chapter 1

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Standing up, Sara let her hand fall from the grey marble and land back at her side. It had been a long few months, and not just because of the alterations that they had been attempting to fix throughout time. She had lost everything. The Waverider, her team, and just when she thought it couldn't get worse, she had lost the one person who meant everything to her.

As Sara stared at the marble, Oliver stood with the rest of her team as they watched her from a distance. Their black outfits all reminded them of the sad occasion that they had gathered for, and Oliver could even see that Barry was having to comfort his team in the distance too.

"I don't understand how this could have happened," Ray said, his eyes dull as he looked across the grass to where Sara was having a moment alone. "She was fine when we dropped her off."

Oliver gulped as he let Thea rest her head on his shoulder. Pulling her closer to him, he felt himself feel a little bit more empty as he lost another one of his friends. Tommy and Callie had been there for him his entire life and now, both of them were dead.

"We still have no idea how it happened," Diggle told the rest of the Legends, his mind picturing the exact scene they had walked into when they returned to Thea's apartment with the news that Callie had came back to surprise them. "She was already gone by the time we arrived."

When Team Arrow had returned to Thea's apartment, they had found the door smashed in and a thick trail of blooding leading across the room. Oliver had whipped out his portable bow that Cisco had designed but it hadn't mattered: the trail of blood had belonged to his friend. She was dead, cold and there was nothing anyone could have done.

"I can't really believe it," Jax told them all as Sara walked back across the Queen graveyard to stand with the rest of her team.

"She's dead. I've accepted that and the soon the rest of you do, the easier this will be," Sara told them all, the emotion drained from her voice. The blonde stormed away and everyone watched her with pity as she disappeared into the distance.


"Millie," the voice rang out, a rough tone but with a slightly caring touch laced in, "come here."

The raven-haired girl spun on her heels, dropping the sword as she followed the orders that she had been given. Crossing the room quickly, she wrapped her arms around the man as he rubbed her back slightly. He knew that she was throwing herself into training for a certain reason and while he knew what it was, if the rest knew it wouldn't be safe for her.

"Overgirl wishes to see you," he spoke firmly, holding her at arms length as he looked her up and down.

One difference that he found in this version of Millie was the scars that littered her body. His Millie had never been harmed, she was a warrior of such high level that no-one had ever even dared to challenge her because they knew she wouldn't hold back. This Millie however, she was certainly a different painting altogether.

The girl nodded as she pulled away from him, picking up her black towel from the rack beside her and wiping at the sweat that had formed around her neck. Ignoring the eyes of the soldiers that she had been training against, the girl headed up the steel stairs to reach the General's office.

She hadn't been here that long, but in the 3 years that she had lived there, Millie found herself stuck in a repeating loop. Eat, train, learn, kill, sleep. Those five things were almost as certain in her daily routine as the probability of blinking at least once a day. It had taken her some time to adapt to the new world that she was in but once her hope and morals had seemingly faded, there wasn't much left holding her back.

"You wanted to see me?" Millie asked the blonde who was seated in front of her. The woman nodded, letting the mask on her face dissolve as she closed the door for privacy. Not many of the soldiers were allowed to see the General's face, but Millie had never really been 'just a soldier'. It was Overgirl who had brought her into this life, and Millie knew that she probably would not have survived this long without her protection.

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