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It was amazing. Much different from Ron's kisses. Ron mashed his mouth on mine, not aware that it was disgusting and it hurt. Draco's kisses, however, were soft, light and it felt like it actually meant something. Suddenly, I remembered the promise I made myself. I broke the peace and took my lips off Draco's.

"I'm so sorry Draco...I promised myself," I stuttered, looking into his eyes for the last time.

"Hermione, wait! Don't go! We can break these promises! Please don-" Draco didn't get to finish his sentence, because I started to run out of the cottage, through the door, away from the man I secretly loved.


I fumbled for my keys and I noticed it was getting dark. The keys were in my handbag, along with my phone, my wand, lipstick, tissues and an Instax photo of Ron. I breathed deeply and was about to step on it, but a hand snatched the photo away before I had a chance. I spun around, scared, but relieved when I saw it was Draco. But I was also nervous.

"Hermione," Draco cooed. "I know you are still scared from Ron...but I won't hurt you."

I calmed a bit and realised it was true. "Do you want to sleep here tonight?"

"That would be a pleasure."

"Alright, I will go set up the camper bed."

We entered the house and I noticed Draco was no longer holding the Instax photo. Good. he got rid of it.

The house brought many memories when I was by myself. Not good memories. Abuse, Ron shouting at me, me crying in the wardrobe to hide, bad memories. However, with Draco, the atmosphere felt different. Happier.

Draco nodded to a framed photo hanging on the wall. It was a photo of Ron's arms around me. Silly. After nodding to the photo, Draco gestured to the trash bin beside the kitchen. I got what he meant. But first I would do something different.

The hammer was located on the top draw in the kitchen. I took a deep breath, took it out and smashed the glass on the photo. Horrified, Draco ran to get a brush and broom. It took about five minutes to clear it up. I didn't regret a minute of it.

Since the actual photo was not harmed yet, I carried it outside and placed it on the ground and pointed my wand towards it.

"Wingardium Laviosa!" I swished and flicked my wand and the photo started to levitate. "Fly away, Ron! Fly away!"


I nuzzled against Draco on the couch and he smiled as I stared at him. I had to admit, he was quite handsome. A peaceful calm erupted around us as we kept snuggling.

Suddenly, someone burst through the door, holding a sharp dagger. I screamed as loud as I could. I felt like I could panic.

"DRACO!!! HELP!!!" I screamed. No reply. I turned to see him, but no one was there.

The intruder was wearing all black, dark material covering everything except the eyes. I recognised the eyes.

"Hermione..." The masked figure faintly spoke. The figure took off his hood, and there, in the bedroom, stood my ex-husband, Ronald Weasley. 

"HERMIONE,"Ron repeated a little louder this time."HERMIONE! HERMIONE!"

The "Hermione"s kept growing louder and louder, but now they were melting into Draco's voice. Bright rays of sunlight poured into the room, but Ron had disappeared and Draco was next to me.

"Hermione," Draco repeated one last time, very clearly.

I blinked and groaned. Draco must have let me sleep on the couch last night. "Sorry, I had a bad dream."

"You were moaning in your sleep, I was worried. About Ron?"

"Yeah. What time is it?"

"Nine in the morning."

I groaned once more and observed the room. A tray with a plate of French toast caught my eye. Perfectly cooked, from what I could see.

"Did you-" I muttered in utter amazement. 

"I used what you had in the kitchen, I'm actually an ok cook! A hidden talent!" He joked, laughing a bit.

I kissed him softly on the cheek and he blushed, looking surprised and cheerful. I felt warm and bubbly inside. I grabbed a piece of Draco's french toast and took an enormous bed.

"Oh, oh, oh," It tasted like heaven. "So good!"

Draco winked and hugged me. He also passed me The Daily Prophet. A new headline was on the front page:

Weasley Lied: Granger Was Abused

I was the happiest person on the planet. It was actually a good day for once in my life. But then it hit me.


"Oh yeah, take the French toast to go then. It's sacred." A grin spread across his face like a cheeky Cheshire cat. It was my turn to laugh.

I picked up a container from the kitchen and placed my breakfast in it. I packed my bag and left the house.

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