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Draco and I were sitting in dark, beautifully-carved wooden chairs, observing the chandelier which hung from the high ceiling. The wallpaper was a dull black, but at the end of the room, there was a fireplace. The feeling of the Manor was familiar, but not in a good way.

I was shaking so hard that it was noticeable. 

"Are you ok?" Draco put his hand on mine.

I looked into his ocean eyes and remembered the day we reunited at the bookshop. At that point, I knew I had to stay here for him.

Malfoy Manor had stayed the same, a deadly place to come. But not as deadly, ever since the Battle of Hogwarts had ended.

The door swung open forcefully and my heart rate jumped to an amount so high, I could hear my heart thump.

"Breath, Hermione, breath!" I screamed mentally to myself. "It's going to be over soon! Then you can go home, climb into bed and-"

"Granger, welcome back to the manor." The sound of Narcissa Malfoy's voice made me jump out of my skin.

I decided it would best not to reply. Who could guess what she'd do if I said the wrong thing?

"I said, Granger, welcome back!" She sternly said.

What was I to say? "Thank you"?

"Yep. The manor of blood and carving someone's arm." The words slipped out of me like a prisoner escaping from jail. That was a big mistake.

"Don't you dare say another word of that rubbish to your parents-in-law! It's all in the past now!" Lucius Malfoy banged his fist on the table, making it rattle.

I tried to push the memory of the carving out of my mind, but for some reason, it refused to go.

"Father, Mother, perhaps we should get the servants to bring us dinner now." Draco piped up.

"You still have...  servants?" I gasped.

"Yes, supporters of the Dark Lord, before he died, of course," Lucius said. "Draco, what a good idea. MORTICIA AND GUSTAVE GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE AT ONCE!"

I heard the sounds of rushing footsteps on the stairs. Soon enough, two black-haired servants were standing up straight in the front of the table.

"Bring us dinner, please," Narcissa said in a calmer voice than Lucius's.

I felt animosity boil in me. 

"I can't believe this! Do you treat people like that all the time? It's UNACCEPTABLE! You deserve NO ONE!" I yelled from across the table.

"And guess what," Lucius whispered in his usual low voice. "You don't deserve the love of my son."

Even Narcissa was appalled at the statement.

"Lucius...It's not..." She trailed off, with a pleading look on her face.

In the midst of the silence that followed, Morticia and Gustave served dinner, the plates of food even bigger than the ones at Hogwarts. I turned to Draco, who was staring at the floor. Narcissa was doing the same and Lucius was glaring at me.

"Gustave," He continued to stare at me. "One Butterbeer."

"Urm, the magic word, Sir."

"Just GET THE DAMN BUTTERBEER!" Lucius roared.

"Ye-yes, si-sir!" Gustave's bottom lip trembled.

"So, Hermione, how's the bookshop?" Narcissa awkwardly attempted to change the subject.

I was surprised when she called me "Hermione".  That was when I decided to forgive her.

"Doing well, I guess. Thank you," I glared at Lucius this time.

"Well you're feisty, aren't you?" He snapped.

"Can we just eat dinner in peace?" Draco protested.

I started grabbing fancy-looking cabbage rolls, disgusting-looking spaghetti and a single boiled egg.

Draco was stuffing food into his mouth violently. It was disgusting. He saw me staring and gave me an apologetic look.

"Home-cooked food!" He managed to say while spitting crumbs on me. "I haven't had in a while!"

In a more civilised manner, Lucius and Narcissa were using a knife and fork to eat their food. they were cutting roast beef, and when finished, I could see the pink inside.

I put a tiny amount of spaghetti on my fork and into my mouth. As soon as my tastebuds collided with it, I spat it out in disgust. Ew. Even worse, I spat it on Lucius's face.

For a moment he froze in terror. I thought he would groan in disgust at the saliva, but he made his reaction more specific:

"Eww, not mudblood spit!"

I had enough. "CALL ME MUDBLOOD AGAIN AND I WILL TEAR YOU TO SHREDS!" That was the last he saw of me. I stomped out.


"Thanks," I mumbled as I was given a steaming cup of coffee. Draco slumped next to me on the couch, making me spill a little bit of coffee.

"Hermione, I need to tell you something. When you left last night, Father said something to me. Actually, more like requested."

"What is it?"

"He told me to get divorced from you."

"WHAT!? No, you ca-can't do tha-that!" I felt a wave of confusion come to my head. I was determined to stay with Draco.

"I know. What can we do?"

"They're your parents, so you should think of something!"

"I don't want to divorce you!"

"Me neither! Please, what can you do??" I was desperate at this point.

"Never visit my parents again, that's what we'll do. I knew it was a bad idea to go last night!"

"Then, it's official, we are never going back there," I said firmly. And I meant it.


 the next morning, Tori approached me with a worried look.

"How was the dinner?' She asked.

"Things kinda went downhill."

"Ah. The Malfoys."

"Hey!" I gave her a playful shove. "I'm a Malfoy, remember?  

 "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just meant you know, what are their names?"

"Lucius and Narcissa. Wait, actually only Lucius. Narcissa is nice."

"That's unexpected. On the other hand, Lucius is just hateful and judgemental."


And with that, we went to stack some books.

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