12: Bring Me Victory

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"My goddess"

"Bring me victory"


They were taking me somewhere.

I was planning on fighting back as soon as they had placed the bag on my head and tugged me backward, but then I realized how outnumbered I was. There was at least 20 of them in the windows next to that man, not to mention the ones that were hiding in the darkness. They most definitely had weapons.

There was no way I would win if I fought back.

Besides, I trusted that they would take me to the flowers. As shady as these guys seemed, they didn't seem likely to break their promise. I knew that I had an invisible shield over me that protected me from any harm; the fact that Jooheon could do anything to them if I was harmed.

The fact that I was sent here by Jooheon was the only thing keeping me safe right now.

However, just because I was going along with their ways, doesn't mean that I was letting my guard down. I knew that these guys were risky and that without a weapon I was in a lot of danger.

The ground was uneven and difficult to walk on, especially when two people were shoving me hard in the back as I walked. They didn't tie my hands or anything, only made sure that the bag was firmly placed on my head.

They surely didn't seem worried about me escaping, they seemed focused on making sure I couldn't see where we were going. They probably wanted to keep this a secret, judging by the serious expression of the creepy leader when he asked me to keep silent about where they were taking me.

They seemed to take this very seriously.

Judging by the heavy footsteps I couldn't tell how many men were with me, but it seemed to be a lot. We took several twists and turns; one time they even spun me in a 360, to make me more confused I suppose. The loud echoes made it clear that we were still in the alleyway, but I never knew that it went in this deep.

This place seemed to hide many secrets from outside eyes.

After one last turn, they suddenly grabbed my shoulders and stopped me. I could hear footsteps slowly walking away until it seemed that I was only left with two people.

One leaned close to my head and gruffly muttered, "Count to 30 and then take the bag off. Head into the door with the X and take as many flowers as you need."

"Don't take the bag off before then," Another one added. "Boss wouldn't like that."

I nodded in response, eager to get it off. It was sweaty and uncomfortable and the faster I could get away from these people the better.

"Alright, start counting," The first one said.

They both let go of my shoulders and I could hear the sounds of their footsteps walking away and, strangely, the sound of a door closing. Were we inside of a building? I was so unaware of my surroundings that I had no clue.

I started counting down to 30 in my head and as I counted I suddenly inhaled a powerful smell, making me nearly lose track of what number I was.

The smell was so nauseous and familiar that I nearly threw up in disgust. I never thought I'd have to smell it again.

It was the unmistakable scent of the purple flowers, addicting and alluring as it was. The smell was like I had experienced before, only magnified. I knew that there were flowers nearby, and judging by the smell, there was a lot of them.

I had reached the end of my count to 30, but I counted a bit more, only because I was embarrassingly scared of what would happen if I counted too fast. I wasn't about to take any chances.

Grabbing the loose black bag around its end, I quickly pulled it off and blinked as my eyes adjusted to the bright light coming in front of me.

I was inside some building, made out of dull, concrete walls that were fading away and covered in graffiti. There was only one window nearby, and that let in little light. I could hardly see anything outside of it anyways except for taller concrete walls.

The most interesting thing was the door set a few feet in front of me. Made out of metal, a bright light was coming from the window set within it. The window was covered with a series of metal chain links and a tarp.

The strangest part was the large, purple and black X that had been spray painted onto the tarp, very neatly and carefully.

The colored X was a symbol that we were starting to see more often, as it had become an iconic symbol of the rebellion. It was spray painted at every victory, at every place that was treasured by those against the government. It was rarely seen in open places as it could easily get you in trouble if you had a symbol like that.

Slowly approaching the door, the strong odor of flowers became even stronger, and I wrinkled my nose in disgust. It seemed to be pulling me closer and closer, like an unknown force slowly tugging me into its grasp.

Grasping the door handle tightly, I slowly pulled it open to reveal a large, warehouse-like space.

And covering the entire space was row upon row of violet flowers.

Small lights hung down from the low ceiling and light up a few passages way through space. The flowers were evenly placed on beds of soil, contained in spaced out metal boxes. On each flowering plant, about ten or more flowers blossomed and on each flower bed were about a dozen plants.

There were way too many flowers in the room.

It reminded me of the day when we were in the empty warehouse, surrounded in flowers just like these, recklessly messing with something we weren't supposed to touch.

Well, what was new?

We were still the same, messing with flowers and doing things that we shouldn't be. Getting into dangerous situations and then whining when we have no solution out of them.

Inhaling the addicting scent once more, I stepped into the room to repeat bad habits once more.


Timestamp is 1:50-2:05.

We've reached the halfway point! Thanks for sticking with this series and thanks newcomers for checking this story out. The second part of the clan doesn't have as much plot as the first one so thanks for staying, it means a lot ;)

Next update will be this Sunday, 8/19. Thanks for the read and don't forget to vote!

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