6: Just Believe

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"Just believe"

"I want to be stronger than the me of yesterday"


I wondered.

Most of what I did there was wondering, thinking, it's all the same.

I wondered about how long I would be here.

I wondered if they had stuffed my case into the back of a closet and never planned on looking at it again. 

I wondered how my friends were doing.

Sure I despised them now for being free while I was stuck here. Sure it wasn't their fault but I still felt the need to take it out on them. Regardless, I wondered if they were happy out there.

I wondered with the world was like.

I heard vague descriptions from the guards outside of my jail cell and from what I've heard so far, it's been chaos. There was the talk of countless fights, casualties, and uprisings. From the big city to the outskirts and nowhere, everybody was starting to pick sides.

For the most part, it seemed to be the government versus the people, which isn't a good combination in itself. However, to make the mix even more confusing, the guards were mostly talking about people who were taking the government's side.

Everybody wanted change, whether it meant tearing down the messed up political system and rebuilding, or trying to maintain what we had now and getting rid of all opposition. 

I sighed, staring the blank walls of my cell, wondering, like always.

What side would I take, when I was released?

If anything, I seemed sure about wanting to overthrow the government and bring a new one, but which side was most likely to succeed? The last war had clearly proven that the government was stronger than the people, no matter how many were on either side.

Would I rather take the easy way out?


The harsh clicking noise of heeled boots suddenly echoed through the cell hallway as hushed voices spoke. The blinding beam of flashlights lit the room like a set of circus spotlights.

I quickly closed my eyes and slumped against the wall. I was supposed to be sleeping peacefully in my cell since it was now night, not lying awake. I hadn't been caught doing anything wrong in my cell so far since I had first been arrested, but I don't want to know what'd happen if I was.

Through my closed eyelids, the darkness suddenly lit up with white light as the guard's shined their flashlights over my cell and continued on. 

I could hear one of them gruffly clear their throat and announce, "Every inmate seems to be asleep sir."

A female voice then said, "Okay everyone, switch positions!"

I knew this was a thing that they did every night since I was awake for it each day. At 3 in the morning, they would always switch places, like a sort of shift system.

I usually stayed up for the gossip, though I was disappointed and confused by the amount of silence today. Usually, the guards seemed giddy and childish, while today they just seemed to be serious and somber with each word that they spoke.

Two guards seemed to move around the hall; I could tell by the sound of their feet. They finally seemed to come to a rest, though one was impatiently tapping their foot, the sound of heel against floor resounding throughout the hall.

I could barely hear, but one of the guards seemed to whisper, "Did you hear what happened at the courtroom today?"

From the sound of the voice, they seemed to be right in front of my cell, and their voices seemed to be directed towards me, meaning that they were facing me, looking at me. I prayed that they wouldn't notice that I was still awake; I would hate for today to be the day I was caught.

Thankfully, they didn't seem to notice anything, because they continued their conversation.

"The courtroom apparently meet again about Shownu's case and what to do with it." The guard continued.

The other guard, sounding confused, asked. "A remeeting? But I thought they decided months ago that they'd discard the case and keep him here forever. I was there. They were adamant about not letting him out.

I lay there, heart pounding. They were talking about me, they were talking about my case. The guard was saying that the court had a remeeting about me.

I felt euphoria and hope surge within me and struggled to keep my excitement to myself.

"My point exactly," The first guard replied. "It was the strangest thing. What would they be meeting about?"

At this, the sound of more footsteps came and stopped in front of my cell. This time, a female voice spoke.

"I overheard from the guards outside of the courtroom! I was there myself," she said.

"Well, what did you hear?" The second guard asked.

"You won't believe it when I tell you! It was apparently because of Jooheon, you know, that troublesome, new government official?"

My breath stilled at the sound of Jooheon's name, unable to process what I'd just heard.


This was because of Jooheon?

What did he want now?

"Of course I know that Jooheon," The first guard seemed to growl. "That former government official, that fake. He's like, what, five? He has no business with that title of his in my opinion."

The second guard laughed and said, "Exactly, yet he has them wrapped around his little thumb just because he has strange abilities to meddle with those useless flowers... completely useless in my opinion, he is."

The female replied with, "Well apparently he was the one who organized the remeeting, though I'm surprised. I thought he had something against Shownu, so then what's he calling a remeeting for? Maybe to dig up more dirt on him? Get him into further trouble?"

I had gotten my hopes up for nothing. That was probably all that he wanted, that was all that he cared about, to ruin my life further. Not call a remeeting to clear my name. Why would he do that? He was the one that sent me here in the first place.

I wasn't sure what was worse than a life sentence in prison, but I'm sure that Jooheon would find a way to make my life more miserable than it already is. Just for his pleasure.

Because he's always been sick like that.

I had lost track of what the guards were saying, and they all seemed to be in a fit of laughter. They had probably made some joke about me like the guards always do when they think I'm not looking.

"Anyways," The first guard said, trying to stifle his laughter. "What did the meeting end with? What was the result?"

At this question, the female's laughter immediately died off.

"I didn't mention earlier? Shownu's getting a retrial to prove his innocence."


The timestamp is 1:18-1:21

Check out my new story, Sheep (it's a BTS Jin ff) for a different style of writing!

This is unedited and I might change it later to make this chapter cleaner.

Next update will be this Thursday, 7/15! Feel free to support by voting and commenting!

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