1: Hands Up

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"Hands up higher"



In the darkness, nothing but black surrounded me.

"Thwack! Thwack!"

I threw one punch, then another. The pain stung me yet I continued on. It was a familiar feeling.

Right, left, right, a never-ending pattern. Hitting head high then chest level, I released all that was within me into the dented wall as if punching it would get me somewhere, anywhere away from the familiar sights of the damp room.

Yet each punch against the brick wall resulted in minimal damage. Warm blood streaked down from my peeling knuckles, as old scabs reopened again.

Sweat traced a slow path down my cheek and I refused to wipe it away. I remained in the same posture and refused to stop throwing aggressive yet meaningless punches at the ruined wall.

The gray bricks of the wall seemed to fade into shadow. There was no light down here. There never was. I relied on my senses to navigate my way in my minuscule cell. There were no other sounds except the loud noise of knuckle against the brick.

With every punch, a frustrating thought seemed to release from me. Picturing all of what I hated before my eyes, I imagined I was punching that, rather than the meaningless wall.

It was the only way to keep me sane.


A punch to the guards who had thrown me in prison.


A punch to Jooheon, who betrayed us.


A punch to my father, who left me before I had a chance to save him.

And on and on and on I went until the knuckles of my hand felt numb. The most damage done to the wall was a slight crack, or maybe even a chip to the brick. There were small streaks of red mixed with it.

It gave me a strange sort of satisfaction to see the sight. To see that I could do some damage, that I could do something down here in this dark cell.

The one thing that drove me insane during my time here was my inability to do anything. I had no news of the outside world, no way to help with the rebellion that was stirring up the country. Instead, I had to sit here and hope for the best.

I wondered how long it would take for the others to get me out. How hard could it be to convince the government to release me? Or even break me out? The security here is lax anyways. Couldn't they gather bail money, someway, somehow? I'm pretty Wonho's family was well off.

Why was I still here?

When we had first been captured, that night when we were cornered in the forest, they had thrown us all down here, shouting at us to put our hands up and surrender, to give in and stop fighting.

Of course, we fought back. We still had the spirit of hope and freedom within us, the excitement of having just cheated death and devastation.

Yet it never was enough.

At least then we had been together, at least then I had somebody else that was stuck here, in this situation, with me.

However, one by one they started to be released after a series of interrogations. Jooheon was the first to leave, followed by Kihyun, and then, after much difficulty, Changkyun and Wonho, as they were apparently suspected for assisting Minhyuk in burning the church. All four of them were set free.

Yet Minhyuk, Hyungwon, and I remained. Only a few days after the others were released, Minhyuk and Hyungwon were transferred somewhere else; I'm not sure where but I think it's the medical department. For what reason they were transferred I have no clue.

But in the end, it came down to one final interrogation, which Jooheon completely ruined for me on purpose. They found out that I was the one who had robbed that bank and they threw me in here for a life sentence. I'm sure it's just because they dislike me; rarely anyone gets a life sentence for robbing a bank.

So I was stuck here, in dark isolation. No word of what was going on in the chaotic world outside of my lonely cell.

No idea if any of my friends were safe.

No idea if I was even remembered by these so-called friends.

Just me, my fists, and the brick wall. That was all that I had.

That was all I had for weeks.

And spending so much time here has forced me to think, just think about everything, about all mistakes I've ever made down to the tiniest error, even if I didn't care.

Even if I didn't want to review what I did wrong.

The worst part of it all was being left idle to my thoughts.

No matter how hard I tried to push it away and focus on some other mindless, pointless activity in my cell, it never worked. My thoughts flowed through my mind as if a dam had burst and allowed water to rush at impossible speeds.


I was facing painful regret.

While part of me, the side I show the most, was blaming Jooheon for it all, for encouraging me to rob the bank, it wasn't his fault in the end.

It was mine.

He was just someone I used to mask the truth.

I agreed to rob the bank, I didn't try to go against his wishes or argue and I was the one that carried out the misdeed in the end.

No wonder I was here.

I was guilty after all.

And I was left here to accept my guilt, alone, in the darkness.


This is pretty short but I can't draw it out longer.

Should I give time stamps for each chapter so you know which chapter goes along with which part in the M/V? This chapter is based on 0:00-0:17 in the Fighter M/V.

Updates will be the same as the first book; every Sunday and Thursday. The next update will be 7/1, this Sunday.

Thanks for supporting this series and don't forget to vote! Again most credit goes to Monsta X for the plot.

Fighter M/V:

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