chapter six

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"Why were you with a Zvahl? And why did you come home so late?"

I roll my eyes at Ryder's overprotective comment. I don't have a curfew, and it's not like Laurance is going to hurt me. It's been proven to me that both Laurance and Ryder are making sure that nothing hurts me. I seriously doubt that Laurance would hurt me himself.

"You're constantly with Zvahls dumbass," I reply, and I walk down the darkened hallway to my room. I open the door and sigh at the sight of what my room really is. It's small, and I have little to no light source in my room. I have a single light on my ceiling and that's it. Most of my other light sources died a while ago, and nobody has fixed or replaced them. Who would? "Aren't you like, chasing after one?"

"She's flirting with me," he says following me into my room. The light comes on, and I plop down onto my bed. "I'm simply just doing it back because I. . . well I don't need to explain myself to you. You know what? Just go to bed already!"

"Alright mister grumpy pants. But it's eight o'clock and we all know that I won't."

He throws a pillow at my head and tells me to go to bed once again. The light goes off in my room, and I lay my head against the pillow. He shuts the door, and the little light I had left is gone. That's until my phone lights up next to me.

'Ryder seemed pissed. Everything alright?' I look at the contact to see that Laurance texted me. I chuckle at his text message, and I look towards the door to see if Ryder will slam it open.

'Yeah, I actually killed him.' I send back.

'Good to know that everything is alright! See you tomorrow beautiful~ ;)' I roll my eyes. You kinky lil' shit, I think in my head. I'll kill you one day.

Yet again another night of Ryder and myself staying alone in this broken home. Someday I'm going to leave this place and never look back. And when I do, I won't regret it. And with those thoughts, I fell asleep.

I'm awaken hours later to sunshine peaking through my blinds, and Ryder is nowhere to be seen. This is weird because ge normally is the reason I wake up in the morning. I either forget to set the alarm on my phone, or I sleep through it. Either way, Ryder is the reason I'm awake in the morning. What happened now?

I slip my lower body to the side of my bed, and the feeling of the cold floor instantly hits the bottom of my bare feet. I wrinkle my nose and throw the remaining blankets off of me.

I yawn as I stumble my way through my poorly lit room to my light switch. It flick it on and begin to get already.

I notice that I've run out of clean uniforms, and I see the uniform I wore last school day on the floor near my bed. I pick it up and examine it. It's not too wrinkly, nor does it smell bad. If anything, I'd just put a little body spray or something on.

I finish getting ready and on my way out of my room I catch my reflection in my mirror. Normally my reflection doesn't affect me before I go to school, but today is different.

Who I see in the mirror looks strangely happy for some reason. Is this because of Laurance? I question myself.

I tilt my head to the side, and the reflection in the mirror does the same. The person in the mirror and the person standing in front of the mirror can't be the same people. I reach out to the reflection, and they do the same back. I end up accepting the fact that the person in the mirror is me, and I'm genuinely happy for once.

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