chapter 4

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once we got a safe distance away from the huge herd, we stopped at a creek to discuss our next move. we had to find a ride.

"this is turner creek so barnesville must be a few miles down stream" i said. "sounds like our best chance of finding a new ride" bob said. i nodded. "yo, ty! come on, let's go. vámonos" dad called out to tyreese who was washing his shirt in the creek.

we then started walking off. we found a road and decided to walk down it in hopes it would take us somewhere.

i was walking next to dad until he randomly he bent down to the ground. i stopped and when he stood back up i noticed he was holding a green rock. "is that jasper?" michonne asked. "mhmm" he said cleaning it off with his thumb and spit. "it's a good color, it brings out your eyes" michonne said with a smile. i chuckled.

"when ms.richards went into A block, we were leaving. she asked me to keep a look out. i'm gonna use it for her old mans marker" dad said fiddling around with the stone. he then started walking again. "you know all of them back there?" michonne asked. "you stay in one place for a couple of hours, you'd be surprised what you'd pick up" dad said picking up his pace.

we continued to go down the road until we got to what seemed like an old automotive shop. this could be the jackpot.

we spread out within the general area of the shop until i stopped. i squinted my eyes to look at a wooded part of the shop. it was completely covered with branches and vines. "you see something?" bob asked. "i don't know, maybe. dad give me a hand" i said walking over to the tangle of branches and vines.

the rest of our small group came over when dad and i started rummaging through the branches. "dad" i called out once i saw a door handle. "good eye rae" he said stepping towards it. he got in the car in attempts to hotwire it.

michonne, bob, and tyreese cleared out the rest of the branches and vines while i kept watch. dad came out of the car and sighed. "we gotta find us a new battery" he said.

he looked in the window of the stop and jumped back. "we got some friends inside" he said. he then walked around to the front of what had to be the shop. but it was also covered with vines.

"come on, let's see how many friends we got. rae, keep watch" dad ordered. i nodded and turned to face the road. i remained that way until i heard walker snarles behind me. i ran over to the group to help them fight off the walkers that were coming for them.

i first shot the walker that was coming for dad. he turned around and nodded at me in a way to say thanks. i then went over to help bob but michonne beat me to it.

"tyreese, let it go" michonne ordered. tyreese ignored her and continued to pull at the walker. "ty!" dad called out.

right at that moment, tyreese pulled the walker out of the vines and it tumbled on top of him. i immediately shot the walker with my bow. dad ran over to help tyreese up while i collected my arrows that i used.

while bob and dad went inside the shop to hunt for a battery, michonne and tyreese continued to clear out the vines around the car so we could hopefully get it out.

i remained keeping watch for anything that might be coming our way. i remained keeping watch while dad was putting in a battery and talking to bob. michonne and tyreese were sitting on a tree limb doing their own thing.

after quite a while dad whistled signaling us that the car was running and that we needed to go. i came jogging towards him. "everything alright?" he randomly asked. i nodded and got into the passengers seat of the car.

dad drove with michonne, bob, and tyreese in the back. we parked the car along the road once we hit the campus of the college. we walked to the building that we were looking for and dad lead us in. i stayed directly behind him.

he peeped his head out of the door frame and signaled us with his hands that it was clear to go. we quickly and quietly made our way to the room across the hall. "alright, let's make this quick" dad said quietly as we made our way into the lab.

i lead us over to the medicine cabinet where bob was giving orders on what to grab. i ignored him because i already knew what to get. i grabbed everything on the shelf that could be the slightest bit of helpful and shoved it into my bag.

dad and tyreese went off to search for other things on the list and safety came back with each thing. "alright, let's roll" dad said once we established we got everything we needed.

dad lead us down the halls with a flashlight. and we were doing ok until we came across a room full of walkers. after that it was like an abort mission. we were running trying to follow the exit signs to get out as fast as we possibly could.

michonne ended up taking lead and she led us into a pitch black room. i made sure to stay right at dad's side. "hey, doors busted!" bob quietly yelled. "hold up" dad said running over towards him. i followed. and right at that second, there was walkers banging on the other door.

"there" michonne whispered loudly shining her flashlight on a stairs sign. we followed her towards it. right as michonne went over to the lock on the door, walkers started banging and snarling from the other side. "how many?" i asked. "i can't tell" michonne said looking at the door. "dad we have to go" i whispered turning around and looking at the walkers who were coming in from the door across the room.

michonne and did got the stair door open and then her and bob killed the 4 walkers that came out of the stairwell. "come on" dad said starting to lead us up the stairs.

we made it up the stairs but the hallway it lead to was flooded with walkers. "it don't have an exit" michonne said trying to open the locked door at the end of the door. "we make one" i said looking at the window. "watch out" tyreese yelled throwing a fire extinguisher at the window to break the glass. dad climbed up on the window frame.

"go to that walk path across the way" he said pulling me up. i was the first one out and i jumped to the part of the roof he told me to. everything else followed and did fine until bob slipped and his book bag went over the side of the walk way. he grabbed onto it but was loosing the battle to the walkers below. we all ran over to him to help.

"bob, let go of the bag" i said. we all tried to convince him but eventually he slung the bag over his shoulder. you could hear some kind of glass when it hit the walk way.

dad went over to the bag and pulled out a bottle of alcohol. that explains everything. dad told bob off and then bob threatened to shoot dad if he threw his bottle of alcohol down to the walkers.

that pissed dad off so he went over to him and got in his face. literally. they were forehead to forehead.

and once dad got bob scared enough, he reached down to bobs holster and pulled the pistol out. dad threatened bob again and then turned around to me. "here rae" he said holding out the gun. i took it and put it in my book bag.

dad and i sat in the car while michonne and tyreese discussed how we're going to get back. dad was fiddling around with the rocks as i was going through the medicine. michonne and tyreese decided that we're going to take highway 100, but it's gonna take about 7 hours to get home.

and basically in silence, we drove back to the prison.

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