick chuckled.

i helped out with the gardening until michonne approached from outside the gates. rick, carl, and i let her in. we then jogged over to her once we got the gate closed again. "glad to see you" rick said to michonne. i went over and started petting the horse. "glad to see you too" michonne said smiling.

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