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"I better get back to work," Ginny sighed, slowly making her way back to her desk, looking unenthusiastic.

"Sure, Thanks for the help, Ginny." Draco smiled nervously. "And, sorry.  About your, um, brother." 

Ginny nodded, looking mournful. Draco had no regrets.

Draco and I disapparated back to the bookshop. By the time we arrived, everything was normal and my employees seemed to be doing great without me. Not a thing was out of place. Draco and I stared into each other's eyes. I realised that I was staring at a cruel, evil death eater. It was me that finally broke the eye contact.

"Sorry Draco, my employees kinda need me," I lied convincingly.

Just as I was going to break away, he pulled me back. I was quite surprised at his willingness.

"Wait," He begged. "Please, just today, just come to my house. Just today. Please!"

I'd never seen this side of Draco before. maybe he did have an ounce of kindness in him. 

"Ummmmm, okay, but promise me you won't do any of that dangerous death eater business." 

I saw sadness and worry on Draco's face. He looked devasted and upset at my recent comment.

"I'm sorry," I quietly apologised. "I didn't mean that."

"Let's talk about it at my house." Draco sighed. 


What was right in front of me did not look like Malfoy Manor. Instead, what was in front of me was a small riverside cottage with a garden full of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Lush patches of grass and trees were included. The cottage itself was only one storey, but from what I could see, a triangular-shaped attic was at the top.

I managed to blurt out a "wow" to Draco.

"I know," Draco replied, looking proud of himself. "It's beautiful, isn't it."

Since the cottage was on the other side of the river, we crossed a tiny wooden bridge to get there. on the handrails of the bridge were small carvings of different types of flowers. 

Inside Draco's home was just simple and neat. On the walls, there were framed photos of Draco kissing and holding hands with a woman. Astoria. I felt a pang of sympathy for Draco. The furniture looked very similar to a muggle store.

"I took a trip to the muggle world and I decided to purchase some new furniture from this place called Ikea," Draco explained. "Perhaps we should sit down. Tea, coffee, beer, what do you want to drink?"

"Water's fine thanks," I muttered.

I flopped on the couch, tired and bursting full of questions. Draco returned a moment later with a glass of water in one hand and he placed it on the coffee table in front of me. he then sat down in an armchair opposite me.

"I bet you have a lot of questions..."Draco sighed. "Go ahead."

"First of all, YOU'VE CHANGED A LOT!" I exclaimed. "Why did you move here? This is way different from Malfoy Manor!"

"Of all the things, Astoria taught me to be a kinder person. She said to me that I was not a death eater deep down inside. After she died, I decided to change myself. Treat life fairly. Turn over a new leaf." He replied solemnly at the mention of Astoria.

"I'm sorry about Astoria. We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to," I suggested calmly looking into his ocean-blue eyes.

"No, no, It's good to have someone to talk to."

"I've got plenty of questions, but today I'm just going to ask one more."

"Sure, go on"

"Why, out of all the people would you help and invite me here? You know I kind of, you know, didn't get along well with you at Hogwarts...just why?" 

Draco took a deep breath and started answering.

"Granger, I've liked you from the very first time we met. I wanted you. But I acted the way I was because I was a death eater from Slytherin and you were the smart, cute girl in Gryffindor. We had major differences. I wanted to tell you my feelings and explain everything, but I knew it would ruin you, Ron and Harry's friendship."

"You like me? You had a crush on me?" I gasped.

"Yes, Hermione, yes," Draco looked down at the floor, almost looking ashamed. "I should show you something...remember the graduation ball?"


"I had the worst time. You remember what happened right?"

"Not really"

"I'll show you my memory."

No one's POV. Draco projects a memory.

Hermione appears on the dance floor in a silken, white dress, her hair done up like an eighteenth-century European style. She wears golden earrings and pink high-heels.

Draco is already on the dance floor, sitting quietly on a small bench, alone. He is dressed in a tuxedo, his hair like a blond wave.

Couples and dates are dancing away to the music, enjoying themselves. This includes Ginny and Harry, they seem very relaxed.

Draco spots Hermione and skims her figure. "I wish," Draco mutters to himself. he keeps his eyes on her as she gracefully makes her way deeper into the crowd of dancing people.

"This could be the night," Draco says to himself again. he slowly stands up and walks in the direction of Hermione. "Breath Draco, Breath!"

Soon he is a metre away from her. It is time.

"Granger, would you-"Draco is interrupted and finds his path blocked by Ron.

"Hold on a minute," Ron angrily points at Draco. "Why are you, snake boy, death eater, talking to Hermione?"

"I just wanted to, um, ask her to, um, dance..."Draco stutters, nervous and worried because now a swarm of people have gathered around them to watch.


Everybody cheers and whoops and smiles for Ron. He earns some pat on the backs and some "good job"s.

Draco runs. From the corner of his eye, he can see Hermione staring at him in a sad way. He doesn't care anymore. 

He reaches the boys' bathroom and it is empty. He starts to cry.

The memory ends.

Hermione's POV

"Draco..." I said. "I don't know what to say, but I know what I can do..."

"Which is what?"Draco smiles softly at me.

I absolutely fell for that smile. I then leaned into him and kissed him lightly for a moment. We kissed more, deep in emotions. 

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