9: Ring the Bell

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"Ring the bell"

"I'm gonna fight for love"


They left almost immediately afterward.

That was it. Just a life-changing statement said, and then they simply left, as if they had no other use of standing in front of my cell and spoiling me any longer.

So for the rest of the agonizing night, I lay there, wide awake yet forced to pretend to sleep, one thought chasing after another. 

How was I supposed to feel about this whole thing? I wasn't sure.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help but get my hopes up. After weeks of waiting here I finally got news that they would do something with me, they would finally make a decision.

Despite the fact that they did a trial months ago, the ending decision was vague and unclear. Many officials had actually ruled that a life sentence for me was too long, in fact, the original trial was working in my favor. However, in just a night of discussion, the opinions flipped, simply because Jooheon was a new factor to the trial.

Yet now, I was getting another chance.

And apparently, it was thanks to him?

I'm sure that the trial would end the same way it did last time. Jooheon had surely requested this trial on my behalf just so he could ensure that I'd really never get out, just so he can humiliate me and make my reputation worse than it already was.

I'm sure those were his intentions.

Regardless, this was still an opportunity. While it'll be difficult, largely because of Jooheon and existing connection to Hyungwon and Minhyuk, I was going to try and get out of here. I would fight tooth and nail, I would use my words in my favor and formulate the perfect plan to convince them, the perfect plan to make them change their minds and prove that I was poor, scared, teenage boy.

Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. 

Huffing in frustration, I cracked open my eye as if hoping for the guards to come back. I was anxious; I wanted to know more of what was about to happen. 

When was the retrial? 

They had mentioned that it was sometime soon, but the meeting had been seemingly only a few hours ago. 

What if the retrial was months away?

I'm not sure I could last any longer in here.

But then again, what if the retrial was in a few days? Maybe even hours? 

I was completely in the dark.

I was sure I'd screw this up too, as I always did. No matter how many plans I make, no matter how much thought I would put into this, the trial wasn't going to go in my favor. How could it, when most influencers on the judging panel didn't like my friends and me?

With my back facing the cell opening, so they couldn't see my front, I put my hands in a prayer in front of my chest, silently wishing for my father to send me luck, some hopeful twist of fate.

"Please," I practically begged in my mind. "Please let me get out of here father. I don't want to be stuck here, I want to be living in your name."

I missed him. 

I missed all of it.

And that's why I wanted to get out of here so desperately. 

What would it be like to see the bright light of the world again?

What was even happening in the world anymore?

I wanted to know.

I really wanted to know.

And hopefully, this trial would let me. 


Timestamp 1:31-1:36

This is literally half the length of my usual chapters :( I tried to make it longer, I really tried, but I don't want it to be repetitive and I feel like sticking to what we need rather than a word count number is better. The next chapter in comparison will be extremely long because a lot of things happen then!

Next update will be this Sunday, 7/29.

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