chapter 3

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"you found 'em like this?" rick asked tyreese.

he ran and got rick to inform him that someone had burned karen and david's bodies. me, dad, and carol also went to the scene.

"i came to see karen, and i saw the blood on the floor. then i smelled it" tyreese explained calmly. then he got mad.

"somebody dragged them out here, and set em on fire. they killed em and set them on fire!" tyreese yelled. tyreese then starred to get closer to rick like he was going to hurt him.

dad shoved me behind him a bit and got ready behind tyreese just incase he decided to attack rick. "you're a cop. you find out who did this and then you bring em to me. you being em to me! you understand?" tyreese said getting in ricks face. "we'll find out who" dad said grabbing onto tyreese's shoulder to pull him back.

tyreese shoved dad off of him. "i need to say it again?" tyreese asked rick. "no, no. i know what you're feeling. i've been there. you saw me there, it's dangerous." rick said trying to calm him down. "karen didn't deserve this!" tyreese yelled. "no" rick said quietly. "david didn't deserve this! nobody does!" tyreese yelled.

"alright man, let's-" dad said grabbing onto tyreese's shoulder put got cut off by tyreese shoving dad into a wall. he had him pinned up. "man i ain't going nowhere until i found out who did this!" tyreese yelled in my dad's face. i pulled off my bow, got an arrow, raised it, and had it ready to fire. i pointed it at tyreese's head.

"reagan, no" dad said quietly looking at me. i lowered my bow but i still kept it ready. rick then attempted to calm tyreese down. it didn't work. tyreese let go of dad and then shoved rick backwards. rick collected himself and then continued to try to calm tyreese down.

but instead, tyreese took two huge swings at ricks face and knocked him down to the ground. dad ran over to tyreese and grabbed a hold of him. "that's enough! that's enough" dad said restraining tyreese just as rick took a swing at tyreese knocking him to the ground.

rick was on top of tyreese punching his face. "rick! rick stop" dad yelled grabbing ahold of ricks arms to pull him back. "let go of me! let go of me!" rick yelled as dad pried him off of tyreese. tyreese lied on the floor sobbing.

we called a council meeting later. hershel told us that we need to get anabiotic's to treat the symptoms, because that's what kills you. "we've been through every pharmacy nearby" i said. "the veterinary college at west peach tree tech, that's one place that people may have not thought to raid for medication. the drugs for animals there are the same we need" hershel informed us. oh yeah, i forgot that. back at the farm during one of his medical lessons he taught me that.

"that's 50 miles. too big of a risk before. ain't now, i'm gonna take a group out. best not waist anymore time." dad said standing up with his crossbow. "alright, i'm going." i said standing up. "ya sure?" dad asked. i nodded. "i'm in" michonne said joining in from the door way. "you haven't been exposed. daryl has. you get in a car with him-" hershel started but got cut off by michonne. "he's already giving me fleas" she said with a grin. we all chuckled.

"i can lead the way, i know where everything's kept" hershel said standing up. "when we're out there, it's always the same. sooner or later, we run" i said to hershel. i don't want him risking his life. "i'll draw you a map" hershel said to me. i nodded.

before leaving, i went by mine and carls cell to grab my bookbag. when i got there, carl was talking to rick. they stopped talking when they caught sight of me. rick then walked off when i entered the cell.

"you going on that run?" carl asked. "yeah" i said quietly. "dad's making me be quarantined" carl said clearly pissed off. "it may be for the best" i said. he sighed. "please be careful" he said hugging me. i hugged him back. "i always am. i'll see ya soon" i said resting my head on his shoulder. "you don't know that" he said quietly.

i let go of the hug and gave him a very serious face. "i'll see ya soon." i said sternly. i then grabbed my bag off my bed and went to go find my dad.

when i found him, he was talking to michonne. "hey baby" he said once he saw me. "hey" i said walking to the car, opening up the door, and throwing my bag in. "stay here, i'm gonna try to convince tyreese to go with us" he said going off. is this really a good idea?

"everything look all right?" bob asked carrying the gas cans towards the car. dad and i were looking the car over to make sure everything was working and looking like it should. "yeah, zach kept this thing running pretty good" dad said putting his crossbow in through the window. "this is zach's car?" bob asked. "yeah. it's the fastest one we got." dad said.

bob had a guilty look on his face. "you alright?" i asked. "you really want me to come along?" he asked. dad then showed bob the list of things hershel said we need and asked him what it was. dad then came over to me. "look rae, i know that you show shit about this stuff, but he actually studied it. and i know some of these people wouldn't trust it if it was only a kid picking out the medicine" dad said quietly to me. i nodded.

tyreese then started walking towards us. "what's up?" dad asked. "still got room for one more?" he asked. "hell yeah" dad remarked. "good. just gotta get my gear" tyreese said walking off.

when going down the road, dad made me sit up front with him. tyreese, bob, and michonne were in the back seat. i pulled my pistol out of my bag and took the magazine out to see if it was fully loaded. it was. i have 20 rounds. shoved it back in the gun and then put the gun in the waistband of my pants.

dad reached over and turned on the radio randomly. it was just static. "hand me one of them cd's right there" dad told me. i reached for the cd pouch and opened it up right when we started to hear voices on the radio.

"is that a voice?" bob asked. dad shushed him. we all looked at the radio as we started to make out what the person was saying.

i looked up and there was a walker in the middle of the road. "holy shit, dad look out!" i said quickly. it was too late. the car rammed into the walker.

dad then tried to swerve around the other walkers in the road. he made it past the walkers in the road but then stopped. i looked ahead and there was about a thousand walkers ahead of us in the road.

"shit" i whispered as walkers started gathering around the car. "grab something!" dad yelled to all of us as he started backing up very quickly. we ended up getting stuck on a pile of dead walkers. "go to the left" i said pointing. dad put on the gas but we didn't go anywhere. our back wheels were just spinning.

"we're jammed up. we're gonna have to make a run for the gaps right there" dad said. i took my bow off my back and replaced it with my bookbag. "you two make a run for the woods and don't stop for nothing, ya hear me?" dad ordered tyreese and bob. "michonne, rae, help me" dad said. we both nodded. "now!" dad said.

i hopped out of the car and started shooting the walkers in my way with my bow. i stayed as close as i could to dad. me, him, michonne, and bob met back up at the edge of the woods. tyreese has just gotten out of the car and he was being surrounded. "go! go!" he yelled to us. "come on" dad said quietly to us and we ran into the woods.

we ran as fast as we could trying to avoid the walkers that were coming for us. we eventually made it to a clear spot. we slowed down a bit until dad stopped us. "hold up" he said bending down and cocking his crossbow. there was a slight rustling coming from the woods. out two walkers came, but in a matter of seconds they were killed by tyreese.

how the hell did he make it out of that?

he fell down to his knees out of breath right as the rest of the walkers started coming towards him. "come on" dad said as him and bob grabbed onto tyreeses arms to help him.

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