chapter 35

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"So, do any of these flashing screens actually do anything?" Damien asked as they stood in the Waverider bridge, trying to act like he wasn't even the slightest bit unnerved by Camilla Merlyn standing in the corner of the room, her hand resting on the gun attached to her hip. He knew he would be able to stop the bullet, but he would be lying if he said the girl didn't scare him slightly since she had managed to kill him before.

"Focus, Damien," Sara snapped, her eyes glancing over to Callie for the shortest second before looking back at the man who was looking around the ship in amusement. "How do we capture your demon daughter?"

"Um," Rip started talking, and Callie almost wondering if her bullet would be more useful inside the man instead of Damein. Rip had constantly pitted the team against each other and used them for his own gain time and time again, and she would be lying if she said the man didn't anger her. "If we coordinate a strike between the Legends and the Time Bureau, we might be able to take her down."

"How did that work for you in Victorian London?" Damien questioned, rolling his eyes as he looked between them all. "Besides, my little angel's only gotten more powerful since."

"Well your little angel will need put down if we can't get Mallus out of her, so I'd suggest you start being a lot more helpful if you don't want me to kill another Darhk," Callie told Damien, moving from where she had been standing in the corner of the bridge to fall into place beside Ray. The scientist had paled slightly at her words, and the rest of the team all shared looks knowing that while Callie was jumping the gun she was right - if they couldn't get Mallus out of Nora they would probably need to kill them both.

"What if we just ask Nora nicely? I did have a bit of a connection with her in Berlin..." Ray started, causing everyone - especially Damien - turn to look at him with a ridiculous look on their faces. Surely Ray wasn't suggesting what they all thought he was. "Not that kind."

"All right, maybe she'll listen to her dear old dad," Sara suggested, getting more frustrated by the conversation as it went on. 

"Not anymore. Nora only listens to Mallus now. He's always in her ear."

"That's it!" Ray exclaimed, even making Callie jump at little at how sudden it was. She knew a lot of her assassin traits had slowly been getting rusty since joining the team and they somehow always seemed to catch her by surprise these days. "What if I got inside Nora? Not like that. What if I shrunk down, flew into her ear and pretended to be Mallus?"

Everyone all shared thoughtful looks as Damien looked frantically between everyone trying to see if they were being serious or toying with him. He furrowed his eyebrows as he studied the shared look between Callie and Sara which seemed to almost feel like the two were both thinking the same thing.

"Okay, new guy on the team here. Is that a joke plan or a real plan?" Damien asked, noticing that Ava and Rip shared the same fed up expression that he wore. He sighed deeply as he noticed the Legends hadn't confirmed it was a joke which most likely meant they were being serious.

"We are so screwed," Ava muttered, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. Callie shot her an annoyed look as the agent avoided looking at the raven haired girl. She was well aware that Sara and Ava had fallen out, but she didn't think that Ava should be brushing aside suggestions that she knew the team would actually consider just because she was upset about the whole 'being a clone' thing.

"No, this could work," Callie spoke firmly, everyone turning to look at her as she looked across to Sara who slowly nodded in agreement. 

Sara snapped her fingers, catching on to her wife's train of thought. "We just have to convince her that it's actually him."

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