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The driver politely opened the limousine door for Draco and I to clamber in. I held my dress, careful not to trip over. I climbed in and sat comfortably on the leather seat to my far left. Being a safety nerd, I buckled my seat belt.

As we drove to our destination, I could observe the serene landscape and its tall bold trees. There were soft, green mountains that were calming to look at. I felt less worried about the night to come.


"Are you ready?" Draco asked as we took a moment to calm ourselves before entering the Grand Hall.

I nodded and breathed in. Hogwarts air never smelt better. I then exhaled.

I was half-half; excited and scared. What would people say of us? Some families knew and some families didn't. Draco and Hermione.

We entered the brightly-lit hall, with its floating candles and ceiling illusion. It felt wonderful to be in this hall again, after many years. All the families and other people were already there, so our family was the last ones to arrive. That's when the stares and sniggers started.

We ignored them as we made our way to spots in between the Longbottoms and the Potters, on the long wooden benches. Piles and plates of freshly cooked food lay endlessly on the narrow dining table.

At the very end of the table, I spied Ron relentlessly munching on chicken drumsticks, eating like a wolf. I even saw Padma Patil watch him in admiration. She kissed him and he continued eating vigorously.

Suddenly, Professor McGonagall appeared on the platform, dressed smartly in a long, black dress, exposing only her collarbone.

"Welcome, my dear witches and wizards, to the reunion of the class of 1999!"

A round of applause bounced off the walls of the hall.

"Today, we will be able to meet our fellow classmates after these long years! Its been a long time since graduation and I'm guessing many of us miss each other. So make the most of this time to re-connect and socialise! That's all I have to say...let's begin the feast!"

An even louder round of applause filled the hall.

Then, in the blink of an eye, everybody started feasting on salad, sausages, mashed potato, fried fish and more proper Western food. Plates of dumplings appeared out of the blue, both steamed and fried.

"Being very kind, a 1997 graduate, Cho Chang, has provided us with some dumplings! It's a wonderful change of cuisine for us all. And don't worry, we have vegetarian ones too!" McGonagall shouted over all the chatter from the tables.

"So, Ginny, Harry, is life good?' I casually asked.

"Ah, well, the kids become sassier each day, fighting us and their siblings. BY POST!" Ginny sighed.

"But you're lucky they send you letters, our kids are drifting apart from us, especially Scorpius, if you've heard," I whispered.

"I did. I'm not saying it's bad, but it's unusual,"

"I get that a lot, Ginerva. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to talk to Luna and Neville." I secretly felt mad, that Ginny was like others, calling it "unusual". But surprisingly, she was partially right. If it was full Slytherin blood, Draco and another Slytherin, I wouldn't be surprised. But Draco with me? I didn't know what to expect from the start.

I turned to my left, to see Draco already talking to Luna and Neville. Weirdly, they looked like they were getting along well.

"Hermione! I've missed you! God, your dress is so pretty!" Luna suddenly started talking to me.

"I've missed you too! How's you and Neville?"

"Fine." Then she started telling me a story, she and Neville moved out from their local village because there were too many goblins so they fell in love with this town named Camcila and now they're happily living there and they've met a nice wizard named Edward who runs a golf course and has three kids and one of them loves a Muggle show called Friends and YOU CAN DO ALL OF THAT TOO!

I was exhausted by the time Luna had finished reciting her incredibly boring story. Tough luck for Draco, as Luna started to repeat the story to him. I could see he was having the same reaction as me.

Neville grinned. "She likes to brag about it. I've survived it."

"Anyway, Professor Longbottom, how's the job here?" I asked, trying to be posh.

"Your kids are very attentive in my class, they top the class every day. They probably get it from you. My kids? They're always so embarrassed about their dad teaching them!" 

"One day, they'll realise they're quite lucky."

I scooped some dumplings onto my plate. They were delicious and warm. They melted in my mouth as I took my first bite.

"Draco, sweetie, we should have these more often!"

"I can attempt to cook them, at least I can try."

I heard the noise of someone tapping a wine glass. It was McGonagall, signalling everyone to be quiet.

"Silence, everyone! Now we will have three speeches from some selected people. First up, Luna Lovegood!"

I quickly realised what Luna was going to say for her speech. My eyes widened when I recognised her really annoying life story. After she had finished, Harry and Ginny walked confidently up to the platform.

Their speech was as boring as Luna's. Finally, it was our turn. 

"Ummm, Draco and Hermione Malfoy, please come up." McGonagall emphasized the "Hermione".

Draco and I made our way to the platform. For a moment, I stood there, hands shaking and beads of sweat dripping down my forehead.

"Hi everyone, I'm Draco Malfoy and we're speaking today to tell you-"Draco started speaking casually, but I interrupted him.


I gulped and covered my mouth when I heard myself. A loud gasp rose all around the hall. Even McGonagall looked bewildered.

I cleared my throat. "What I meant to say is," I started, a little less violently. "Draco and I are unhappy that your kids and some of you yourselves are teasing my children. They are kind children and-"

I was interrupted by a Hufflepuff. " Then why is one of your kids in Slytherin?"

"Shut up you stupid moron." I glared at him and continued speaking. "Plus, not all Slytherins are bad." I nudged Draco.

"Anyway, have our kids done anything wrong? Have we done anything wrong?"

Everyone stayed silent.

"Good. No, we haven't. So what's the point of directing all this garbage to our family? Just because I married Draco Malfoy, it doesn't give you the right to spew your crap. Draco has changed." I paused and added firmly: "And you know what...I'VE CHANGED TOO."

Draco was getting the vibe. He said: "And that's all you'll receive from us, people! Just consider it. We're done here."

My husband and I marched proudly back to our seats. I felt powerful. Strong. After a few moments of silence, a round of applause was given to us. There were some whistles and cheers and even a Slytherin yelled: "YEAH, MALFOYS!".

We grinned and bowed. Now dinner was over and the speeches were over and done with, it was time for the dance.

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