chapter 2

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i woke up to someone repeating carls name.

i opened my eyes and it was rick. "reagan, go back to sleep. i just need carl." rick said to me. i nodded and closed my eyes. but i couldn't go back to sleep.

i sighed and stretched my arms out. since it  was morning time, it was probably a good idea to get dressed. i put on a t-shirt, jeans, a leather jacket, and combat boots on. it's what i've worn since the beginning of this.

"hey dad" i said walking into my dad's cell. he was already awake. "hey baby, you're up early" he said looking at me standing in the doorway.

that's when i started to hear screaming and gun shots go off. dad and i's heads immediately shot towards eachother. he then nodded and i understood. we ran outside with both of our bows ready to get to cell block d quicker. that has to be where it's coming from.

when outside, sasha, tyreese, and rick joined dad and i. we all ran to cell block d as fast as we could. we ran into the cell block with rick at our sides.

everything was so chaotic. people screaming and running, gun shots, walker snarles. "rae! stay close!" dad yelled. we ran to the corner of the cell block. there was a walker coming towards a little boy. dad ran over and picked up the little boy while i shot the walker. dad handed the boy to his mom.

we cleared out the bottom part of the cell and got everyone that was hurt inside of a cell. dad whistled and pointed up. we needed to check the top part of the cell.

rick and glenn joined dad and i. all of a sudden, a walker came out and had glenn pinned against the wall. "get down!" i yelled holding my bow up. glenn slid his back down to the ground and i shot the walker in its skull.

"thanks" he said as rick helped him up. us four then went over to the cell that the walker came from. "oh it's patrick" dad said looking at the walker i had just shot. we then went around to every cell to make sure that the people killed wouldn't turn into walkers.

i stuck with dad while glenn and rick went on their own. "it's all clear" i whispered after we went around to all the cells. dad gave me a sad nod. we brought hershel and our other doctor up to look at one of the walkers. there was no bites. "he choked on his own blood. you can see by the blood around his mouth" hershel said. i sighed and got closer to dad.

we talked about the sickness. it's a possibility that it came from the pigs. "hate to say it, but all of us in here have been exposed" i said. everyone stayed silent. "come on reagan. let's go find carl and let him know we're alright" rick said. i nodded.

dad decided to tag along because whenever something bad strikes, he likes to keep me in his sight.

we made it outside of cell block c, rick and i walking side by side. carl caught sight of us and started running towards us. "carl you might want to stay back" rick said but carl ignored him. and to both of our surprises, instead of going over to hug his dad, he ran over and hugged me. i wrapped my arms around him as well. "i didn't see you come out" he said. he sounded scared half to death. "i'm ok" i whispered.

rick tried to pry carl off of me. "carl, please keep back" rick said to carl. carl let go of me. rick explained what happened and that it's some kind of sickness.

"try to keep your distance from anyone exposed, carl that goes for you too" rick said knowing carl would want to stay with me. carl immediately looked over at me with a saddened look. 'please' i mouthed to him. i don't want him to get sick. he gave me a small nod and went back over to michonne and maggie to help michonne walk.

a short time later we had a council meeting. me, sasha, dad, carol, glenn, and hershel. i sat in between glenn and dad. we needed to separate the sick ones from the ones who aren't exposed. "we'll call another meeting later" hershel said after our meeting got interrupted by karen showing signs of being sick.

"i'm gonna go bury some of the people down at the courtyard" dad said. i looked up at him. "wear gloves and a mask" hershel ordered. dad nodded and then looked down at me. "stay with an adult. i don't want you being by yourself. and keep your bow on you no matter what. and no go seeing carl. i know you don't want to risk him getting sick" dad said. i nodded. "come on rae, you can help out with me" hershel said. i then followed him.

i walked with hershel until i spotted rick down at the courtyard. "hey hershel, i'm gonna go down to rick" i said. "you need me to walk down with you?" he asked. i took my bow off my back and shook my head no. "i'll be fine" i said starting to walk off. when walking down to the courtyard, rick was talking to dad. "rick! daryl!" maggie yelled. well shit. there were walkers piling up along the fence and it was starting to cave in.

i put my bow on my back and started sprinting towards the scene. i grabbed a crowbar once i got down there and ran to the scene. there were 6 others there. glenn, maggie, tyreese, sasha, dad, and rick. i ran over and stood next to dad to start helping.

"i thought i told you to stay with an adult" dad said as i started stabbing walkers. "i was coming down to walk with rick but then maggie yelled for help" i said still stabbing walkers with the bottom of the crowbar. dad did the same.

we all stabbed as many walkers as we could as fast as we could. "are you seeing this?" sasha called out. we all walked over to see what she was talking about. there was a bunch of dead rats along the gate. "is someone feeding these things?" she asked.

"watch out!" maggie yelled. the fence was started to cave in. all 7 of us pushed all of our weight against it. "everybody get back! get back now!" dad yelled yanking me back. it was no use trying to push it back in. "daryl get the truck, i know what to do" rick said in a sad tone to dad. "stay put" dad said to me before running off.

rick took the baby pigs outside of the prison fences to draw the walkers away long enough for us to fix the fence. it worked.

"i'm going back to the graves" dad said to rick and i once they got back inside the fences. "reagan can stay with me" rick offered. dad nodded and then jogged off.

rick and i went over to the hog pin to start taking it apart to burn it. "not this time" rick said to carl as he walked over. carl stopped and nodded. "dad, i was with patrick basically all of yesterday. that means i was exposed." carl said looking over at me while he talked. rick looked in between carl and i and nodded.

i then threw the piece of wood i was holding into the pile rick and i creates and ran over to carl. we embraced eachother in a hug. i instantly felt better once i hugged carl. we're the same height so it isn't awkward when we hug.

after about a minute or so of just us two hugging, rick interrupted us. "carl i think it's best if we stay away from judy for a while" rick said as carl and i let eachother go. "to keep her safe" carl said nodding.

he then stayed silent for a moment. "carls been teaching the kids how to use weapons and how to kill. the parents don't know and she doesn't want you to know" carl confessed. i sighed. honestly he didn't really need to tell rick, i wasn't planning to. "i think you should let her. i know you're gonna say it's not up to you but it can be" carl continued.

that's my boy.

rick thought for a second and then started pouring gasoline over our wood pile. "dad?" carl said as rick walked out of the pin. "thank you for telling me" rick said putting the gasoline can down away from the pin. "yeah" carl said quietly with a sigh.

"i won't stop her. i won't say anything" rick said putting a lighter out of his pocket. he then threw it into the wood pile. and within seconds, it went up into flames.

"carl?" rick said walking over to a blue storage container. carl walked over and rick handed him his gun. rick then pulled out his belt that had his holster on it for his and put it on. i sighed. we're back to this.

"come on" carl said quietly to me. we stared to walk back to the entrance of cell block c even though we weren't going to go it. when walking, i felt carls hand brush against mine. we looked over at eachother. he then grabbed hold of my hand and i gave him a small smile.
hand in hand, we walked back to the prison together.

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