chapter 6

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still walking hand in hand, carl made our way out of the woods and onto a road.

"we need to stay in the clearing. that's our best bet of finding others" i said dragging him towards the road. he sighed. "you have a plan?" he asked. i nodded.

"this should lead to a small town up north. we'll need to find food and shelter before the day ends. maybe find a ride also." i said. "a ride? we're too young to drive" carl said.

"that was before. it don't matter now. if we can manage to find a bike i can fix that up in no time. and with a car i can hotwire it" i said. "ok" he said quietly.

i stopped. "hey, look at me" i said standing in front of carl. he made eye contact with me. "we're gonna be ok" i promised him. "i know" he said nodding. i nodded back and we continued walking.

we walked and our small road we were on eventually led to a high way. and that highway lead to a small diner. i saw a few cars and bikes. i smiled at the sight.

"ok, you keep watch outside. i'll go in and sweep out the place and then i'll try to fix up one of these cars" i said. he nodded and pulled out his pistol. i took my bow off my back and got an arrow ready.

i made my way inside the diner quietly. i first checked the kitchen and it was clear. i then made my way to the seating area to find a bunch of chairs and tables stacked up. i also heard walker snarles.

i pulled back my bow string and lifted the bow. i shot the walker in the head and it fell to the ground. i then started to knock down the chairs and tables.

it must've been pretty loud cause carl came running in. "i'm alright, just trying to get back there" i said. "you need help?" he asked. "no, go back out and keep watch. i'll be out in a sec" i said. he nodded and ran off.

i eventually made my way back to the counter and the first thing i did was pull the arrow out of the walkers skull. i then went to the very back and managed to find a bookbag. i grabbed it and put the canned food that was on display in it. i then went back to the kitchen to see if there was possibly anything there.

i managed to find two water bottles. after i made sure there was nothing else, i ran back outside to join carl. "anything?" he asked. "canned food and water. last us a little while" i said. he nodded and then we went over to the cars that were pulled over by the diner.

"you sure about this rae?" he asked. i nodded and opened up the drivers door. i got down on the floor board and took the plastic cover off from under the steering wheel.

i pulled out the wires and started rubbing the red against the green. and to my luck it crank within seconds. i smiled at what i accomplished and look back at carl.

he chuckled and got in the passengers seat. i got up in the seat and closed the door. "are you 100% sure" he asked. "yes, calm down" i said reaching over to the gear shift and putting it into drive. carl looked like he was going to shit his pants, so i drove slow in hopes he would calm himself.

i followed the highway down until carl stopped me. "rae, there's a house" he said pointing. i pulled over to car next to the houses mailbox. "good thing cause we're out of gas" i said as the car shut itself off.

we got out and made our way to the house. "want me to keep watch?" he asked. i shook my head no. "i don't know what we're dealing with so help me clear it" i said. he nodded.

we walked up the front porch and over to the door. he took out his pistol as i got my bow ready. i put my hand on the door and started counting down. "one... two... three" i whispered slinging open the door as carl hopped into action.

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