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"Don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me, I said you're holding back, she said SHUT UP AND DANCE WITH ME!" Walk The Moon blared from a speaker in the corner.

Since I was an expert with Muggles, I knew all the words and danced along happily. Harry was enjoying the song as well. He was doing some sort of awkward boogie.

"This woman is my DE-STI-NY! She said ooh, ooh, SHUT UP AND DANCE WITH ME!!!" I kept screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs like I was in a heavy-metal band.

"Oh, can you just BE QUIET! YOUR SCREAMING IS SO ANNOYING!!" Draco shouted at me.

"Shut up, Draco, it's Walk The Moon!"

I danced to the beat and there was a circle around me, admiring my awesome dancing. But then, Ron stepped forward.

"Hermione, you think you're better than me at everything. What a dumb person. You keep the house, leave me homeless, then-"

Draco roared a spell and one second later, all I could see in front of me was a green, slimy toad.

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY, DID YOU JUST TURN RONALD INTO A FROG?" I was flabbergasted at his actions, but secretly happy.

"Um, um yeah." He tensed up.

"I LOVE YOU, SWEETIE!" I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

 "God, I'm relieved. Who wants to do the honours?"

"I will," I muttered and carried Ron The Frog outside, his slimy, disgusting butt on the palm of my hand.

"Look, Ron, I'm sorry it has to be this way, but you've shown me nothing but obnoxious and abusive behaviour over these years. It's time we get even."

Ron croaked angrily.

"Bye Ronald, darling! By the way, get a life! Padma deserves a better man." And that was the last I saw of Ron. I threw him far, far away.


In the middle of the dance, McGonagall hurried towards us with a worried expression on her face.

"Have you seen Ronald Weasley? He appears to be missing," 

"Um, no we haven't," I smiled fakely.

"Oh dear," McGonagall sighed. "Padma has no one to dance with."

I spied Theodore Nott sitting on the steps of the platform alone, eating the remaining dumplings.

"Why not him?" I jerked my head in the direction of Theodore.

"Oh yes, Thank you, Hermione!"


The very last part of the reunion was exchanging presents. It was like a Secret Santa, but not at Christmas time. McGonagall requested it two days prior to the celebration, so we would have time to shop for presents.

Luna opened her's and there, inside, was a humungous, fat book. It read "Wizarding World Creatures" and the author was Octavious Scamander, Rolf's brother and Newt's son. "Squeeeeeeee! An animal book!" Luna instantly ran to a bench and started to read the book.

Harry's was a little sculpture of a pigeon. It looked very realistic. "Holy Sprouts," Harry looked as pale as a ghost. "Who gave me this?" Draco grinned and that was when I knew who was behind the present Harry had received. 

Ginny's was a plane ticket to go to...Yemen. "Well, I'll have an interesting time there," She mumbled.

A few minutes later, presents came to Draco and I. Draco groaned when he was handed a CD of Walk The Moon.

"Just appreciate it, sweetie, the band is fabulous, and plus, It's time you learnt more about muggles for once!" I reminded him.

The very last present was mine, and to my surprise, a huge, wooden crater was placed in front of me.

"Urm, what's this?" I was a mix of confused and eager.

"Open it," A loud, gruff voice boomed. It was Rubeus Hagrid.

"HAGRIIIIID!!!!" I dashed towards him and squashed him in a hug. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"

"Oooh, little 'Mione Granger!"

I lifted the lid of the crater and dumped it beside me. I couldn't believe my eyes when I peeked inside the crater. Curled up in a ball, breathing fire, was a baby dragon.

"Oh. My. God. It's an actual baby dragon!!! Hagrid you-"

"I found it wandering around on Hogwarts grounds and I thought I needed a trustworthy person to take care of it. So I picked you and Draco."

"Heyyy! What ab-" Harry was about to protest but McGonagall silenced him. He looked very upset.

"Wow! Thanks, Hagrid, but I need some sort of guidebook...I have no experience with Dragons!" 

"That's why I have this." He handed me a book entitled "A Guide To The Danish Thundersnout".

"Danish Thundersnout? Weird. Anyway, thank you so much for the present!"

"My pleasure, Mrs Malfoy." Hagrid winked and walked away.   

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