chapter 5

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we got back safely to the prison with the medical supplies and medicine.

dad went up with me as i delivered them to hershel. "we got everything on the list" i said putting down the duffle bag full of supplies and i started taking medicine out of my bookbag. "any trouble?" hershel asked. "nothing that we couldn't handle" i said with a small smile.

"come on rae" dad said once i sat down al the medicine that hershel needed. "thank you guys" hershel called out. i turned around and gave him a small smile and then left with my dad.

i really need to see carl. it's like i have a separation problem from him. the same one i have from my dad. i want to be near them both all the time. "you can't go see carl reagan, i know what your thinking" dad said. i looked up at him and sighed. "it'll be alright" he said putting his hand around my shoulder.

dad and i headed back towards the cell block. we went upstairs and i sat with my back up against the wall. dad was looking over the railing when rick approached us. he sent me a small smile and then went over to dad. "daryl i need to talk to you" rick said. oh god, this can't be good.

"hm" dad mumbled. "carol, i had to send her off. she killed karen and david" rick said. dad immediately sprung up and i stood up. dad went over to ricks face and said "no she didn't".

i walked over to the scene in attempts that i could calm dad down. "she fessed up to it" rick said. dad turned around to try to contain himself and then turned back to rick. "so you sent her off? man, you couldn't have waited till we got back?" dad said clearly hurt. "until tyreese got back?" rick questioned. fair point, he would've literally killed carol. "i could've handled that" dad said starting to walk off. i quickly started to follow him until rick stopped us.

"hey, hey. she killed two of our own. she couldn't be here. she's gonna be alright. she has a car, supplies, weapons. she's a survivor" rick said trying to bring some peace to dad. "stop saying that like you don't believe it." dad said getting in ricks face once more. i grabbed onto dad's arm. "dad come on" i said quietly.

he backed off and turned back around to join me. "she did it. she said it was for us. that's how it was in her head. she wasn't sorry." rick said trying to defend himself. dad stopped and turned back around to rick. "man, that's her, but that ain't her. but what are we supposed to do about them two girls?" dad said as calmly as he possibly could. "i told her we'd look after them." rick said.

dad went over to the railing and put his head in his hands. i went over to him and put an arm around him and then gave rick a sad look. "i haven't told tyreese yet, i don't know how he's gonna take it" rick said. dad got up and i let him go. "let's go find out" dad said starting to walk down the stairs.

"tyreese! you down here?" rick yelled once we got to the bottom halls. "rick? that you?" we heard tyreese's voice call out. dad, rick, and i followed the sound of his voice. he approached us also. "you guys gotta see this" he said. "can it wait a sec? we need to talk to ya" i said. "it can wait, come on" tyreese said walking off. us three followed him. "look" tyreese said stopping in a door way of a room and shining his flashlight. dad and rick shone theirs also.

"the hell" i said pushing through them and walking closer to the scene. there was a rabbit pinned up against a board with its insides completely removed. dad and rick came over to get a closer look at it also.

"i was just looking for...answers. and then i found this" tyreese explained. we continued to look at it. "same person who killed karen and david did this" tyreese automatically assumed. i sighed.

"you remember the rats that showed up at the fence the same day they were killed? we got a psychopath living with us" tyreese said. he's got the last part right. carols not a psychopath. but who ever is feeding walkers and cutting open rabbits sure is.

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