chapter 7

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"what is it?" carl asked.

i put my bow on the ground, and undid the knot. once i got the wire off the door nob, i opened the door.

"dad!" carl said running towards a very injured rick. i went over to michonne and hugged her. "hey" she said clearly crying. "hi" i said smiling. i then let go and went over to rick. he immediately wrapped his arms around me. "thank you" he said as i buried my face in his chest.

he then gave me a kiss on the head as i let go of him. "is it just you two?" michonne asked. "yeah" carl said. "you guys alright?" rick asked. "we're perfect" i said with a smile.

we spent the rest of the day enjoying our mini reunion. at night time, michonne slept on the couch, rick slept in the masters bedroom, and carl and i slept in the cool bedroom i found our first day here.

the next morning, carl and i were the first ones in the kitchen. we at down at the dining table and enjoyed our usual bowl of cereal. that's when michonne came in and we both started laughing. she found a mens button up shirt that was too big for her and she was wearing it.

carl and i started laughing. "do you have something to say about my extremely comfortable and attractive shirt?" she asked rolling up the sleeves. "no no no, it's looks great" carl said as him and i were still laughing. "you missed a button" i said pointing. michonne looked down at her belly and fixed it.

she then sat down infront of me at the table. "i wish we had some soy milk" she said pouring herself some cereal in a bowl. "seriously?" i asked with a disgusted face on. "yes seriously, have you ever tried it?" she asked looking at me. "my bestfriend in third grade, she was allergic to dairy, so she brought this soy stuff to lunch every day. and i tried it-" i said. "and?" michonne cut me off.

"i threw up. everywhere." i said laughing. "yeah right. you being a dixon threw up over some soy milk" she said raising her eye brows clearly not believing me. "ok fine, i didn't throw up. i almost did though. that stuff tastes like shit" i said. carl and michonne both laughed. this was nice.

after finishing eating, michonne wanted carl and i to go on a run with her for supplies. "you'll be ok by yourself?" i asked rick as he walked us to the door. "yeah, i'll be alright. how long will you guys be gone?" he asked. "we're just gonna fill a couple of bags, shouldn't be too long" michonne answered. rick looked at his watch. "it's 8:15 now" he informed us. "we'll be back by noon" michonne said. "you both follow her lead. understand?" rick asked.

carl and i both nodded. i had to look down to try to keep myself from crying. he's acting like he's my dad. "hey, you ok?" rick asked putting a hand on my shoulder. i wiped my eyes and looked up at him. "yeah. just miss my dad, that's all" i said.

he sighed. "we both know he's ok. but for the mean time, i'll treat you like you're my own. i already see you like you're my daughter. ok? aslong as i'm around, nothing will happen to you" rick said. i hugged him as a few tears streamed down my face. i took a second to contain myself and then i let him go. "come on you two, let's get looking" michonne said. she then lead carl and i out.

we hit a few houses and found quite a few things. we completely filled a duffle bag. michonne tried her best to get carl and i to laugh again. but my mind was on dad and i'm pretty sure his mind was on judith.

in attempts to cheer us up, michonne filled her mouth with canned cheese and made walker sounds. neither carl nor i found it funny. we walked up to the door of the next house. "i'm sorry, i'm just trying to make you two laugh again" she admitted. "i was laughing in the inside if that's anything" carl said. i stayed silent.

michonne then looked back and forth between carl and i. "toddlers find me funny. two, three year olds." she said banging on the door to see if any walkers were in there. i looked at her confused. she was never around judith, like ever. plus judith was still a baby. "what do you mean toddlers?" i asked. "i had a three year old son, and he happened to find me extremely funny." she said opening the door and walking into the house.

carl and i walked in behind her and he closed the door. "we need food, batteries, water. in that order" she said going over and opening cabinets. "why did you never tell me you had a kid? what was his name? did you have any others? were you married?" carl said flooding her with questions.

michonne took a deep breath and then faced carl and i. "ok. i'll answer one question at a time, one room at a time, and only after we cleared it" she said. she then walked off to go to another room.

carl looked over at me. i looked at him also with no expression on my face.

we learned that michonne had a son named andrae. he died right when everything happened and he was an only child.

rick came and found us right as we were heading back. apparently there was another group in the house and they are dangerous. we needed to leave the area as fast as we could.

we ended up following the railroad out. just in hopes it would lead us somewhere worth going. we came across an old train cart and attached to it was a banner with a map. the banner said 'sanctuary for all community for all those who arrive survive'. i looked at the map. we just had to follow the railroad. "what to you think rae?" rick asked.

i thought about it for a second. this is our best hope of possibly finding our people. and if not, it will give us another start with another group. it can't just be us four for the rest of our lives. "let's go" i said.

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