chapter 9

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in the morning time, i listened in on dad and ricks conversation. dad was explaining how he ended up with those guys and how he didn't know what they were.

"i know reagan ain't ok. she may be acting like she is, but she ain't. i know my girl. i hate that it almost happened. that i wouldn't have been able to stop it. that i was with those people. they almost hurt my baby and i was with them. i ain't ever gonna be able to forgive myself for that" dad said.

he is blaming it on himself. he shouldn't. it isn't his fault. they were sick people who he just happened to come across.

"it's not your fault" rick said. "thank you for saving her. for protecting her when i couldn't." dad said thanking rick. "i promised her when michonne and i found her and carl that i wouldn't let anything happen to her. she was convinced you were gone so i tried my best to fill the father figure spot for her. cause i know you would do the same. you're my brother daryl." rick said.

when walking down the rail road tracks, i walked with carl. i caught dad looking back at me to check on me. "i'll be right back" i whispered to carl. i caught up with my dad and walked beside him.

"so it was just you two?" dad asked looking back at carl. "yeah. we listened and we stayed together. it was just us until rick and michonne found us" i told dad.

"reagan, i'm so sorry about last night. i didn't-" he started. "dad, it ain't your fault. i heard you and rick this morning. don't blame this on yourself, ok? i'm fine. you didn't know what these people were, so it's alright. i promise" i said. "i love you reagan" he said hugging me. "i love you too dad" i said hugging him back.

i then returned to carl. we all stopped once we reached another terminus map. "we're getting close. we'll be there by sun down" dad said. rick looked over to me. "let's go through the woods. we don't know who we're dealing with" i said.

dad looked and rick and he nodded making it clear that he's going along with my decision. "alright, let's go" dad said taking lead.

we all followed him and eventually we made it to a fenced in area. we're here. we all walked over to the fence and took a look at everything. this place is huge. looks safe too. "we all spread out, watch for a while. see what we see" rick said. "rae, you with me or carl?" dad asked. "i'll stay with carl" michonne offered. "ok, come on" dad said to me.

we then went off to watch. we didn't see anything. i mean, there was a few people here and there, but nothing suspicious.

rick ended up burying a duffle bag that we had. it had a few extra guns and a few extra arrows. i kept most of my arrows with me, but i spared three or four to put in the bag. rick wants it to be there just incase. it's a smart call.

rick climbed the fence first. then michonne. dad then gave carl and i a boost and then climbed over. we ducked close to the ground just to make sure we were covered.

dad lead us to a door and we went inside. we heard a voice coming from a room off in the distance, so we followed it. we slowly walked into the room. there was quite a few people.

"hello" rick said getting their attention. everyone turned to face us. "well i bet albert is on perimeter watch. you here to rob us?" one guy said stopping what he was doing and walking closer to us.

"no. we wanted to see you before you saw us" rick said putting his pistol in his holster. "makes senses. usually we do this where the tracks meet. welcome to terminus. i'm gareth. looks like you've been on the road for a good bit" the guy said introducing himself.

"we have. i'm rick. the kids are carl and reagan. then michonne and daryl" rick said introducing all of us. the guy waved to us. we all gave him a cold stare.

"you're nervous, i get it. we were all the same way. we came here for sanctuary. is that what you're here for?" gareth asked. "yes." rick said.

"good, you found it. hey alex! this isn't as pretty as the front. we got nothing to hide, but the welcome wagon is a whole lot nicer." gareth said as the alex guy walked over. "alex will take you and ask a few questions. but first, we need to see everyone's weapons. if you could just lay them down in front of you" gareth said.

rick looked over to us and nodded. i put down my bow, my quiver full of arrows, my pistol, and my knife down on the ground. alex and gareth then came over and patted us down. i flinched when they started on me. "it's alright, i'm not going to hurt you" alex said. i took a deep breath as he continued to pat me down.

gareth then started handing us our weapons back. before he could touch my bow, i reached down and got it. no one touches my bow.

alex then stood infront of carl and i. "i know the questions should wait, but i'm dying to know two things from you two." alex said pointing to carl and i. "go for it" i said.

"are you guys siblings?" he asked. "no" carl answered. "so i'm assuming you're daryl's because of the bow" alex said pointing to me. "and you're ricks" alex said pointing to carl. carl and i both nodded.

"and one more thing, may i ask how old you guys are?" alex asked. "14, i think" i answered. "13, i think " carl said. "well, there is a girls cabin and a guys cabin that you guys can rest in once we get you settled in" alex said.

"i'm not leaving her" carl said. "and i ain't leavin' him. or my dad" I said. he put both of his hands in the air and said "okay" in a 'suit yourself' kinda way.

we walked along side of alex still trying to get a feel of this place. they even gave us food but we didn't eat it just incase.

everything was going fine until rick saw glenn's watch and put alex who was showing us around in a headlock with a gun to his head. i got my bow ready, carl got his gun out, and michonne pulled out her sword. i had my bow pointed at the guy on the roof with the 'sniper' gun.

rick asked the alex where he got the things and he didn't give us a straight forward answer. rick killed alex and everyone around fired. i pulled out my pistol cause it would probably be more affective.

we ran around to different buildings trying to find a way out of here. but every place they had covered and we weren't safe. when outside in the open, i killed two of the sniper guys. then all the shooter men had us pinpointed. there was literally no way of escaping this.

"put all the weapons down" one of the guys said. we laid all of our weapons down on the ground and raised our hands.

"now you are going to do exactly what i say" the guy said. "leader, go line up at the train box." he said. "my boy goes with me" rick said.

"do what i say or the boy dies" the gunman said. rick slowly walked over to the train cart.

"now the archer" said the gun man. my dad didn't move. "don't worry, i'm not gonna touch your little girl" the gun man said.

my dad gave me a kiss on the head then walked over to the train cart. he lined up behind rick.

"now the samurai" the gun man said. michonne looked at me and rick then lined up behind my dad.

me and carl moved, we stood back to back now.

"wow, we got ourselfs a team" the gunman said. "the boy, go line up" the gunman said. "she goes with me" carl said back. "go or you both die" the gunman said. he looked at me then walked away slowly.

i was now the center point, i looked over at my dad. "archer girl, you can go line up now". i walked over to the line and stood behind carl. when ordered, we walked into the cart. it immediately shut behind us.

i ran to my dad and gave him a hug. "rick?" we heard a voice say. glenn came into view.

"you're here" rick said. maggie, sasha, and bob also came into view. we looked around at all of our people and noticed there was a few extras.

they stood behind glenn. "they're our friends. they helped save us" maggie informed us. "yeah. now they're friends of ours" dad said. "for however long that will be" the redhead in the back said. have some hope why don't you.

"no. they're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out" rick said walking over to the door and looking through the crack. "find out what?" the red head asked. rick looked over at me. he knew that i knew what he meant.

"that they're screwing with the wrong people" i said.

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