chapter 3

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"I don't even know where to start. Callie was, she was her everything. They were inseparable, I mean, like, that girl's heart bled for Callie Merlyn."


"Yeah but for now, I think it's best we head inside."


"Sara!" Barry called out, jogging over to where the blonde had been giving Mick instructions to be on his best behaviour at the wedding of their friends. She spun around, a smile on her face as she watched the groom jog lightly towards her.

The wedding was due to start any minute, but Barry knew that this was the first chance he had to really properly thank the woman for coming especially when he knew it was going to be hard for her.

"I just wanted to, um, thank you for being here after everything," Barry said softly, placing a gentle hand on the assassins shoulder. Sara could feel Oliver's eyes on her but she refused to break down at the thought of this being her and Callie's big day.

Her eyes glossed slightly as a few tears built up in them but she refused to let them fall. Her and Callie hadn't had this chance to show everyone their devotion but she wasn't going to let that ruin Iris and Barry's wedding for her.

"Thanks Barry," she muttered softly. Joe called out to Barry, reminding his son that the wedding was literally about to start. Kara was standing at the alter with a microphone, ready to sing the couple into the church. The speedster looked slightly conflicted for a second as he had wanted to continue to make sure that Sara was okay but he needed to go.

"Go," she said, a small smile on her face as she nudged him slightly towards the alter. "It's been three months since I last saw her, Barry. If I had known if would have been the last time, maybe I'd have done something different. But I didn't and now I have to pay the repercussions for that. This is your chance to do what I didn't get to do, so go!" She pushed him once more and the speedster forced a smile on his face as he jogged back over to the alter. Sara sat down beside Alex, faking a smile as the ceremony started.

Alex glanced slightly at the woman as she thought back to what Sara had just told Barry. Reaching out, she placed a soft hand on Sara's arm as the woman tried to fake a smile. Sara looked at the red-head, her smile becoming real as she thanked her silently for comforting her - even if she would deny it when anyone asked.


"Millie, a word?"

Millie moved away from the rest of the Nazi army as her brother called her over to where himself, Overgirl and Dark Arrow were standing. She knew that Earth-X Oliver had a different, German name but she had always promised herself that she would not internally call him by it. She hated the power that the word carried.

"I know this might be conflicting for you," Oliver told her, his voice stern as he eyed his protégée. There was no sympathy in his eyes for her at what was about to happen. "But we're going to remind you that this is your life now. These scum, they left you to die. You saw what happened after, they didn't even care for you. You are above them."

Millie nodded, almost believing the things that were leaving his mouth. Besides, they had already told her that they weren't going to the earth that she had lived on, so she knew that even if she did have to kill someone who looked like her friends it wasn't actually them. Tommy had warned her that they might even run into a different version of herself but it was all just a lie - not that she knew that.

They were going to her Earth. They were literally on the rooftop a few blocks away from where HER friends had gathered. There was no other 'Millie' - this Earth's version of herself was herself.

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