7: Watch Over Me

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"Watch over me"

"I can make it"


At first, I didn't see him.

He had a black mask that covered his dark skin, and he blended against the bleak and shaded background of the building. In fact, he seemed to melt into the darkness of the room behind him, as he comically stuck his head out and stared at me curiously.

It looked cute for some reason, yet it was terrifying at the same time. He tilted his head as he stared at me intensely, seeming to scan every detail. His eyes embarrassingly stopped at my pink hair and I resisted the urge to tug my hood down lower.

Was this the big, scary dude who I was doing a shady deal with?

He reminded me more of a psychopathic child who you'd never guessed dealt drugs to unsuspecting eyes on the streets.

I couldn't even identify any distinct facial features of the guy; nothing that would indicate that this was the right person. The only openings in the black mask were for his dark eyes, small nose, and tanned lips. I wouldn't have been able to tell the person's gender if Jooheon hadn't told me beforehand.

He leaned over the windowsill, which made me scared for him because I thought he'd fall over, considering how broken the entire building was.

Thankfully (or unfortunately?), he remained in place and eerily raised his hand at me, which was covered in a dark glove. He wiggled his fingers, almost as if he was waving at me.

I wasn't sure whether to be scared or wiggle my fingers back.

However, he spoke, so I didn't have to.

"You're not Jooheon," Was the first thing he said as if it were such an oddity.

"Indeed," I replied, unsure of what else to say. "I'm not Jooheon."

"Then who are you? We would like to know," He said, voice at a low rumble as he gestured to the other windows of the strange building.

Several heads popped out and curious eyes met mines, each face masked by more black bags.

I started fidgeting. This situation was dangerous; there was so many of them that I hadn't even noticed standing by the window, now looking down at me like I was prey. How many more here, hiding in the cover of the shadows, right under my very nose?

The man whom I was talking to, the seeming boss of the group, laughed at the surprised look on my face.

"There's a lot of us here, isn't there? You can share your name so we can share ours!" He practically giggled.

Shivering, I watched as he looked down at me like he was crazy, like they were all crazy.

When Jooheon said that I was meeting with a bunch of influentials, I had never imagined this.

Hesitating, I cleared my throat before muttering out, "Kihyun."

"I'm sorry?" He asked, smiling as he held a hand near his ear. It was clear that he had heard me and was simply messing with me.

"KIHYUN!" I yelled, cheeks burning. "My name is Kihyun!"

All of them let out low rumbles of laughter, further embarrassing me. The leader himself let out a scary cackle as he stared back down at me as if I was a new source of entertainment for him.

"Well," He started, adjusting his mask and trying to stifle his laughter. "Nice to meet you Yoo Kihyun!"

I froze at the sound of my last name. I hadn't mentioned it to him.

He simply laughed at my reaction as I asked in a shaky voice, "How did you know my last name? You know who I am, somehow."

He spread his gloved hands out, almost bumping it into the windowsill, and said, "I know everyone Kihyun! Yet nobody knows me. At the same time, they do! I know all about you, Hyungwon, Minhyuk, Shownu, Jooheon, Wonho, and Changkyun. I know everything about anything!"

I unknowingly took a step back. Jooheon told me he was wild, but I never imagined he would be this insane.

"Well? You clearly came here for a reason. You just had to trash my place with that dead body," He frowned, glancing over at the forgotten body bag. "I don't like the smell of blood after 12, it makes me sneeze!"

The rest of them laugh and I let out a shaky laugh too, as I muttered out an apology.

His expression turned serious as he studied me again in silence.

"You do know that the government illegalized the flowers? If you mutter a word about this to anyone or a word about me, you'll get me arrested and kicked out of my high-ranking job," He sniffed. "And that won't be good, would it?"

"I won't tell anyone about you or the flowers," I promised, putting my hands up in an unwilling surrender. "I'll just take the flowers and leave."

"And can I ask what you need it for?" He asked, leaning forward with a curious glint in his shadowed eyes. "It may not be my place to ask but as the provider, I fear I must know."

I stiffened. We weren't supposed to share out this information out with others, yet I was worried that he'd cancel the deal if I didn't tell him, if I didn't gain his trust.

"We're using it for a special project," I said vaguely. "You of all people know the power of the flowers and what it can do."

"Indeed I do," He said, with a proud nod. "Jooheon's handling the transaction correct? If we don't get our money we'll be very upset."

I nodded in reply.

"Well let's get started, shall we? Before we do anything, do you agree to let us lead you to the flowers?"

I slowly nodded again and he clapped his hands in glee.

"Great!" He cheered, like a little kid. "Then get the head bag boys!"

I froze.

"The what?"

"The head bag! You're not allowed to see where the flowers are so we have to blindfold you!" He giggled.

I watched in waiting for horror as two bagged man left their spot on the windowsill and a few more left their spots, disappearing in the darkness.

"W-wait I didn't agree to any of this!" I protested weakly.

"Yes, you did silly! You just agreed to let us lead you! This is part of the process."

Before I could get the next word out, my words were muffled as a bag was thrown onto my head, and I was submerged in complete darkness.


Timestamp; 1:22-1:24.

Check out my new ff sheep for a new style of writing! Don't forget to vote on both!

Next update will be this Sunday, 7/22.

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