» prologue

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I sighed as dust got in my nose again. Disgusting. I was stacking old, beaten books in alphabetical order, concentrating hard, but that focus broke when the dust tickled my nose.

I owned a bookshop in Diagon Alley called "Granger's Perplexing Volumes". Ron complained and said that it should be "Weasley's" instead of "Granger's" because after all, I was married to him. However, I never changed it because Ron never seemed care or help me at least one day a week. He was just too lazy.

Ron and I always have a go with each other at home. A typical family evening ends with Ron throwing something at me. I usually wear jeans and a long-sleeved shirt when I work at the bookshop, mainly to cover up my scars and bruises. One night, Ron threw a wine glass at me and It smashed into pieces, bits of glass everywhere. That was the night that I decided to get divorced from Ron.

Luckily, before I could tell Ron we were getting divorced, I talked to a lawyer for a bit and I kept the house and half of the money. Ron was furious, and of course, he started throwing stuff at me. I signed the divorce papers and eventually I convinced Ron that divorcing me would save his energy of throwing objects. He said he would find a better woman. I honestly didn't care.

From then on, I didn't have to pretend I was happy. I didn't have to pretend that I wasn't getting abused. I didn't have to put on a mask. I employed ten new people to help me run my bookshop, and surprisingly, I got more customers. I wondered if it was luck or just my co-workers spreading the news around. 

I felt lighter after getting the divorce. Maybe happier. I didn't have to face the abuse from Ron and I was happy being single. I promised myself that I wouldn't be scared of any man treating me badly again. I would face my fears. I would never be in love again. This seemed like a perfectly fine compromise to myself, until a few weeks later.  

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